
香港政府博士生奖学金: https://cerg1.ugc.edu.hk/hkpfs/index.html 

香港大学土木工程系助理教授汪家继课题组现招收结构工程专业博士生。来自顶尖高校(如中国内地的C9中国香港、美国、欧洲、日本、新加坡)的教育部国家奖学金(或一等奖学金)获奖者,强烈建议申请香港博士奖学金计划(HKPFS)和香港大学校长奖学金(HKU-PS),成功入选者每年将由香港研究资助局和香港大学提供的四年合计165万港币奖学金(约合150万人民币)。香港大学将为上述获奖者确保首年学校住宿。 未成功入选者也可享有每1.9万港币的奖学金。



香港大学奖学金待遇介绍:香港大学土木工程系现有教职员工约30人,在校本科生400余人,研究生500余人。该系提供各种学术课程,包括土木工程学士、硕士和博士学位。土木工程系连续多年位列QS世界大学学科排名世界前30名。近年来,香港大学土木工程系依托国家自然科学基金和香港地区等资助单位的项目资助,取得了大量国际前沿的研究成果,在国际上形成了广泛的影响力。香港大学博士生全额奖学金待遇为19270港币/月,特别优秀的博士生申请人有可能申请香港大学校长杰出博士生奖学金(每年资助40万港币以上)或其他奖学金资助。诚恳欢迎对这一职位有兴趣的博士生申请人将简历、成绩单和研究陈述(包括研究经历和未来研究计划)以邮件形式发送至汪家继博士邮箱(cewang@hku.hk),并注明:PhD candidate application at HKU. 符合条件的申请人会得到面试通知。申请截止日期为2025年10月1日。








Call for PhD fellowship candidate: Hong Kong Government PhD Fellowship Recruitment - Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Hong Kong, Dr. Wang Jiaji 

Hong Kong Government PhD Fellowship: https://cerg1.ugc.edu.hk/hkpfs/index.html 

Dr. Wang Jiaji, Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Hong Kong, is recruiting one fully-funded PhD student in structural engineering. Outstanding applicants from top universities (such as C9 in Mainland China, the University of Tokyo in Japan, and the National University of Singapore) who have received national scholarships from the Ministry of Education (or first-class scholarships) are strongly encouraged to apply for the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) and the Presidential Scholarship of the University of Hong Kong (HKU-PS). Successful candidates will be provided with an annual living allowance of HK$1.65 million for 4 years with tuition fees waived. HKU will ensure on-campus accommodation for the awardees. Unsuccessful candidates may still be eligible for an annual scholarship of HK$18,000 and a tuition fee waiver. Dr. Wang Jiaji's research will focus on the integration of rapidly developing machine learning methods with computational mechanics, structural engineering, supercomputing, and other fields. His research areas mainly include: solving or exploring partial differential equations using physics-driven machine learning methods, establishing digital twin models of engineering structures using data-driven machine learning methods, structural health monitoring technology based on machine vision and artificial intelligence, large-scale structural dynamic response simulation based on high-performance computing platforms, simulation and design optimization of large complex steel-concrete composite structures, and intelligent structural isolation and vibration reduction based on periodic metamaterials. PhD students will have access to cutting-edge supercomputing resources during their research. Dr. Wang Jiaji has established good cooperation with many frontier research groups in the United States, Japan, and Europe. The expected enrollment date is September 2026. Professional requirements: Applicants should have completed a bachelor's degree or higher in civil engineering (or structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, disaster prevention and mitigation, hydraulic engineering, transportation engineering, etc.) or other related fields (mechanics, mathematics, computer science and technology, etc.) before the enrollment date. English language requirements can be found at https://gradsch.hku.hk/prospective_students/application/admission_requirement Introduction to scholarships at the University of Hong Kong: The Department of Civil Engineering at HKU has about 30 faculty members, over 400 undergraduate students, and over 500 graduate students. The department offers various academic programs, including bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees in civil engineering. The Department of Civil Engineering has been ranked in the top 20 in the QS World University Subject Rankings for several years. Members of the Department are actively engaged in innovative research and new technologies in the areas of construction engineering and management, geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, transportation engineering, and water and environmental engineering. The Department has established three research centers to promote interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary collaboration, impactful research within HKU and the faculty, including the Centre for Environmental Engineering Research, the Centre for Innovation in Construction and Infrastructure Development, and the Centre for Water Technology and Policy. The Department has led numerous large-scale interdisciplinary competitive research projects funded by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council, government, and industry. The Department also has many major facilities and laboratories in the areas of building informatics, structural engineering, modular integrated construction, environmental hydraulics, environmental engineering, carbon neutrality, geotechnical engineering, and more. In recent years, the Department of Civil Engineering at HKU has achieved a large number of internationally leading research results, supported by projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation and the  Hong Kong region, and has formed a wide range of influence internationally. The full scholarship for PhD students at HKU is HK$18,030 to HK$18,520 per month, and exceptionally outstanding PhD applicants may apply for the HKU Presidential Outstanding Doctoral Student Scholarship (with an annual funding of over HK$400,000) or other scholarship support. Interested PhD applicants are sincerely welcome to send their resumes, transcripts, and research statements (including research experience and future research plans) by email to Dr. Wang Jiaji (cewang@hku.hk) with the subject line: "PhD candidate application at HKU". Qualified applicants will be notified for interviews. The application deadline is October 1st, 2025. Information on PhD student applications at the University of Hong Kong: 



Homepage of Jiaji Wang:



Jiaji Wang (汪家继)

PhD, Assistant Professor

Department of Civil Engineering

Haking Wong building, Room HW604

The University of Hong Kong

Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong SAR

Jiaji Wang joined the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Hong Kong as Assistant Professor in Jan 2023. He obtained his Ph.D. from the laboratory of Steel and Composite Steel-Concrete Structures at Tsinghua University and served as JSPS postdoctoral fellow at Kyoto Unviersity. Enthusiastic about applying high-fidelity computational methods in structural analysis and design, Jiaji’s researches are mainly focused on two topics: (1) High fidelity constitutive models for reinforced concrete and composite structures and  (2) Seismic performance and design recommendations of RC shear walls and composite shear walls under tension-bending-shear load, (3) Physics-informed machine learning for structural engineering.


Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University.

Mentored by Prof. Jianguo Nie, Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE)

Research field : Steel and Composite Steel–Concrete Structures; High-fidelity constitutive modelling of steel and concrete material

Dissertation topic : Development, validation and application of novel computational simulation tools to capture the hysteretic response and failure of RC and composite shear wall structures under seismic loads

Visiting scholar, Northeastern University, Boston, USA. 

Mentored by Prof. Jerome F. Hajjar, member of National Academy of Engineering (NAE)

Research topic: Developing and validation of nonlinear triaxial constitutive model of concrete 

B.S. in Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University. (With honors · GPA: 92.11/100 · Ranking: 1/102)

Thesis topic: Computational study on static coefficients of box girder section for long-span bridges.

Research Interest 1: Novel constitutive models for high fidelity simulation of structures 

· Modified fiber beam–column element for steel, RC, and composite frame members considering rebar anchorage slip deformation and cracking width prediction

·Bi-directional and triaxial constitutive model of concrete based on fixed crack formulation to simulate the shear softening and pinching effect of concrete

·Successfully implemented the famous ATENA concrete model based on rotating crack formulation into both ABAQUS standard and ABAQUS explicit solver

·Validated the proposed concrete model using the seismic test result of 98 shear wall tests and panel tests throughout the world reported in the past 30 years 

·Proposing shear design methods for shear critical composite shear walls

·Proposing average crack spacing predicting models for high-precision crack width prediction

·Prospective development of numerical simulation of ultra-high-rise buildings and complicated engineering structures under severe loading conditions

·Revealed the internal force transfer mechanism and proposed novel shear design methods for composite shear walls 

Research Interest 2: Seismic performance and design recommendations of RC and composite shear walls under tension-bending-shear load 

· First completed four RC shear tests and ten composite shear wall tests under combined tension-bending-shear load. The test results first revealed the anchorage failure of composite shear walls under combined tension-bending-shear load.

 ·Damage assessment of RC and composite members based on advanced image processing techniques 

· Seismic design methods for tension-bending-shear combined loading

· Design recommendations for improved anchorage of foundations of composite shear walls

Research Interest 3: Steel concrete composite strengthening of existing RC structures 

·The innovative steel plate concrete composite method is used for shear retrofit and the shear force of steel is less than the perfect yield strength required by code.

·The developed finite element model well predicts the force transfer mechanism and the simplified design formula for shear strength is proposed with high accuracy. 

Publications: SCI Journal Papers 

Publications: Conference Contributions

Publications: Chinese Journal Papers 

Journal reviewer

Engineering Structures; ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics; ACI Structural Journal; ACI Material Journal; Advances in Structural Engineering; Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering; International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials; Structural Concrete; Structures 


ASCE associate member (American Society of Civil Engineers)

AISC member (American Institute of Steel Construction)

JSPS postdoctoral fellow (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
