Tic Tac Toe : Multi-level
Play the multi-level version of the classic game of Tic Tac Toe against the computer. You can choose the classic 3 x 3 game board or up the challenge by choosing a board up to 10 x 10. Changing the number of winning squares or computer skill level provides a different level of challenge.
Here are the features of this game:
1. Initially, the game starts with the 3 x 3 game board and you get the first turn to play against the computer. The one to get 3 consecutive squares horizontally, vertically or diagonally wins the game.
2. You can change the following game settings:
a. Grid Size: This determines the size of the game board. You can pick from 3x3 all the way up to 10x10.
b. Winning Squares: This determines the number of consecutive squares that you need to occupy to win the game. The default value is 3 for the 3x3 size and 4 for the greater sizes. You can change this setting to any value up to the size of the game board.
c. Computer Level: This allows varying degree of skills with which the computer will play with you.
d. User Plays First: If yes, the user play first and the play symbol is X. If not, the computer plays first with the symbol X.
e. All the settings shown in abbreviated form in the main screen, which keeps you informed of the settings while playing.
3. You can check the statistics about total wins, losses or draws at time by clicking in the icon at top right. You can clear these statistics at any point.
Flex Sudoku
Sudoku Rules:
The goal of the game to is to fill empty squares with available numbers.
Available numbers range from 1 to the size of row ( or column or block). E.g. for a 9 x 9 game, numbers 1 to 9 are available.
A number cannot repeat within a row, a column or a block
- Load or Manually Enter a new game. While loading a game, you can also select the size of the new game.
- Select a number in the keypad to play.
- Tap empty square to play the selected number.Based upon selected option, an invalid entry will not be allowed and indicated by haptic feedback.
- Press hints to display/toggle the display of hints. The level of the hints are displayed based upon the selected options.
- If needed, use Notes for your game playing strategy. The method for using notes is explained later.
- If you want the app to solve the game, press the solve button to do that. If a valid solution doesn't exist for the entered game, a message will be displayed indicating that.
Using Notes:
- Pressing Notes enables notes entering (while temporarily disabling game playing). This allows you to enter notes in the empty squares.
- Long Pressing Notes allow deleting all notes.
- After your are finished with the notes entry, press Notes again to disable notes entry and to continue playing the game.
- Grid Size : Choose the the size of the sudoku game.
- Game Level : Choose the difficulty level of the game.
- Hint Level : Choose hint level.
o No Hints : No hints are displayed.
o Simple Hints : Display valid allowed entries.
o Advance Hints : Filters out redundant values from Simple Hints.
- Validate Entries : Allow valid entries only.
- Show Timer : Shows the timer while playing the game.
- Haptic Feedback : Provides sensory feedback for invalid entries.