About Me
I am a Research Associate at the University of Sheffield working in the group of Robert Kurinczuk. Previously, I was a PhD student at Imperial College London and the London School of Geometry and Number Theory supervised by David Helm, where I graduated in 2022.
You can contact me at j.girsch [at] sheffield.ac.uk
Publications and Preprints
(with R. Kurinczuk) Newforms in Cuspidal Representations, (draft)
The Twisted Doubling Method in Algebraic Families, submitted, (arxiv)
(with N. Borade, J. Franzel, W. Yao, Q. Yu, E. Zelingher) On tori periods of Weil Representations of unitary groups, submitted, (arxiv)
The Doubling Method in Algebraic Families, International Mathematics Research Notices, (arxiv, journal)
(with J. Braun, J. Buck) Class invariants for certain non-holomorphic modular functions, Research in Number Theory, (arxiv, journal)