JFK Assassination Website

Michael T. Griffith

On November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy (JFK) was assassinated in Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas. In 1964, the Warren Commission concluded that JFK was killed by a lone gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald. In 1979, the House Select Committee on Assassinations concluded that Kennedy was killed by a conspiracy and that two gunmen were involved. In the 1990s, the Assassination Records Review Board conducted numerous interviews and released thousands of documents related to the assassination, and found significant new evidence of conspiracy. 

The evidence shows that more than one gunman fired at President Kennedy and that the lone-gunman story was part of an extensive government cover-up.

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Lee Harvey Oswald


JFK Autopsy Skull X-Rays
Richard Case Nagell

Richard Case Nagell

Jack Ruby

Mafia tool Jack Ruby silenced Oswald by shooting him in the basement of the Dallas Police Department two days after JFK's death. The HSCA found evidence that someone helped Ruby get into the basement. There is evidence that Oswald and Ruby knew each other.

Dorothy Kilgallen was a leading journalist in the '50s and '60s. She was murdered in late 1965 shortly after she said she would reveal evidence that JFK was killed by a conspiracy.

She was one of the first critics of the Warren Commission and the only journalist who got a private interview with Jack Ruby.

Millions knew her from her role in the popular TV show What's My Line? 

New Orleans DA Jim Garrison prosecuted Clay Shaw for involvement in the JFK assassination plot. Some federal officials and journalists sabotaged Garrison's prosecution. Garrison made some mistakes and false claims, but the evidence shows he was on the right track.

Clay Shaw, a leading businessman in New Orleans and a CIA asset. Shaw helped frame Oswald. Numerous witnesses saw Shaw with Oswald. 


We now know that two weeks after the assassination, Robert F. Kennedy, JFK's younger brother and the U.S. Attorney General at the time, informed Soviet leader Nikita Khruschev that JFK was killed by "a large political conspiracy." We learned this in 1997 with the release of One Hell of a Gamble, a book about the Cuban Missile Crisis written by Canadian-American historian Timothy Naftali and Russian historian Aleksandr Fursenko. They discovered the contents of RFK's message to the Soviet leader in previously unexamined documents in the Russian archives. The message was conveyed by William Walton, a trusted Kennedy family friend. According to the memo of Russian GRU officer Georgi Bolshakov, a former contact of Robert Kennedy's who actually spoke with Walton, RFK's message was intended to assure Khruschev that he did not blame the Soviets for JFK's death. Interestingly, RFK added that "despite Oswald's connections to the communist world," he believed that his brother was killed by "domestic opponents." 

Mary Pinchot Meyer, JFK's long-time mistress and the ex-wife of a high-ranking CIA official, was murdered by a rogue CIA operative in October 1964 because she was planning on revealing what she knew about the conspiracy that killed JFK. We now know that some rogue high-ranking CIA officials were behind her murder. The CIA operative who killed her later confessed his crime to investigative journalist Leo Damore. Peter Janney discusses this eye-opening case in his book Mary's Mosaic: The CIA Conspiracy to Murder John F. Kennedy, Mary Pinchot Meyer, and Their Vision for World Peace. The picture of Mary Meyer links to the video of a lecture that Janney has given on the case. 

Janney's book is important because, among other things, it documents how carefully CIA personnel planned Mary Meyer's murder, including the framing of a patsy and arranging for a false witness to incriminate the patsy. (Interestingly, the patsy, a man named Ray Crump, was acquitted. For a good summary on Crump's trial and Mary Meyer's murder, read Jacob Hornberger's article "She Knew Too Much About JFK's Murder.")

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