The followers link on your profile page or home page will show you how many followers you have and who they are. By default, X sends you an email to let you know when someone new follows you. Set up your email preferences to notify you when you have a new follower or to turn these notifications off.

Yes. When accounts are locked, we remove them from follower counts across profiles globally. As a result, if an account that follows you is locked, the number of followers displayed on your profile may go down.

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Protecting your posts means anyone who wants to follow you must submit a request for your approval. Only followers you approve can see your protected posts and your posts will not appear in search engine results.

The posts you choose to add to your followers campaign will automatically render the follower card shown in the bottom left picture. For this reason, we recommend you use text only posts in your followers campaigns. If you do use posts with images or videos in your followers campaign, the image or video will not render media forward and the follower card will show in its place.

When you run followers campaigns, the account can be displayed using posts in the timeline or it can be shown without a posts in Who to follow" sidebar. In Ads Manager, there are no spaces to show non-post display locations, so the sum of the campaign or ad group level spend can appear to be higher than the ad level spend, as ad level spend only counts spend (and impressions, etc) on posts. Any "missing" impressions or spend were served to users on the platform in the "Who to follow" location.

When someone decides to follow you on X, you gain a chance to engage with that person over time. Each time you engage with your followers, you create new opportunities for them to share content, make purchases or tell others about their positive experiences.

The cost you pay per follower in your followers campaign will depend on the budget and bid you set for your campaign, as well as the targeting you select. A bid of $2.50 - $3.50 is recommended based on historical averages, but you'll receive real-time bid guidance in your campaign setup. More on X Ads pricing.

When setting up your followers campaign, you can select between automatic or target bidding as your bid type. We suggest selecting the target bid option since this will give you the flexibility to successfully bid on follows from users who are especially likely to follow your account, while staying near or below your target costs per follow. When you set up your campaign and input your bid, think of your target bid as how much you're willing to pay per follow.

We highly recommend you use text-only posts in your followers campaigns. When posts are serving to users, the follower card will automatically render. This card will display your X profile background header image, bio, and a "Follow" button, allowing users to follow your account with one click.

A sudden follower spike is a red flag. Not to mention having bots stink up your account with endless spam followers. This all damages your reputation and keeps you from growing an authentic Instagram following.

Help us stay spam-free by not artificially collecting likes, followers, or shares, posting repetitive comments or content, or repeatedly contacting people for commercial purposes without their consent.

In addition to providing data redundancy, followers can also be used to change database plans, underlying infrastructure, or minor versions with minimal downtime. To update your database with a follower, see this guide on updating Heroku Postgres.

Heroku allows you to easily horizontally scale your app by adding additional dynos to meet capacity. Similarly, as detailed earlier, Heroku Postgres allows you to horizontally scale your database by adding read-only followers to the lead database. While these followers are great for analytical purposes, you can also use them via your application for handling read-only queries to your data. This type of architecture can be used to improve app performance as well as work around Heroku Postgres connection limits.

Looking at the summary of all the relationship types, it is easy to determine that the proper data model to track followers is the many-to-many relationship, because a user follows many users, and a user has many followers. But there is a twist. In the students and teachers example I had two entities that were related through the many-to-many relationship. But in the case of followers, I have users following other users, so there are just users. So what is the second entity of the many-to-many relationship?

The followers table is the association table of the relationship. The foreign keys in this table are both pointing at entries in the user table, since it is linking users to users. Each record in this table represents one link between a follower user and a followed user. Like the students and teachers example, a setup like this one allows the database to answer all the questions about followed and follower users that I will ever need. Pretty neat.

This relationship links User instances to other User instances, so as a convention let's say that for a pair of users linked by this relationship, the left side user is following the right side user. I'm defining the relationship as seen from the left side user with the name following, because when I query this relationship from the left side I will get the list of users the left-side user is following. Conversely, the followers relationship starts from the right side and finds all the users that follow a given user.

Thanks to the SQLAlchemy ORM, a user following another user can be recorded in the database working with the following and followers relationships as if they were lists. For example, if I had two users stored in user1 and user2 variables, I can make the first follow the second with this simple statement:

Even though adding and removing followers is fairly easy, I want to promote reusability in my code, so I'm not going to sprinkle "adds" and "removes" through the code. Instead, I'm going to implement the "follow" and "unfollow" functionality as methods in the User model. It is always best to move the application logic away from view functions and into models or other auxiliary classes or modules, because as you will see later in this chapter, that makes unit testing much easier.

The followers_count() and following_count() methods return the follower and following counts for the user. This requires a different type of query, in which the results are not returned, but just their count is. The clause for these queries specify the sa.func.count() function from SQLAlchemy, to indicate that I want to get the result of a function. The select_from() clause is then added with the query that needs to be counted. Whenever a query is included as part of a larger query, SQLAlchemy requires the inner query to be converted to a sub-query by calling the subquery() method.

Support for followers in the database is almost complete, but I'm actually missing one important feature. In the index page of the application I'm going to show blog posts written by all the people that the logged-in user is following, so I need to come up with a database query that returns these posts.

Let's say that the followers association table says that user john is following users susan and david, user susan is following mary and user mary is following david. The data that represents the above is this:

Unfortunately things have to get more complicated now, because next I need to join the combined table above again to add the followers. Once I have a combined table with each row having a follower with a post they're following and the author of such post, then I can easily filter to find the posts that any given user should see.

One reason why this is so complicated is that for this query we need to treat users in two capacities. In the join above users are authors of posts, but in the second join I need to consider users as followers of other users. To be able to clearly tell SQLAlchemy how to join all these tables, I need to have a way to refer to users independently as authors and as followers. The so.aliased() calls are used to create two references to the User model that I can use in the query.

For the second join I want SQLAlchemy to join on the Author.followers relationship, with Author being the alias for User defined above. This is a many-to-many relationship, so the followers association table must implicitly be part of the join as well. The users that are added to the combined table as a result of this new join will use the Follower alias.

The User.followers relationship has followed users on the left side, defined by the followed_id foreign in the association table, and their followers on the right side, defined by the follower_id foreign key. Using the example followers association table above, the table that combines the posts, with their authors, and their followers is:

There are a couple of interesting things to mention about the results of this join. First of all, now each row in the table has users that are authors and users that are followers, so it is necessary to use the aliases to avoid confusion.

The post with == 3 appears twice in this joined table. Can you tell why? The author of this post is david, with == 4. Looking for this user in the followers association table under the followed_id foreign key there are two entries for users 1 and 3, which means that david is followed by john and mary. Since both users have to be joined to this post written by david, the join operation creates two rows with this post, each with one of the joined users.

There is also one post that does not appear at all. This is == 4, written by john. According to the followers association table nobody is following this user, so there are no followers that can be matched with it, and for that reason the join drops this post from the results.

There are two possible ways to expand this query to include the user's own posts. The most straightforward way is to leave the query as it is, but make sure all users are following themselves. If you are your own follower, then the query as shown above will find your own posts along with those of all the people you follow. The disadvantage of this method is that it affects the counts of followers. All follower counts are going to be inflated by one, so they'll have to be adjusted before they are shown. e24fc04721

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