Welcome at the homepage of Jesse Heyninck. Jesse Heyninck has completed his PhD in Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences at the Ruhr University in Bochum, Germany. He is currently an assistant professor in computer science at the Open Universiteit Heerlen, the Netherlands and an honorary research associate at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Cape Town.
Two papers were accepted for KR 2024:
Operator-based semantics for choice programs: is choosing losing?
Conditional Splittings of Belief Bases and Nonmonotonic Inference with c-Representations (joint work with Christoph Beierle, Lars-Phillip Spiegel, Jonas Philipp Haldimann, Marco Wilhelm , and Gabriele Kern-Isberner)
Some recent and upcoming talks this spring:
An Algebraic Notion of Conditional Independence, and its Application to Knowledge Representation at the Research Seminar Logic and AI (TU Dresden, 25.04.2024)
Foundations of Logic Programming: An Operator Based Perspective at the Workshop on ASP (TU Dortmund, 28.05.2024).
Syntax Independence in Non-Monotonic Reasoning at the ICR-CLAiM Seminar (Luxemburg, 23.05.2024).
I will give a tutorial on Approximation Fixpoint Theory at KR 2024 together with Hannes Straß.
The paper Semantics for Non-Flat Assumption-Based Argumentation, Revisited (joint work with Ofer Arieli) was accepted for IJCAI 2024.
was awarded funding for the project LogicLM: Combining Logic Programs with Language Model in the AiNed XS-program.
The paper Non-deterministic approximation fixpoint theory and its application in disjunctive logic programming (with Bart Bogaerts and Ofer Arieli) has been published in the Journal of Artificial Intelligence.
I will (co-)chair the Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning 2024 (NMR 2024). This workshop was my very first publication venue, and I've contributed to every occurrence of the workshop since then. I'm therefore looking forward to contributing to the success of the workshop in 2024.
I'm co-chairing the Cape-KR workshop which will be held on 29.01-2.02.2024 (main chair: Tommie Meyer).
Two papers were accepted for NMR 2023:
Conditional independence for logics with a fixpoint semantics
Semantics for logic programs with choice constructs on the basis of approximation fixpoint theory
Two papers were accepted for KR 2023:
"Revising typical beliefs: one revision to rule them all" (joint work with Giovanni Casini, Thomas Meyer and Umberto Straccia)
"Simple Contrapositive Assumption-Based Argumentation with Partially-Ordered Preferences" (joint work with Ofer Arieli)
The paper "Non-deterministic approximation operators: ultimate operators, semi-equilibrium semantics and aggregates" (joint work with Bart Bogaerts) was accepted for ICLP 2023.