Story Wanderland

This is my portfolio project for MLLL 4993-995 at the University of Oklahoma, Fall 2018. Also, feel free to leave me comments here!

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My Story List

  • The One That Got Away: This story is about an evil King named Ravana, who tries to kidnap a beautiful women named Sita. However, Sita is married to her true love, Rama. Will King Ravana succeed in kidnapping Sita and taking her away from Rama? Well, you'll just have to find out for yourselves!
  • The Freezing of Lanka: Now this story is about a courageous monkey god named Hanuman trying to save Sita, who was kidnapped by King Ravana. Although, he runs into a little problem when he gets captured by the King. Find out what happens to Hanuman and whether he saves Sita.
  • The Great Wolf: In this story, you'll find a wolf who asks a great lion for help. What could a wolf possible ask a lion you may ask? Well, read more to find out what went wrong!