

LinkedIn: Jeremy (Lei) Liu

Address: 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3

Jeremy (Lei) Liu

I am a 4th-year Ph.D. student in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, York University, in Toronto, Canada. Prior to that, I completed my Master's Degree in Computer Science from the School of Computer Science, Central China Normal University (CCNU) in Wuhan, China. My research interests lie primarily in the intersection of natural language processing and machine learning with a focus on open-domain dialogue systems.

What's News


York University Toronto, Canada

Ph.D. in  Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Sept. 2019 to present

Central China Normal University Wuhan, China

M.Sc. in Computer Science Sept. 2016 to June 2019


Tsinghua University Beijing, China

Research internship @ the CoAI group (Mentor: Prof. Minlie Huang) April 2021 to Sept. 2021

Selected Publications

Open-domain Dialogue Generation for Chatbots (Research Topic for Ph.D. Dissertation)

Anomaly Detection


Teaching Experience

Operating System Fundamentals

Computer Organization

Computer Use

Academic Services

Organizing committees for major international conferences

PC member (conference reviewer) for major international conferences

Reviewer for International Journals

Secondary reviewer for major international conferences

Secondary reviewer for international journals

Administrative Services

Graduate Representative, Computer Science Canada Jan 2023 to date

EECS Department Steward, CUPE 3903 2021-2022 academic year

Ways and Means Fund Committee, CUPE 3903 2021-2022 academic year 

Executive Committee of EECS-GSA, York University [link] 2021-2022 academic year

Deputy Minister of News Editor Sector, the 27th CCNU-GSU 2016-2017 academic year

Volunteer Experiences

In response to the pandemic of COVID-19, SIGIR 2020, the 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, was held as a virtual event for the first time in the history of SIGIR conference. Early in April 2020, hosting an online conference was totally new to every one of us, which thus posed unprecedented challenges to our volunteer work. Despite the last-minute switch of conference format and the shortened time period in preparation, our volunteer team worked very diligently to ensure a successful virtual event. As the Volunteer Coordinator of SIGIR 2020, I was mainly responsible for leading a team of 50 volunteers who were Master/Ph.D. students in computer science from 15 countries in SIGIR 2020 Virtual Discussion Rooms that were provided to facilitate the interactions among attendees. Since no one was experienced in hosting virtual discussion rooms, we had to plan everything for the volunteer work from scratch. We came up with some tips for hosting a Zoom meeting and also framed the general responsibilities of volunteers. We had an online (Zoom) meeting with all of the 50 volunteers in virtual discussion rooms for training purposes and then we collected their available time to assign them with times slots that are best fit for every one. The authors of each accepted full/short/TOIS/industry/demo paper were allowed to apply for a time slot of half an hour for a Q&A session in a specific virtual discussion room that was coordinated by the authors and one of our volunteers. As the volunteer leader, together with other volunteer organizers, I monitored all the parallel sessions from  July 27 to 29, 2020 to ensure a smoothy running of all the virtual rooms, i.e., volunteer organizers replaced the volunteers who were absent/late to host the meetings promptly.

As one of the publicity volunteers, I was responsible for writing the script of SIGIR 2020 welcome video together with Bo Wang, who was a 2nd-year master student from Jilin University and had regular meetings with Prof. Jimmy Huang, SIGIR 2020 General Chair, Prof. Zehua Chen, SIGIR 2020 Treasury Chair and other publicity volunteers for discussions in terms of the video script. In addition, I worked with the producer for a better video production.

8th Hoping Download Miaoli, Taiwan

This volunteer teaching program was launched by National Taiwan Normal University in the year of 2009 and has been consecutively hosted by National Taiwan Normal University for 10 years from 2009 to 2018. The participants come from more than 20 top universities in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, including the University of Hong Kong, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Tsinghua University, Peking University, National Taiwan Normal University, and so on.  From July 5 to 17, 2017, I served as the head of Questionnaire Survey Group in the Volunteer Teaching Team of Central China Normal University and a volunteer teaching staff in Miaoli County, Taiwan. See our Memoir in Nanzhuang Middle School

This program was launched by Central China Normal University in 2012 and has been hosted for 8 consecutive years from 2012 to 2019. Participants come from top universities in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. From July 19 to 29, 2017, I served as the head of Questionnaire Survey Group in the Volunteer Teaching Team of Central China Normal University and a volunteer teaching staff (group leader) in Xuan'en County, Hubei. Our teaching program was featured by the mainstream media in Mainland China including "参考消息", "新华社", "中国教育电视台", "新华丝路", and so on.

Selected Honours & Awards

Final Contest in Beijing, China on Java Software Development (Group B) in 6th "Lanqiao Cup" National Contest in Software and Information Technology
Division Contest in Shandong, China on Java Software Development (Group B) in 6th "Lanqiao Cup" National Contest in Software and Information Technology