There is some dispute about whether it "really" exists. Some people have managed to get to Jelly World. The Neopets Team (TNT) claims there is no such place as Jelly World. However, there is much evidence that it exists. Some of the clues are the Jelly World Board, Bouncy Supreme appearing in the suggested tab of the Games Room, Number Five (from Cellblock), and the Green Jelly Plot - of which everyone's Petpets went missing. It is possible that that's where some of Neopians get Jelly, too.

"In a very distant corner of Neopia, a strange town exists built entirely of orange jelly. Nobody knows how it got there, perhaps a magic spell that backfired, or perhaps it was commissioned by an eccentric Neopian billionaire with a sweet tooth, who knows!

During your stay, please try not to eat the buildings!"

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In the heart of that most wondrous and definitely fictional of places, Jelly World, lies the Giant Jelly. Well, everything in Jelly World is technically a giant jelly, but this is one that they actually let you eat!

The Giant Jelly is much like the Giant Omelette, in that once a day you can scoop out a nice jelly from it, free of charge. Even though it's a massive amount of jelly, thousands of hungry Neopians flock to it daily, so it's entirely possible that it will all have been eaten when by the time you get there.

At random times during the day, you will encounter the Jelly Keeper when approaching the Giant Jelly; this happens whenever the jelly runs out. If you're willing to wait, a new one will be assembled before long. You will also meet the Jelly Keeper when trying to take more than one piece of jelly in a day, which is a big no-no.

Similar to omelettes, jellies can be used to feed your pet more than once. When fed to your pet, a whole jelly will become a half jelly; when a half jelly is fed to your pet, it will disappear. The same is also true of the trifles that the Giant Jelly gives out.

There are two types of jelly that can make your pet sick when eaten, which you may want to avoid. Poisonous Jelly may give your pet Neomonia, while Glowing Jelly has a chance to give them Blurred Vision. To learn more on preventing and curing such illnesses, see our Neopian Diseases and Cures guide.

If you're willing to risk your vision-impaired pet stumbling around and breaking your priceless Qasalan vases, however, it's rumored that feeding them a Glowing Jelly has a very small chance of changing their color to Glowing!Giant Jelly PrizesWhile all of the jellies listed below are available from the Giant Jelly, some are significantly more rare than others. While they're unlikely to fetch a very good price (even rare jelly is fairly common), you should consider yourself lucky to have gotten one of these treats.

Don't listen to those two nutcases... Listen to this nutcase Jelly world is a neopian land that does not exsist in TNT but exsists in neopets! YOu can get FREE jelly! So come one get free jelly donate it to some jelly collector

Actually, Dillon, I don't think staying on topic is an issue anymore at this board. Since the question has already been answered, there doesn't seem much of a reason to keep this board open. Also, you can't call people newbies and n00bs because they say it doesn't exist. Of course they know it exists! It's called "Going along with a gag". (And using sarcasm)

Dillon, what you posted the last several times WAS a link. Chykin got all cocky because he/she thinks that a link has to be clickable, which is false. I believe the correct term for a clickable link is called a HYPER LINK. Therefore, Dillon, you posted a link nonetheless. So don't worry about it. Also, the original topic on this board has been answered, so I think a moderator can close this board now.

Jelly world actually existed. However, if you tried entering it through the link given by Neopets Officicial Site, an error will occur, as they purposely wanted to tease the newbies. The jelly link had been there since 2003 (as far as i knew) i think. Anyway, you can have access you it from the 'TheDailyNeopets' in the dailes section. the URL is :

Hypothetically, Jelly World would be nestled in mountains, the exact location unknown; though lava tracts would run between the mountains, which would suggest it was near Tyrannia. The actual ground of the city would be made of jelly, and as a result would be quite bouncy.

People who incorrectly maintain that there is in fact a Jelly World often state that at one time in Neopia's history in Year 5, every single Petpet on the planet disappeared. They were later found eating a Giant Green Jelly in Jelly World. Once they had their fill, they left and returned to their owners. Of course, such talk is completely without merit.

In Year 15, a new timeline for Neopia was created in which a place called Wobbleshire was discovered. It is unknown if this was a location within Jelly World, or a new name for Jelly World itself. Either way, the timeline was restored to normal, and Wobbleshire was never really discovered.

I think, to be honest, in a world where your home, furniture, and even yourself could at any moment be eaten by a passing tourist, that the state of the economy is the least of your worries. Perhaps exporting jelly across the planet would take your mind off your impending doom? Jelly Foods would certainly be the most popular shop.

Jelly, I imagine that's what they'd eat in Jelly World, if it existed. Which it doesn't. All types of jelly and flavours. If you got bored of jelly shaped jelly... why, you could eat the building you were sitting in.

As of course it doesn't exist, no one could ever invade Jelly World, so there's no need for it to have an army. Speaking in a purely theoretical sense, anyone invading such a world would be stunned by the utter bizarreness of the place that any thoughts of violence that may have been in their heads would quickly evaporate.

After a few years of messing around with GLSL shaders, as well as two quiet releases, I finally made a Jelly World shader that actually looks great. I did a lot of stuff since my quiet releases, as well as making it compatible with Karyonix's GLSL Shader Mod.

This shader makes the world around you shake and wobble. It's basically an earthquake of sorts, but the Jelly World name stuck. Some detail is also present in the shader; characters, grass, snow, wheat and other stuff "bounce" up and down and water splashes about like crazy.

Warning: These shaders may induce motion sickness in some people.

Jelly World (Ver. 5.1): (Sendspace)

- Slight improvement to the vertical wobbling (i.e. looking up a skyscraper).

- Entities now flash when taking damage or when a Creeper's about to detonate.

- Added "Wobble Amplifier" value to the customisation options. This amplifies the wobbling and bending of the landscape the higher the value is. Only turn it up if you're a masochist!

- General fixes.

Older versions:

Jelly World (Ver. 5.0): (Sendspace)

- Major internal changes.

- Added an ugly fix for the nasty jitter that could occur if frameTimeCounter overflowed on certain systems.

- The intensity of the bouncing and rolling now greatly varies, for added unpredictability.

- The intensity of the waving water and shaking leaves are now determined by the current intensity of the world's bouncing and rolling.

- Slime Blocks and both Slime mobs now jiggle. Jellyception, anyone?

- Certain entities, such as Paintings and Item Frames, no longer bounce independently from the terrain.

- Fixed entity shadows.

- Added customisable options, to customise your Jelly World experience!

- Literal Jelly Mode has been updated, and is now easily toggleable in said customisable options.

- Added Fast Mode, which disables the jiggling of most terrain features.

Jelly World (Ver. 4.0): (Sendspace)

- The wobbling's changed. Yet again. I think this is the best method yet!

- Improved how entities like the player and mobs bump up and down with the bouncing.

- Fixed a rendering bug which caused a chequered pattern to often appear over the sun and moon when observing them at different angles at different times.

- Might have forgotten some other minor stuff...

- To activate Literal Jelly Mode, go into the gbuffers_terrain.vsh file and remove the double slash ("//") in front of the line #define LITERAL_JELLY_MODE. This is just for fun, note that entities, particles, and the block highlight box won't match up with this.

Jelly World (Ver. 3.3): (Sendspace)

- Fixed clouds not wobbling when using Optifine with 1.7.2 shaders. - Tall Flowers and Sugar Cane now wobbles about.

- The new leaves block (Acacia, Dark Oak) now shake around just like the first leaves block.

- Raised the entities in relation to the terrain up juuuust a bit; crawling along on the ground with Smart Moving should look better in third-person view.

- Other stuff I may have forgotten...

- To activate Literal Jelly Mode, go into the gbuffers_terrain.vsh file and remove the double slash ("//") in front of the line #define LITERAL_JELLY_MODE. This is just for fun, note that entities, particles, and the block highlight box won't match up with this.

Jelly World (Ver. 3.2): (Sendspace)

- Changed the wobbling in the distance in an attempt to try and make it less "skewer-y" in certain directions. Also slightly dampened it down a bit.

- To activate Literal Jelly Mode, go into the gbuffers_terrain.vsh file and remove the double slash ("//") in front of the line #define LITERAL_JELLY_MODE. This is just for fun, note that entities, particles, and the block highlight box won't match up with this.

Jelly World (Ver. 3.1): (Sendspace)

- "Moved" everything slightly upwards. This is so that the first-person camera doesn't easily clip through ceilings. This comes with a trade-off, though; it's far easier for the third-person camera to clip through the ground now, as well as clipping through the bed when you sleep in them.

- Slightly dampened down the initial bouncing.

- To activate Literal Jelly Mode, go into the gbuffers_terrain.vsh file and remove the double slash ("//") in front of the line #define LITERAL_JELLY_MODE. This is just for fun, note that entities, particles, and the block highlight box won't match up with this.

Jelly World (Ver. 3.0): (Sendspace)

- Major internal changes.

- Readjusted the distance wobbling. Again.

- Redid waving grass, flowers, wheat, and other stuff.

- Tree leaves now wobble by default.

- Included Literal Jelly Mode. To activate it, go into the gbuffers_terrain.vsh file and remove the double slash ("//") in front of the line #define LITERAL_JELLY_MODE. This is just for fun, note that entities, particles, and the block highlight box won't match up with this.

- Probably some other stuff I've forgotten.

Jelly World (Ver. 2.1): (Sendspace)

- Fixed the weather; the falling rain and snow now shakes along with the world again.

- Made waving vines more noticeable.

- Fixed particles bouncing all over the place again.

Jelly World (Ver. 2.0): No download available.

- The wobbling is now much, much smoother! As a result, the world also now jiggles even when the doDaylightCycle game rule is disabled! The trade off? It now keeps jiggling in the background when you pause the game in single player. Sorry about that!

- I'm going to call it a day and call this an official release. If a new version of the shaders mod comes out and breaks the waving grass/flowers/stuff like that I'll fix it in the next version.

Jelly World (Ver. 2.0 testrelease 3): (Sendspace)

- Major change to the wobbling. It's closer to Ver. 1.0 but it should look more like jelly now.

- The skybox and clouds now wobble along with the world.

- Unfortunately, I can't get the particles to shake along with the world properly without messing up the sun and moon. Sorry!

Jelly World (Ver. 2.0 testrelease 2): (Sendspace)

- Another change to how the surroundings wobble. Try it out with a custom city map; the jiggling skyscrapers look awesome.

- Fire now bounces like Tall Grass (although hard to notice).

- Snow now longer glitches on the ground (you can still see it move up and down if you look at it closely).

- Change to how vines wave.

- Lava now waves.

Jelly World (Ver. 2.0 testrelease): (Sendspace)

- A change in how the surroundings wobble. Tell me if it's alright!

- Tall Grass, Flowers, and Wheat now shakes about again.

- Particles should no longer bounce about all over the place.

- Tree leaves now shakes horizontally as well as vertically.

Jelly World (Ver. 1.0): (Sendspace)

- Initial release. 152ee80cbc

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