Jens Hoppe

Zero-Mean-Curvature hypersurfaces in Minkowski space

I will comment on the 12 arXiv papers on minimal hypersurfaces written since the meeting in Gyeongju in December 2018 - and, in particular, talk about the crucial progress made in the past 2 years concerning

1) Explicit examples / Solutions

2) Integrability structures.

1903.10792 Quantum minimal surfaces (with J. Arnlind and M. Kontsevich)

2003.00233 The minimality of determinantal varieties (with M. Bordemann and J. Choe)

2009.05013 Another view on the shape equation for strings

2009.05031 Minimal surfaces from rigid motions

2012.12217 Stability of the classical catenoid and Darboux-Poeschl-Teller potentials (with P. Moosavi)

2107.00569 Exact algebraic m(em)brane solutions

2107.03319 On the quantization of some polynomial minimal surfaces

2201.02524 On some new types of membrane solutions

2202.06955 Integrability in the dynamics of axially symmetric membranes

Recent Progress On membrane theory, Proceedings of Science 258 (Corfu 2021)

2211.03887 Generating axially symmetric minimal hypersurfaces in Minkowski space (with J. Choe and T. Turgut)

2302.13146 The fast non-commutative sharp drop

2303.03920 Gauge-compensating transformations for boosted axially symmetric membranes and light-cone reduct