Fall 2016 

Math 312: Concepts of Real Analysis 

Section 1: MWF 1:25--2:15pm, 115 Osmund Lab 

Section 2: MWF 2:30--3:20pm, 116 Osmund Lab (Note room change)

Office: 221 McAllister Building 

Office Hours: M 3:45--4:45pm, WF 11am--12pm, or by appointment 

Office Hours for week of Sept. 5--9: T 3:45--4:45pm, W 10--11am, F 11am--12pm, or by appointment 

Office Hours for week of Dec. 12--16: M 1--3pm, or by appointment


For further information, please visit Canvas.

Final Exam: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 from 2:30--4:20pm in 121 Sparks Building

Selected Lecture Notes

Homework Assignments (Assignments will be graded for completion; problems marked with an asterisk will also be graded for accuracy)