Research Summaries for Participants

To view information about the study you participated in, please click the name of the study below.  Please note that each study involves more than one experiment and the descriptions below provide an overview of the combined experiments.

The following studies were run in Trimesters 1-3 2023:

Visual Field Asymmetries

Working Memory Study

The following studies were run in Trimesters 1 & 2 2022:

Bilingualism and divided Attention

    Mapping the Centre-Surround Attentional Field

The following studies were run in Trimesters 1 & 2 2021:

Attention and Vision

How easily can you detect changes in the environment?

Culture and divided Attention

Does your mood affect your attention?

Bilingualism and divided Attention

If you would like more information any of the studies or have any questions, please contact Lisa Jefferies at

The ethical conduct of this research:

Griffith University conducts research in accordance with the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research. If you have any concerns or complaints about the ethical conduct of a research project, you should contact the Manager, Research Ethics on 3735 4375 or These projects have been approved by the Griffith University Human Ethics Committee (GU ethics reference numbers 2021/327, 2021/318, 2020/657).