Mood and Visual Cognition

Emotions are an integral part of being human, and there is an intricate relationship between mood and attentional control. In the lab, we are interested interested in understanding the nature and consequences of the emotion-attention connection.

Selected Research on Mood and Visual Cognition:

Jefferies, L.N., & Arrowsmith, L. (under review). Affect but not arousal influences the spatial but not temporal resolution of visual processing.

Jefferies, L.N., Smilek, D., Eich, E., & Enns, J.T. (2008). Emotional valence and arousal interact in the attentional blink. Psychological Science, 19, 290 – 295.

Arya, A., Jefferies, L.N., Enns, J.T., & Di Paola, S. (2006). Facial actions as visual cues for personality. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 17, 371-382.