Dr. Jeehyun Yang
JPL Postdoctoral Fellow
Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology

Contact: jeehyun.yang<at>jpl.nasa.gov


I am a JPL postdoctoral fellow in the Laboratory Studies group, Planetary Sciences section, Science Division (3227) at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. You can find my profile on the NASA JPL website below: 


I received my B.E. in resource engineering from Hokkaido University in 2016 and my Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from MIT in 2022.  You can find my CV below: 

CV (as of Jan. 2024) 

You can also find my google scholar profile below:

Jeehyun Yang's google scholar 

My current research projects are 

My research interests are focused on 

in order to achieve...

Planet Terraforming & Atmospheric Geoengineering

in the near future.