Segregation and overlap between action and language

Neurobiological and theoretical perspectives

Submit your work TO our e-Poster Session

Part of the time for our workshop will be dedicated to an e-poster session, that is short talks (3-5 minutes). E-posters aim to showcase the work of junior researchers or work in progress. Talks can be given either online or in presence, depending on each speaker's preference.

We encourage submissions of theoretical and experimental work (both completed and ongoing studies). We especially encourage submissions from young scholars. Discussion of pilot data is welcome.

Abstracts are limited to 2.500 characters (spaces included) excluding title, author names, and affiliations.

Submission deadline: July 15th, 2022.

Notifications sent: August 15th, 2022.

To submit your abstract please use our survey on LimeSurvey, clicking on this link or on the image below. Submission is free of charge.

Click on the image to start the submission process