Jakub Červený
I am currently an assistant professor at the Health Economics, Policy and Innovation Institute at Masaryk University Brno and a researcher at the Institute for Health Care Analyses and the Institute for Economic Research at Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava.
My main research interests include health and labor economics.
Work in progress
Drug copayments, child outcomes and intra-family spillovers. Joint with Boriana Miloucheva.
Chain formation and consumer welfare on the retail pharmacy market. Joint with Richard Kališ and Biliana Yontcheva.
Financial incentives and COVID-19 vaccinations: evidence from a conditional cash transfer program. Joint with Tomáš Hellebrandt and Peter Kravec. R&R at Journal of Health Economics
Insurer-provider integration in outpatient care: what are the effects on health care utilization and costs? Joint with Biliana Yontcheva.
Červený, J., van Ours, J.C. (2024). Long-term returns to local heath-care spending. European Journal of Health Economics
Červený, J. (2023) Selective referral or learning by doing? An analysis of hospital volume-outcome relationship of vascular procedures. Health Economics 32 (6), 1344-1361.
Červený, J., van Ours, J.C. (2019). Cannabis prices on the dark web. European Economic Review 120.
Červený, J., van Ours, J.C. & van Tuijl, M.A (2018). Effects of a red card on goal-scoring in World Cup football matches. Empirical Economics 55 (2), 883-903.
Červený J., Chomynová, P., Mravčík, V., van Ours J.C. (2017). Cannabis decriminalization and the age of onset of cannabis use. International Journal of Drug Policy 43, 122-129.
Červený, J. and J.C. van Ours (2013). Unemployment of non-western Immigrants in the Great Recession. De Economist 161 (4), 463-480.