Japonic Comparative Dictionary

This is a new project started by Ryan Tran to reconstruct the Proto-Japonic lexicon by comparing Old Japanese-Modern Japanese (including dialects), Hachijo (Mitsune and Sueyoshi), Old Ryukyuan, and the modern Ryukyuan dialects, with the north being Kikai (Aden), Amami (Yamatohama, Koniya, Shodon), Kunigami (Yonamine), Okinawan (Naha, Shuri), Yoron, the south being Miyako (Hirara, Tarama), Yaeyama (Ishigaki, Hatoma), and Yonaguni.

Feedback is welcome here!

Most Old Japanese texts are from Frellesvig, Horn et al. (2023).


Enter the dictionary by clicking on the link below.

pJ Dictionary


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For any questions, please email me at ryand45647457434@gmail.com