JboxTool Privacy Policy

Please read the following carefully. Understanding these contents is very important for you to exercise your personal rights and protect your personal information. Please be sure to use the products or services of the JboxTool platform ( hereinafter referred to as "JboxTool" or " this platform ") Take the time to read this policy carefully , and on the basis of fully understanding the following clauses , choose to accept or not.

Private information refers to secrets that citizens do not want to disclose or be known for others in their personal lives. The JboxTool platform attaches great importance to the protection of user privacy information. When you use the products and services of this platform, this platform may collect and use your relevant information. This platform hopes to explain to you through this policy

(1) How do we protect your personal information;

(2) Your management of personal information;

(3) How do we handle children's personal information;

(4) Disclaimer of this platform;

(5) The scope of application of this policy;

(6) The revision and effective date of this policy;

(7) How to contact us ;

Before you use this platform for all products and services, carefully read the policy and understand our process to determine the rules of your personal information. If you have any questions about this privacy agreement, you can contact the platform for consultation through the official feedback channel announced by the platform. If you do not agree with any terms in this privacy agreement, you should stop using the products and services of the platform immediately. Once you agree and accept all the contents of this policy (including the updated version ) , it means that you choose to use or update this privacy policy on this platform ( this platform will prompt you to update the situation ) to continue to use the products and services of this platform , and agree to the platform to collect, use, save and share your relevant information in accordance with this policy.

(1 ) How do we protect your personal information?

1. This platform only retains your personal information for the period necessary for the purposes described in this policy and the time limit required by laws and regulations.

2. Data security technical measures: The platform will adopt security protection measures that comply with industry standards , including establishing reasonable system specifications and security technologies to prevent your personal information from unauthorized access, use, modification, and avoid data damage or loss; this platform will use security technologies and procedures to monitor, record the state of network operations, network security events, and take the necessary technical measures to ensure network security, prevent information loss, misuse, unauthorized disclosure or reading. In some services, this platform will use encryption technology to protect the personal information that you provide. But please understand that due to technical limitations and various malicious means that may exist, in the Internet industry, even if every effort is made to strengthen security measures, it is impossible to always guarantee 100% security of information. You need to know, your access systems and communication networks of this platform products and services used, may be due to factors outside the scope of this platform and controllable problem.

3. This platform only allows employees and partners who need to know this information to access personal information, and has set strict access rights control and monitoring mechanisms for this purpose. This platform also requires all personnel who may have access to your personal information to fulfill their respective confidentiality obligations. If you fail to fulfill these obligations, you may be held legally responsible or your cooperation with this platform may be suspended

4. The platform will take all reasonable and feasible measures to ensure that irrelevant personal information is not collected. This platform will only retain your personal information within the time limit required for the purpose of reaching the policy, unless it is necessary to extend the retention period or subject to the law allowed. If you find that this platform retains your personal information overdue, you can contact this platform through the official feedback channels of related products or services announced by this platform. In order to give you a better experience, and to improve products and services of this platform or for other purposes your consent, in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, this platform may use certain information collected by certain products or services to use for other products and services of this platform by bringing together information or personal way. In a service information collected when you use in this platform, may be used to provide you with specific content in another service, or to show you non-universally pushed information related to you. If this platform provides the appropriate options related services, you can also authorize the platform and the services provided by letter stored information for other services of this platform.

Rules for the use of your personal information

1. The platform will use the collected information in accordance with the provisions of this privacy policy and to realize the products and / or service functions of the platform.

2. After collecting your personal information, the platform will de-identify the data through technical means, and the de-identified information will not be able to identify the subject. You understand and agree that, in this case this platform has the right to use the identification of the information; and without sharing your personal information, this platform has the right to analyze and use the user database for commercialization.

3. Please note that all personal information you provide when using the products and / or services of this platform, unless you delete or refuse to collect this platform through system settings, otherwise you will use the products and / or services of this platform. During this period, the platform will continue to be authorized for use. When you cancel your account, the platform will stop using and delete your personal information.

4. This platform will make statistics on the products and / or service usage of this platform, and may share these statistics with the public or third parties, to demonstrate the products and / overall usage trends or services of this platform. However, these statistics do not contain any identification information about you.

5. When this platform shows your personal information, this platform will desensitize your information by using content replacement and anonymous processing to protect your information security.

6. When the platform wants to use your personal information for other purposes not specified in this policy, or when the information collected for a specific purpose used for other purposes, it will be solicited in advance through the form of a check made by your consent.

7. The content and information you provide, upload or publish when using the products and services of this platform may disclose your personal information. You need to carefully consider, whether to disclose personal information when using the platform products and services. In some cases, you can control the scope of users who have the right to browse your shared information through the privacy settings of certain products and services of this platform.

8. The Internet is not an absolutely safe environment, and the communication methods of e-mail, instant messaging, social software and other users cannot be determined whether it is fully encrypted or not. This platform recommends that you use complex passwords when using such tools, and pay attention to protecting your personal information security. Security incident handling: In order to deal with the possible risks of personal information leakage, damage and loss , this platform has established a special emergency response team, in accordance with the company's relevant security incident handling specifications, to initiate security plans for different security incidents, and perform stop loss and analysis, formulate remedial measures, and cooperate with relevant departments to trace and strike. At the same time this platform will be in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations , to keep you informed: the basic situation and the possible impact of security incidents, the platform has taken or disposal measures to be taken, you can independently prevent and reduce the recommended risk remedy your measures. This platform also will keep the event relevant information to e-mail correspondence, telephone or push notifications inform you of the way, difficult to share personal information when one by one subject, this platform will take reasonable and effective way announcement. At the same time this platform will be in accordance with regulatory requirements, the initiative to report the disposition of personal information security incidents.

( 2) Your management of personal information

1. You have the right to access, correct and delete your personal information. You can contact the platform through the official feedback channels of related products or services announced by the platform or through online customer service. However, the deletion or modification of related information may affect your use of related products or services or cause the realization of some functions;

2. You have the right to change the scope of your authorized consent or withdraw your authorization; you can change the scope of your authorization to continue collecting personal information or withdraw your information by deleting information, turning off device functions, and setting privacy settings on the website or software. You can also log off the account of the way, the withdrawal of the authorization of this platform to continue to collect all of your personal information. Please understand, each business function requires some basic personal information in order to be complete, when you withdraw back to consent or authorization, this platform cannot continue to provide you with withdrawing your consent or authorization of the corresponding service, also no longer deal with your respective of personal information. But decided to withdraw your consent or authorization of personal information will not affect previously based on your authorization to carry out the process.

3. The platform will adopt appropriate technical means to ensure that you can query, supplement, correct or delete your personal data, or apply for the platform to supplement relevant information through feedback or complaint channels issued by related products or services of the platform. , correct or delete; upon receipt of your application on this platform according to the process (as in this platform may ask you to provide proof, to confirm your identity ) to be addressed.

4. If you cannot access, correct or delete your personal information, or you need to access, correct or delete other personal information generated when you use the products or services of this platform, or you believe that there are any violations of laws and regulations or with your agreement on the collection or use of personal information , you can contact the platform through the official feedback channels of related products or services announced by the platform.

( 3 ) Minor Information Protection

1. This platform attaches great importance to the protection of minors' personal information. If you are 18 years of age minors, you should obtain the consent of the parent or its legal guardian (hereinafter collectively referred to as "guardian") before submitting personal information.

2. This platform encourages guardians to guide minors to use the products and services of this platform, and recommends that minors encourage their guardians to read this policy.

3. Guardian shall bear to protect the primary responsibility for the privacy of minors in a networked environment.

This platform will protect minors' relevant information in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations.

( 4 ) Disclaimer

1. Since your user password to others, share with others registered account because of your personal or other improper care, any resulting disclosure of personal information, lost, stolen or tampered with.

2. Leakage of personal information caused by other websites linked to this platform and any legal disputes and consequences arising therefrom.

3. The leakage of personal information caused by other reasons other than the platform and any legal disputes and consequences arising therefrom.

( 5 ) Scope of application of this policy

1. This policy applies to all products and services on this platform. Privacy policy for certain specific products and services, will be in related products and services "User Agreement" or separate "Privacy Agreement" or "Special Guidelines Specify Copyright Infringement" in. The privacy provisions of this particular product and service form a part of this policy. If the privacy terms of the specific products and services are inconsistent with this policy, the privacy terms of the specific products and services apply.

2. This policy applies only to information collected by this platform, it does not apply to any product or service information and use third-party rules provided by third parties, through this platform of products and services to accept third-party products and services ( This information, including any third-party websites ), does not apply to this policy. This platform is not responsible for any third-party use of information provided by you.

3. If you have any privacy policy in using the products and services of the platform, you can contact the platform through the official feedback channel of the related products or services announced by the platform.

( 6 ) Amendment and effective date of this policy

The final interpretation of this policy belongs to the Come Farm platform. This platform may revise the terms of this policy in due course, and this revision forms part of this policy. The revised policy will be released on the platform in time, and the form of notification includes news, page prompts, etc. If you continue to use the products and services of this platform, you agree to be bound by the revised privacy policy.

( 7 ) How to contact us

If you have comments or suggestions on this policy, please send an email to lewes0213@outlook.com

and we will give you the necessary help.