Jayoung Ku

Postdoctoral Fellow @Lee Lab in Boston Children's Hospital

I'm a postdoctoral fellow at Lee Lab, advised by Prof. Eunjung Alice Lee in Boston Children''s Hospital. I study RNAs derived from retrotransposons and their biological roles in diverse biological mechanisms.

Contact: jayoung.ku@childrens.harvard.edu

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 Education & Training

Advisor: Prof. Eunjung Alice Lee

Advisor: Prof. Yoosik Kim

Advisor: Prof. Yoosik Kim

Key Skills & Research Interest


Alternative polyadenylation determines the functional landscape of inverted Alu repeats

Jayoung Ku*, Keonyong Lee*, Doyeong Ku, Sujin Kim, Jongbin Lee, Hyunwoo Bang, Namwook Kim, Hyunsu Do, Hyeonjung Lee, Chunghun Lim, Jinju Han, Young-suk Lee#, and Yoosik Kim#

Molecular Cell. In press (2024)


Potential toxicity of inorganic ions in particulate matter: Ion permeation in lung and disruption of cell metabolism

Sujin Park*, Jayoung Ku*, Sung-Min Lee, Huiseon Hwang, Namseok Lee, Hanul Kim, Ki-Jun Yoon, Yoosik Kim#, and Siyoung Q. Choi#

Science of the Total Environment. 824, 153818 (2022)


Single-cell analysis of AIMP2 splice variants informs on drug sensitivity and prognosis in hematologic cancer

Jayoung Ku*, Ryul Kim*, Dongchan Kim, Daeyoon Kim, Seulki Song, Keonyong Lee, Namseok Lee, MinA Kim, Sung-Soo Yoon, Nam Hoon Kwon, Sunghoon Kim, Yoosik Kim#, and Youngil Koh#

Communications Biology. 3, 630 (2020)


Reactive Polymer Targeting dsRNA as Universal Virus Detection Platform with Enhanced Sensitivity

Jayoung Ku*, Sura Kim*, Jaemin Park, Tae-Shin Kim, Raisa Kharbash, Eui-Cheol Shin, Kookheon Char, Yoosik Kim#, and Sheng Li#

Biomacromolecules. 21, 2440-2454 (2020)


Contributed Publications

Multi-targeted therapy resistance via drug-induced secretome fucosylation

Mark Borris D. Aldonza*, Junghwa Cha*, Insung Yong*, Jayoung Ku, Pavel Sinitcyn, Dabin Lee, Ryeong-Eun Cho, Roben D. Delos Reyes, Dongwook Kim, Soyeon Kim, Minjeong Kang, Yongsuk Ku, Geonho Park, Hye-Jin Sung, Han Suk Ryu, Sukki Cho, Tae Min Kim, Pilnam Kim#, Je-Yoel Cho#, and Yoosik Kim#

eLife. 12, e75191 (2023)


Patterning potential of the terminal system in the Drosophila embryo

Keonyong Lee*, Kate Molloy O'Neill*, Jayoung Ku, Stanislav Yefimovic Shvartsman, and Yoosik Kim#

Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering. 40, 436-444 (2023)


Mitochondrial double-stranded RNAs govern the stress response in chondrocytes to promote osteoarthritis development

Sujin Kim*, Keonyong Lee*, Yong Seok Choi, Jayoung Ku, Hyeonkyeong Kim, Raisa Kharbash, Jimin Yoon, Yong Seuk Lee, Jin-Hong Kim, Yun Jong Lee#, and Yoosik Kim#

Cell Reports. 40, 111178 (2022)


On-chip Paper Electrophoresis for Ultrafast Screening of Infectious Diseases

Hamin Na, Byoung-Hoon Kang, Jayoung Ku, Yoosik Kim, and Ki-Hun Jeong#

BioChip Journal. 15, 305-311 (2021)


Chemotherapy confers a conserved secondary tolerance to EGFR inhibition via AXL-mediated signaling bypass

Mark Borris D. Aldonza, Roben D. Delos Reyes, Young Seo Kim, Jayoung Ku, Ana Melisa Barsallo, Ji-Young Hong, Sang Kook Lee, Han Suk Ryu, YongKeun Park, Je-Yoel Cho#, and Yoosik Kim#

Scientific Reports. 11, 8016 (2021)


Prior acquired resistance to paclitaxel relays diverse EGFP-targeted therapy persistence mechanisms

Mark Borris D. Aldonza, Jayoung Ku, Ji-Young Hong, Donghwa Kim, Seung Jung Yu, Min-Seok Lee, Monica Celine Prayogo, Stephanie Tan, Dayeon Kim, Jinju Han, Sang Kook Lee, Sung Gap Im, Han Suk Ryu, and Yoosik Kim#

Science Advances. 6, eaav7416 (2020)


Evidence of Aberrant Immune Response by Endogenous Double-Stranded RNAs: Attack from Within

Sujin Kim, Yongsuk Ku, Jayoung Ku, and Yoosik Kim#

BioEssays. 41, e1900023 (2019)


Preparation of Poly(pentafluorophenyl acrylate) Functionalized SiO2 Beads for Protein Purification

Sura Kim, Jayoung Ku, Jaemin Park, Raisa Kharbash, and Sheng Li#

Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE). 141, e58843 (2018)


Amine-Reactive Poly(pentafluorophenyl acrylate) Brush Platforms for Cleaner Protein Purification

Hyunjoo Son, Jayoung Ku, Yoosik Kim, Sheng Li#, and Kookheon Char#

Biomacromolecules. 19, 951-961 (2018)


Honors and Awards


Invited Talks

International Conferences

Teaching Experience

Experimental Skills

Wet-lab technique:

- Quantitative RT-PCR

- formaldehyde-crosslinking immunoprecipitation (fCLIP)

- *RNA-seq library preparation using Illumina TruSeq kits

- *in vitro transcription

- *RNA-FISH in cultured cells (DIG-labeled UTP, smFISH, etc.)


- Unix/Linux environment

- Programming languages: Python, R

- *mRNA-seq, rRNA-depleted seq, fCLIP-seq analysis (Softwares: STAR, HISAT2, Samtools, featureCounts, DESeq2, etc.)

- Bisulfite RNA-seq (Softwares: Bismark, etc.)

- *Automated quantitative analysis using MATLAB