Important: You can find Timeline on the Google Maps app version 9.12 and up. If your Google Maps app is older, go to on your computer or mobile browser to use Timeline.

A timeline is a display of a list of events in chronological order.[1] It is typically a graphic design showing a long bar labelled with dates paralleling it, and usually contemporaneous events.

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The modern timeline emerged in Joseph Priestley's A Chart of Biography, published in 1765.[10] It presented dates simply and provided an analogue for the concept of historical progress that was becoming popular in the 18th century. However, as Priestley recognized, history is not totally linear. The table has the advantage in that it can present many of these intersections and branching paths. For Priestley, its main use was a "mechanical help to the knowledge of history", not as an image of history. Regardless, the timeline had become very popular during the 18th and 19th centuries. Positivism emerged in the 19th century and the development of chronophotography and tree ring analysis made visible time taking place at various speeds. This encouraged people to think that events might be truly objectively recorded.[11]

However, in some cases, filling in a timeline with more data only pushed it towards impracticality. Jacques Barbeu-Duborg's 1753 Chronologie Universelle was mounted on a 54-feet-long scroll. Charles Joseph Minard's 1869 thematic map of casualties of the French army in its Russian campaign put much less focus on the one-directional line. Charles Renouvier's 1876 Uchronie, a branching map of the history of Europe, depicted both the actual course of history and counterfactual paths. At the end of the 19th century, Henri Bergson declared the metaphor of the timeline to be deceiving in Time and Free Will.[12] The question of big history and deep time engendered estranging forms of the timeline, like in Olaf Stapledon's 1930 work Last and First Men where timelines are drawn on scales from the historical to the cosmological. Similar techniques are used by the Long Now Foundation, and the difficulties of chronological representation have been presented by visual artists including Francis Picabia, On Kawara, J. J. Grandville, and Saul Steinberg.[13]

There are many methods to visualize timelines. Historically, timelines were static images and were generally drawn or printed on paper. Timelines relied heavily on graphic design, and the ability of the artist to visualize the data.

Timelines are often used in education[14] to help students and researchers with understanding the order or chronology of historical events and trends for a subject. To show time on a specific scale on an axis, a timeline can visualize time lapses between events, durations (such as lifetimes or wars), and the simultaneity or the overlap of spans and events.

Timelines are particularly useful for studying history, as they convey a sense of change over time. Wars and social movements are often shown as timelines. Timelines are also useful for biographies. Examples include:

Another type of timeline is used for project management. Timelines help team members know what milestones need to be achieved and under what time schedule. An example is establishing a project timeline in the implementation phase of the life cycle of a computer system.

Timelines (no longer constrained by previous space and functional limitations) are now digital and interactive, generally created with computer software. Microsoft Encarta encyclopedia provided one of the earliest multimedia timelines intended for students and the general public. Hyperhistory[15] and ChronoZoom are other examples of interactive timeline software.

Alexandria City Public Schools this week joined a flood of Northern Virginia school systems in setting firm timelines for reopening classrooms, vowing to welcome all students back for in-person learning by mid-March.

Onset and/or Persistence WARNINGS are often extended several times over the course of a space weather event. To aid in the interpretation of the product timeline for these warnings, they are bars plotted in a staggered up-down fashion along individual rows, and include black "bookends" to indicate their effective start and end times. All initial warnings are plotted for their "Valid From - Valid To" times, while all Extensions are plotted for their "Issue Time - Now Valid Until" times (Extended Warnings always have the same "Valid From" time as the initial warning, and may only be issued prior to the expiration of the latest valid warning period in effect). Warnings may have valid periods that extend before or after the time shown in the plot, and in these cases an arrow symbol appears at the appropriate end of a row in the plot.

CANCELATIONS are plotted at their Issue Time and are used for two general purposes. The most common use is to prematurely end a valid warning period that may be in effect, so a cancelation symbol will often appear near the end of a warning timeline for Proton Events or K-index (geomagnetic storm) events. In the case of Protons, there will often be an accompanying SUMMARY of the event plotted nearby. The other general purpose of cancelations is to retract a product due to an error. In such cases, a symbol indicating a subsequent, corrected product may also appear nearby.

A Timeline, defined by one or more KeyFrames, processes individual KeyFrame sequentially, in the order specified by KeyFrame.time. The animated properties, defined as key values in KeyFrame.values, are interpolated to/from the targeted key values at the specified time of the KeyFrame to Timeline's initial position, depends on Timeline's direction. Timeline processes individual KeyFrame at or after specified time interval elapsed, it does not guarantee the timing when KeyFrame is processed. The Animation.cycleDurationProperty() will be set to the largest time value of Timeline's keyFrames. If a KeyFrame is not provided for the time==0s instant, one will be synthesized using the target values that are current at the time or Animation.playFromStart() is called. It is not possible to change the keyFrames of a running Timeline. If the value of keyFrames is changed for a running Timeline, it has to be stopped and started again to pick up the new value. A simple Timeline can be created like this: final Timeline timeline = new Timeline(); timeline.setCycleCount(2); timeline.setAutoReverse(true); timeline.getKeyFrames().add(new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(5000), new KeyValue (node.translateXProperty(), 25)));; This Timeline will run for 10s, animating the node by x axis to value 25 and then back to 0 on the second cycle. Warning : A running Timeline is being referenced from the FX runtime. Infinite Timeline might result in a memory leak if not stopped properly. All the objects with animated properties would not be garbage collected.Since:JavaFX 2.0See Also:Animation, KeyFrame, KeyValueProperty SummaryProperties inherited from class javafx.animation.AnimationautoReverse, currentRate, currentTime, cycleCount, cycleDuration, delay, onFinished, rate, status, totalDurationNested Class SummaryNested classes/interfaces inherited from class javafx.animation.AnimationAnimation.StatusField SummaryFields inherited from class javafx.animation.AnimationINDEFINITEConstructor SummaryConstructors Constructor and DescriptionTimeline()The constructor of Timeline.Timeline(double targetFramerate)The constructor of Timeline.Timeline(double targetFramerate, KeyFrame... keyFrames)The constructor of Timeline.Timeline(KeyFrame... keyFrames)The constructor of Timeline.Method SummaryAll Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Modifier and TypeMethod and DescriptionObservableListgetKeyFrames()Returns the KeyFrames of this Timeline.voidstop()Stops the animation and resets the play head to its initial position.Methods inherited from class javafx.animation.AnimationautoReverseProperty, currentRateProperty, currentTimeProperty, cycleCountProperty, cycleDurationProperty, delayProperty, getCuePoints, getCurrentRate, getCurrentTime, getCycleCount, getCycleDuration, getDelay, getOnFinished, getRate, getStatus, getTargetFramerate, getTotalDuration, isAutoReverse, jumpTo, jumpTo, onFinishedProperty, pause, play, playFrom, playFrom, playFromStart, rateProperty, setAutoReverse, setCycleCount, setCycleDuration, setDelay, setOnFinished, setRate, setStatus, statusProperty, totalDurationPropertyMethods inherited from class java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, waitConstructor DetailTimelinepublic Timeline(double targetFramerate, KeyFrame... keyFrames)The constructor of Timeline. This constructor allows to define a Animation.targetFramerate.Parameters:targetFramerate - The custom target frame rate for this TimelinekeyFrames - The keyframes of this TimelineTimelinepublic Timeline(KeyFrame... keyFrames)The constructor of Timeline.Parameters:keyFrames - The keyframes of this TimelineTimelinepublic Timeline(double targetFramerate)The constructor of Timeline. This constructor allows to define a Animation.targetFramerate.Parameters:targetFramerate - The custom target frame rate for this TimelineTimelinepublic Timeline()The constructor of Timeline.Method DetailgetKeyFramespublic final ObservableList getKeyFrames()Returns the KeyFrames of this Timeline.stoppublic void stop()Stops the animation and resets the play head to its initial position. If the animation is not currently running, this method has no effect. Note:  stop() is an asynchronous call, the Animation may not stop immediately. Overrides:stop in class AnimationSkip navigation linksOverviewPackageClassUseTreeDeprecatedIndexHelpJavaFX 8Prev ClassNext ClassFramesNo FramesAll ClassesSummary: Nested | Field | Constr | MethodDetail: Field | Constr | MethodCopyright (c) 2008, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. be457b7860

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