How do I enable the debug view like I can in Safari on iOS? I simply need to see if a Xoom that I'm testing a page on is generating javascript errors. I was trying to find how to enable the dev tools in the Android browser like I do for iOS but can't seem to locate it.

I've worked on an Android app in the past where the java developer set it to alert JavaScript errors - caught an extra bug that we didn't catch in the iOS version because of it. So, if you have access to the java layer, I'd check that out. I asked him what he did specifically and he said: "There's a callback from the WebView class that lets me know when the JS code throws an error. I implemented that callback to display an android dialog."

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There's two solutions other ideas on top of this that I use for debugging (ios/android). These are especially useful for embedded web views in games where you don't have access to the built-in console:

The Android default doesn't seem to have a debugger, although you can debug on chrome/chromium on a pc, which uses the same webkit rendering. (There's even a emulate Android option, but it doesn't have all the quirks of Android tablets, image/memory constraints etc.)

This is mainly an issue on certain Android smartphones, which are by default configured to disable JavaScript, but it can also happen with some third-party Android browsers.So how can you tell if JavaScript is enabled on an Android phone or tablet? Well, there is a handy way to do that. In this guide, we will walk you through basic JavaScript introduction and show you how to turn on or turn off JavaScript on an Android smartphone in no time.

The issue I have is with Android devices as I cannot find a distinguishing feature for Android useragents to decide whether the device is a phone or a tablet, If the user is on a tablet I still want to show them the full site.

You can put your documents into the folder Android/data/ in the internal storage. It's absolute path is /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/ or /sdcard/Android/data/ This is the location where Chrome stores any downloaded files and therefore, this the only location where Chrome can access the files. But remember, uninstalling Chrome will delete this directory.

This means that on Android 11, the folder from which Chrome can read local (m)HTML is /Download folder, not Android/data/ in internal or external storage space like in Android 10.

NOTE: on my Samsung devices, downloads onto internal storage were saved into /Download folder in all versions of Android (9, 10, 11), but downloads on an external SD card changed their folder from /storage/emulated/exSD_CARD/Android/data/ in Android 10 to /storage/emulated/exSD_CARD/Download in Android 11, where exSD_CARD is the device's label for external SD card (0123-4567 or 9C33-6BBD in my devices)

After being frustrated trying to use the iPad Pro as a serious working device for years, I sold it and bought an Android tablet. Surprisingly, I found out it was better than the iPad Pro for many things, including coding.

Even though my MacBook Pro is my device of choice, I do a lot of stuff on my tablet, including coding and writing. For years, I tried hard to replace my laptop with the iPad Pro, only to find it impossible due to the limitations of the device (toy Operating System, limited file access, walled garden, etc).

Has anyone been successful using the serial port module for ignition from a perspective client running on an android tablet? Our Honeywell RT10A's have a standard DB9 serial port on the dock and should be up and running according to the tablet settings but ignition is unable to open the port.

I am building an app using experience builder and have come across an issue only in tablet and mobile screen sizes. I have an image widget that populates with the attachments from my map data. The image size is fixed, so I have the "fill" setting on so the attached images fill the space. On desktop, the images vertically align center, which is what I want. For whatever reason, on tablet- and mobile-size screens, the images are top-aligned in the image widget. I can't find a vertical alignment setting for the image, only a horizontal alignment setting for the whole widget, not the image that populates it.

@MackenzieCope There has been a known limitation for the image 'fill' behavior on iOS/macOS devices (mostly Safari) for a while, due to the browser's rendering mechanism limit, and unfortunately we have no good ways to solve it at this time. On Android tablets, they look as expected, such as with a Galaxy.

I just went back and tested with Android devices and the images load correctly. Looks like this is the same issue and limitation as you described. I appreciate the response, I will use the "fit" setting on tablet and mobile or find another workaround.

Cordova wraps your HTML/JavaScript app into a native container which can access the device functions of several platforms. These functions are exposed via a unified JavaScript API, allowing you to easily write one set of code to target nearly every phone or tablet on the market today and publish to their app stores.

Javascript works on android by default, but if you have turned it off then you can follow these instructions to enable javascript on android phones. This also applies to javascript enabled browsers on javascript-enabled devices in general. If javascript has stopped working on your device after an update or otherwise, follow the steps below to enable javascript on android devices again.

What are the factors needs to check to get better performance in android and ios devices. How to improve the performance in those kind of devices. What kind of settings needs to be done for Engine or renderer. ?

The intent of most people setting up kiosk mode is to prevent the user from running anything other than the browser based content in the full screen browser window or running the selected apps. Fully Kiosk app will help you to run the selected websites or apps in the kiosk mode. Users will also be restricted from making changes to any device settings. On many devices the admin can even restrict the use of hardware keys like the volume, power and home buttons on the Android device in the Kiosk mode. Fully Kiosk locks a device to intended use while preventing personal use by employees or customers. You can use the Kiosk mode on smartphones, tablets and other Android devices.

If you need the users to access some parts of system settings you can define a special Wifi/Settings PIN and the users will get to Wifi or other settings when you enter this PIN. The restrictions for other apps apply while the Wifi or other Android settings are in foreground. On some devices after opening Wifi Settings users can change to other Android settings and escape from Kiosk Mode. As workaround you can try using the experimental Select Wifi Network option instead of opening Android Wifi Settings. Starting ver. 1.38 you can also block the main settings activity by providing a component name like in the App Blacklist option.

Fully Kiosk uses codes of Apache Commons, libsuperuser, colorpicker, altbeacon, android-filepicker, DragListView, SlidingMenu, Zxing, Rootbeer, Acra, HiveMQ MQTT Client, OK Http, NV Websocket Client, Leakcanary, Google Flexbox and PDF.js published under Apache License 2.0.


I am using the same technic as described here to launch spotify on my tablet from fully kiosk. It works great. I have a small problem however. The weblink from lovelace always open a new blank tab in fully kiosk. As anyone found a way to avoid that ? It s not very user friendly to have to close the blank tab each time

When selecting a date in a date field using the date picker, my systems works perfectly well on a computer. When running it on a mobile tablet, whenever the user enters a date field, the screen keyboard appears, which covers the date picker. How can I force the keyboard not to appear, bearing in mind that this is a traditional web app.

We need to use both JavaScript keypress and keydown events because when using keypress event you cannot handle Backspace keyboard button. You must use javascript keydown event to disable Backspace button.

The system works perfectly well on my Huawei mobile. On my Huawei tablet it does not. I notice now that the date-picker widget does not wok at all. It seems to freeze and I cannot get rid of it. The keyboard still comes up when I enter the date input, and it covers the date-picker.

What do you do when you want to share a page on your Android tablet? That web page you just have to talk about to everyone you know. The gauche way to share the page is to copy and paste it. But, there is a better way to share a web page. Heed these steps:

In the fall of 2015, Google announced it would be rolling out an open source initiative called "Accelerated Mobile Pages" or AMP. The goal of this project is to improve the speed and performance of content-rich pages which include video, animations, and graphics. Since the majority of the population now consumes the web through tablets and smartphones, having web pages that are optimized for these products is the primary need to AMP.[17][18]

The Canvas mobile apps require Android 8.0 or later and iOS 15.0 or later. Canvas offers limited support for native mobile browsers on tablet devices. For additional details, please reference the limited-support mobile browser guidelines.

I need to mock-up some designs for a desktop, tablet and mobile version of a web page. They will only be quite basic for now, but I wanted to ask what the best size to mock-up visuals for desktop, tablet and mobile would be, in pixels. Just a rough guide would be fine. 006ab0faaa

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