I updated to big Sur yesterday and when I try programming in java on vs code everything is throwing an error literally every line. some of my code that was working completely fine before I updated will not compile now. Please help I have a Java test Monday and I need to figure this out.

The best way to do this is go to logisim in your applications folder then double click to view show package contentes then you see a folder called "Contents" then click the folder "Resources" then "Java" then open the .jar extentiuon file . Yes ! you did open your logisim without any installation of java se 6 on your macos Catlalina. Thank you

Java Se 6 Mac Mojave Download

Download File 🔥 https://urluss.com/2y5HQO 🔥

You have already discovered the related ticket in JIRA, so you know that this is a known bug and nobody on the team knows how to fix this. Until some experienced java developer for macOS provides a fix, you can use older version of Openfire

!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 4 0 2019-07-19 08:50:41.780!MESSAGE Application error!STACK 1org.eclipse.e4.core.di.InjectionException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/annotation/PostConstruct at org.eclipse.e4.core.internal.di.InjectorImpl.internalMake(InjectorImpl.java:410) at org.eclipse.e4.core.internal.di.InjectorImpl.make(InjectorImpl.java:318) at org.eclipse.e4.core.contexts.ContextInjectionFactory.make(ContextInjectionFactory.java:162) at org.eclipse.e4.ui.internal.workbench.swt.E4Application.createDefaultHeadlessContext(E4Application.java:491)

You can determine which version of the JDK is the default by entering java -version in a Terminal window. If the installed version is 20 Interim 0, Update 0, and Patch 0, then you see a string that includes the text 1-8. For example:

Some applications use /usr/bin/java to call Java. After installing Java for macOS 2012-006, /usr/bin/java will find the newest JDK installed, and will use that for all of the Java-related command-line tools in /usr/bin. You may need to modify those applications to find Java 6, or contact the developer for a newer version of the application.

I also executed java -version command and also got version information output. So I believe that there is an actual java executable and not just a placeholder kind of thing. I may have installed it at some point, but I cannot remember doing that. Or does it comes pre-installed with the macOS Mojave?

The /usr/bin/java command does come preinstalled, though - but it is not Java. Instead it is an Apple program that lets you decide between multiple installed JDKs (if any). If you haven't got a JDK installed, which is how the system is by default, it will tell you via a popup and let you click a button to be directed to a download site for the JDK.

1. ik what i meant im not going to flash the mac, i need a graphics card that works with my mac, and i wont go over mojave due to the 32bit support. and themn there the dosdude1 software i can use.

2. widnows is better then macos so im going to try to run windows on both of my macs.

By default, brew will check to see if it needs any updates and auto-update. After that, it will identify the current version of java (OpenJDK) and install it. Like before, it will pass along any necessary info post install:

I have redownloaded OSBot and reinstalled java and rebooted my computer but still get the same message every time I try to open OSBot. Any suggestions? I have looked at the guides on the forums, I also looked at the forum/java, but that just made me more confused because it was a windows based explanation. Any help would be appreciated.

Which OS version you are on?

Also you seem to have an outdated java version. I'm running java build 13.0.2 on OS Mojave and osbot works fine.

Try to update your java. System preferences -> Java -> Update.

I tried to debug-trace through the calling code and found that com.apple.foundationdb.JNIUtil#loadLibrary is copying the bundled libfdb_java.jnilib file in a temp location and eventually calling System.load(filename); but the System.load() is failing with above exception.

The main version we use at the moment is 6.3.24 for both the .pkg and the fdb-java jar. I tried copying /usr/local/lib/libfdb_c.dylib and setting the environment variable DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib as mentioned in the previous comment with many different permutations (as well with different FDB client/server versions installed locally and different fdb-java versions as well) to no avail.

The main error is:

ERROR: org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director code=10054 Cannot complete the install because of a conflicting dependency.

at org.eclipse.oomph.util.OomphPlugin.coreException(OomphPlugin.java:280)

I am also trying to install the MacOS version of the programmer version 2.4.0, and have followed this thread. I got the application installed OK (had to use sudo to write to the Applications directory). My java is version "13.0.1" 2019-10-15. My OS is Mojave 10.14.6

I am also have problem install STM32CubeProgrammer v2.10.0 after installation show a error with message ""CubeProgrammer_API or one of its dependencies is missing. Please try reinstalling the program of check your java architecture". I am also already following instruction above. I hope somebody tell Me how to fix it. Thanks

Jim can be installed on 64-bit Apple Mac computers (with either an Intel or an Apple M1 processor) running Mac OS 10.13 (High Sierra) or later. Installation of Jim is in six stages:  Install Java Install the Jim software Request a license Install the license Customise the installation (optional) Download some example images (optional)    Installing Java.  You must have 64-bit Java version 17 installed, which can be downloaded from Oracle. Jim will only run with Java 17. On Macs with Intel processors, you need to install the x64 version of Java; on Macs with Arm 64 (M1) processors, you need to install the Arm 64 (AArch64) version of Java. There may be multiple versions of Java on your computer, but you can specify which one to use when you install Jim. Drag the downloaded Java install file to your Desktop, then open a terminal window (use Finder to search for "terminal" if you are not sure how to do this) and type the following commands: cd /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachinessudo tar xvf ~/Desktop/*jdk-17*.tar.gz This will install Java 17 to /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines.   Installing Jim.  Download the Jim jim-9-installer.jar from this link. When the download is complete, drag the downloaded file onto your Desktop. Next, in the terminal window type: sudo /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-17*.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java -jar ~/Desktop/jim-9-installer.jar This will launch the installer, and install Jim in /Applications/Xinapse/Jim9. Note: on Mac OS 10.9 or later, you may see an error like the one below: Click the 'OK' button, and then from the Apple menu, select "System Preferences ..." Then click on the 'Security & Privacy' icon: This will bring up the Security & Privacy settings: Click lock, then the 'Open Anyway' button, which will enable Jim's installer to run.   License request.  The easiest way to obtain the details needed to send for a license is to try starting Jim. If you have not yet received a license file, you will see a pop-up error dialog like the one shown below.

It can be very useful for educational or testing purposes to instantiate library classes. For example: Do you want to play around with a String object? Do you want to see how java.awt.Point behaves? In BlueJ, you can do this.

You need to change the "file.encoding" property to a supported character encoding name ("UTF-8" or "ISO-8859-1" for example - a list of character set names is available here, though java does not support them all).

If your firewall sets rules on a per-program basis, the program you should apply the rules to will usually be the bluej launcher (bluej.exe) - however you may also need to specify rules for the Java executable ("java.exe") as well or instead. There are actually multiple copies of the java.exe executable installed as part of the JDK or J2SDK on Windows - you may need to change the rules for them independently. You may also need to change the rules for the "javaw.exe" files.

For the editor, first copy the file lib/stylesheets/java-colors.css to your BlueJ user directory (e.g. on Windows this is typically C:\Users\your-username\bluej). This copy of the file will take preference, and you can edit the colours there. One important set are the foreground text colours which are specified as -fx-fill in the ".token-XXX" blocks at the top, especially .token-default. The main background colour, and other background colours for scope highlighting, are specified in the .scope-colors block. There is presently no way to change the colours that BlueJ uses for other parts of the interface, such as the package diagram.

BlueJ is itself a Java application, and creates another instance of a Java Virtual Machine (in which the user code written in BlueJ is executed). BlueJ launches these two applications: /Applications/BlueJ.app/Contents/MacOS/JavaAppLauncher and /Applications/BlueJ.app/Contents/JDK/Home/bin/java.

To configure BlueJ to use a proxy, you need to define the Java properties http.proxyHost and http.proxyPort (for HTTP). For HTTPS the equivalent properties are https.proxyHost and https.proxyPort. (You might also be able to specify that the system proxy settings are used, by setting java.net.useSystemProxies to true, but we haven't been able to verify if this works).

We have had some reports of text disappearing when the mouse cursor hovers over it, especially with Intel Graphics 4000 HD chipsets; the drivers may be buggy. A solution in this case is to disable Java's use of Direct3D (D3D) for rendering. To do this, you need to edit the BlueJ configuration (the bluej.defs file) and change (or add) the bluej.windows.vm.args setting by adding -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false. For example, change: 17dc91bb1f

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