The Java Player on the Scratch Website has always had glitches and bugs. Because Java and Scratch (programmed in Squeak) are completely separate programming languages, it can not process exactly what Scratch wants it to all the time. This means that a lot of projects, especially more advanced ones, are very glitchy online, which means lots of users encourage people to download the project before using it, in the project notes. Some users also made projects dysfunctional online using a method of detecting which player was being used which was based on the way the Java player interpreted blocks that threw errors.

The Java Player has been updated many times since May 2007 (when Scratch was released), although only minor changes like a change in Variable's and List's font, and a system where the player loads sounds before they are played, making the project more synchronized. The current version of the player is Version 39.

Java Player Free Download

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I am recreating a game that I used to play on the Nintendo DSI, 'Dragon Quest IX'. I've made a player class, but have run into a code efficiency issue. When the Player object is first instantiated, it has a constructor parameter player_class that determines what class the user has chosen. In the method setAttributes, it determines the baseline stats for the newly created player. I use multiple if statements to achieve this. Is there any way I can make this more compact/efficient, without having to have big blocky if statements that generically contain all the same code? Any and all help/suggestions are appreciated and considered.

The main issue with this design choice is hp and mp are now a part of Stats, which feels a little odd since these are "fluid" values that can change often. Now to damage the player, you need to alter player.stats.hp. It may be better to change hp and mp in Stats to maxHp and maxMP (since you'd likely need to track those values anyways), then give Player back hp and mp fields that you alter as needed.

then the Player class doesn't even need to know or care about what a Leveller is, as it would just call this.playerClass.levelUp(this). Perhaps we choose to change this in the future and we don't need to touch the Player class.

If you've noticed, this means that our player has a PlayerClass as opposed to is a PlayerClass (that would have been the case if it extended PlayerClass somehow). In this case the natural language root of is/has can be murky - it makes a bit more sense to say that "He is a Warrior" as opposed to "He has the Warrior class", although they can both be correct. And indeed, we could model both of these in the system, if we wanted. However, having the class and its associated mechanics as a delegate, allows more freedom in the system because it follows the single responsibility principle - the Player doesn't need to know about how classes exactly operate in order to function. Player only needs to know it can get its starting stats and increase its stats each level and somebody else is responsible for how that is implemented.

Your player's movement, a crate falling off a cliff, and all physics-related simulations are basically (discrete) integrals computed over time. An object's position represents its displacement in a reference system; velocity is the rate of position change over time; acceleration is the rate of velocity change over time... We compute all these values by integrating at each update using very simple formulas like Euler's method.

Simple playback example illustrates this. Player Life Cycle A Player has five states: UNREALIZED, REALIZED, PREFETCHED, STARTED, and CLOSED. The purpose of these life-cycle states is to provide programmatic control over potentially time-consuming operations. For example, when a Player is first constructed, it's in the UNREALIZED state. Transitioned from UNREALIZED to REALIZED, the Player performs the communication necessary to locate all of the resources it needs to function (such as communicating with a server or a file system). The realize() method allows an application to initiate this potentially time-consuming process at an appropriate time. Typically, a Player moves from the UNREALIZED state to the REALIZED state, then to the PREFETCHED state, and finally on to the STARTED state. A Player stops when it reaches the end of media; when its stop time is reached; or when the stop() method is invoked. When that happens, the Player moves from the STARTED state back to the PREFETCHED state. It is then ready to repeat the cycle. To use a Player, you must set up parameters to manage its movement through these life-cycle states and then move it through the states using the Player's state transition methods. Player States This section describes the semantics of each of the Player states. UNREALIZED State A Player starts in the UNREALIZED state. An unrealized Player does not have enough information to acquire all the resources it needs to function. The following methods must not be used when the Player is in the UNREALIZED state.   getContentType  setTimeBase  getTimeBase  setMediaTime  getControls  getControl  Otherwise an IllegalStateException will be thrown. The realize() method transitions the Player from the UNREALIZED state to the REALIZED state. REALIZED State A Player is in the REALIZED state when it has obtained the information required to acquire the media resources. Realizing a Player can be a resource and time consuming process. The Player may have to communicate with a server, read a file, or interact with a set of objects. Although a realized Player does not have to acquire any resources, it is likely to have acquired all of the resources it needs except those that imply exclusive use of a scarce system resource, such as an audio device. Normally, a Player moves from the UNREALIZED state to the REALIZED state. After realize() has been invoked on a Player, the only way it can return to the UNREALIZED state is if deallocate() is invoked before realize() is completed. Once a Player reaches the REALIZED state, it never returns to the UNREALIZED state. It remains in one of four states: REALIZED, PREFETCHED, STARTED or CLOSED. PREFETCHED State Once realized, a Player may still need to perform a number of time-consuming tasks before it is ready to be started. For example, it may need to acquire scarce or exclusive resources, fill buffers with media data, or perform other start-up processing. Calling prefetch() on the Player carries out these tasks. Once a Player is in the PREFETCHED state, it may be started. Prefetching reduces the startup latency of a Player to the minimum possible value. When a started Player stops, it returns to the PREFETCHED state. STARTED State Once prefetched, a Player can enter the STARTED state by calling the start() method. A STARTED Player means the Player is running and processing data. A Player returns to the PREFETCHED state when it stops, because the stop() method was invoked, it has reached the end of the media, or its stop time. When the Player moves from the PREFETCHED to the STARTED state, it posts a STARTED event. When it moves from the STARTED state to the PREFETCHED state, it posts a STOPPED or END_OF_MEDIA event depending on the reason it stopped. The following methods must not be used when the Player is in the STARTED state:   setTimeBase  setLoopCount  Otherwise, an IllegalStateException will be thrown. CLOSED state Calling close() on the Player puts it in the CLOSED state. In the CLOSED state, the Player has released most of its resources and must not be used again. The Player's five states and the state transition methods are summarized in the following diagram: Player Events Player events asynchronously deliver information about the Player's state changes and other relevant information from the Player's Controls. To receive events, an object must implement the PlayerListener interface and use the addPlayerListener method to register its interest in a Player's events. All Player events are posted to each registered listener. The events are guaranteed to be delivered in the order that the actions representing the events occur. For example, if a Player stops shortly after it starts because it is playing back a very short media file, the STARTED event must always precede the END_OF_MEDIA event. An ERROR event may be sent any time an irrecoverable error has occured. When that happens, the Player is in the CLOSED state. The Player event mechanism is extensible and some Players define events other than the ones described here. For a list of pre-defined player events, check the PlayerListener interface. Managing the Resources Used by a Player The prefetch() method is used to acquire scarce or exclusive resources such as the audio device. Conversely, the deallocate() method is used to release the scarce or exclusive resources. By using these two methods, an application can programmatically manage the Player's resources. For example, in an implementation with an exclusive audio device, to alternate the audio playback of multiple Players, an application can selectively deallocate and prefetch individual Players. Player's TimeBase The TimeBase of a Player provides the basic measure of time for the Player to synchronize its media playback. Each Player must provide one default TimeBase. The getTimeBase method can be used to retrieve that. Setting a different TimeBase on a Player instructs the Player to synchronize its playback rate according to the given TimeBase. Two Players can be synchronized by getting the TimeBase from one Player and setting that on the second Player. However, not all Players support using a different TimeBase other than its own. In such cases, a MediaException will be thrown when setTimeBase is called. Player's Controls Player implements Controllable which provides extra controls via some type-specific Control interfaces. getControl and getControls cannot be called when the Player is in the UNREALIZED or CLOSED state. An IllegalStateException will be thrown. Simple Playback Example try { Player p = Manager.createPlayer(" "); p.start(); } catch (MediaException pe) { } catch (IOException ioe) { } Field SummaryFields Modifier and TypeField and Descriptionstatic intCLOSEDThe state of the Player indicating that the Player is closed.static intPREFETCHEDThe state of the Player indicating that it has acquired all the resources to begin playing.static intREALIZEDThe state of the Player indicating that it has acquired the required information but not the resources to function.static intSTARTEDThe state of the Player indicating that the Player has already started.static longTIME_UNKNOWNThe returned value indicating that the requested time is unknown.static intUNREALIZEDThe state of the Player indicating that it has not acquired the required information and resources to function.Method SummaryMethods Modifier and TypeMethod and DescriptionvoidaddPlayerListener(PlayerListener playerListener)Add a PlayerListener for this player.voidclose()Close the Player and release its resources.voiddeallocate()Release the scarce or exclusive resources like the audio device acquired by the the content type of the media that's being played back by this Player.longgetDuration()Get the duration of the media.longgetMediaTime()Gets this Player's current media time.intgetState()Gets the current state of this Player.TimeBasegetTimeBase()Gets the TimeBase that this Player is using.voidprefetch()Acquires the scarce and exclusive resources and processes as much data as necessary to reduce the start latency.voidrealize()Constructs portions of the Player without acquiring the scarce and exclusive resources.voidremovePlayerListener(PlayerListener playerListener)Remove a PlayerListener for this player.voidsetLoopCount(int count)Set the number of times the Player will loop and play the content.longsetMediaTime(long now)Sets the Player's media time.voidsetTimeBase(TimeBase master)Sets the TimeBase for this Player.voidstart()Starts the Player as soon as possible.voidstop()Stops the Player.Methods inherited from interface, getControlsField DetailUNREALIZEDstatic final int UNREALIZEDThe state of the Player indicating that it has not acquired the required information and resources to function. Value 100 is assigned to UNREALIZED.See Also:Constant Field ValuesREALIZEDstatic final int REALIZEDThe state of the Player indicating that it has acquired the required information but not the resources to function. Value 200 is assigned to REALIZED.See Also:Constant Field ValuesPREFETCHEDstatic final int PREFETCHEDThe state of the Player indicating that it has acquired all the resources to begin playing. Value 300 is assigned to PREFETCHED.See Also:Constant Field ValuesSTARTEDstatic final int STARTEDThe state of the Player indicating that the Player has already started. Value 400 is assigned to STARTED.See Also:Constant Field ValuesCLOSEDstatic final int CLOSEDThe state of the Player indicating that the Player is closed. Value 0 is assigned to CLOSED.See Also:Constant Field ValuesTIME_UNKNOWNstatic final long TIME_UNKNOWNThe returned value indicating that the requested time is unknown. Value -1 is assigned to TIME_UNKNOWN.See Also:Constant Field ValuesMethod Detailrealizevoid realize() throws MediaExceptionConstructs portions of the Player without acquiring the scarce and exclusive resources. This may include examining media data and may take some time to complete. When realize completes successfully, the Player is in the REALIZED state. If realize is called when the Player is in the REALIZED, PREFETCHTED or STARTED state, the request will be ignored.Throws:java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the Player is in the CLOSED statejava.lang.SecurityException - if the caller does not have security permission to realize the Player{@link - MediaException} if the Player cannot be realizedMediaExceptionprefetchvoid prefetch() throws MediaExceptionAcquires the scarce and exclusive resources and processes as much data as necessary to reduce the start latency. When prefetch completes successfully, the Player is in the PREFETCHED state. If prefetch is called when the Player is in the UNREALIZED state, it will implicitly call realize(). If prefetch is called when the Player is already in the PREFETCHED state, the Player may still process data necessary to reduce the start latency. This is to guarantee that start latency can be maintained at a minimum. If prefetch is called when the Player is in the STARTED state, the request will be ignored. If the Player cannot obtain all of the resources it needs, it throws a MediaException. When that happens, the Player will not be able to start. However, prefetch may be called again when the needed resource is later released perhaps by another Player or application.Throws:java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the Player is in the CLOSED statejava.lang.SecurityException - if the caller does not have security permission to prefetch the Player{@link - MediaException} if the Player cannot be prefetchedMediaExceptionstartvoid start() throws MediaExceptionStarts the Player as soon as possible. If the Player was previously stopped by calling stop(), it will resume playback from where it was previously stopped. If the Player has reached the end of media, calling start() will automatically start the playback from the start of the media. When start returns successfully, the Player must have been started and a STARTED event will be delivered to the registered PlayerListeners. However, the Player is not guaranteed to be in the STARTED state. The Player may have already stopped (in the PREFETCHED state) because the media has 0 or a very short duration. If start is called when the Player is in the UNREALIZED or REALIZED state, it will implicitly call prefetch(). If start 0852c4b9a8

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