I was hoping JMC would be available with OpenJDK, JDK11 binaries as this has been opensourced from Java 11 by oracle, but could not locate this in Oracle and AdoptOpenJDK Java-11 binaries under bin folder. I have also tried this as some article said its being releases separately. Does anyone know how to get JMC for OpenJDK-11.

The builds have been (temporarily) pulled because a switch from the old javax.mail coordinates to the new coordinates at jakarta-ee has not yet gotten the proper third-party approval. A new build, with plenty of fixes and with all the approvals properly in place (or a revert of the change), should be along within the next few weeks.

Java Mission Control Download Java 11

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As stated by Hirt you can compile it from jmc available in jdk8 (v5.5) requires the special flags -XX:+UnlockCommercialFeatures -XX:+FlightRecorder to be present in the JVM process and it will not retrieve "flight records" if they are not there, so you can only use it with java1.8. If you would like to add those flags on openjdk-11 it will fail with Unrecognized VM option 'UnlockCommercialFeatures' meaning that you don't need them as they are enabled by default ( FlightRecorder ).

On completion you should have all your artefacts in the target folder.The default jmc start script has a lot of flags present and it will not start with all of them, hence you can start the intended jar using

When I run ./jmc in the console from /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home/bin, the splash screen comes up and it hangs there. jstacking jmc process gives me a bunch of boring threads and one interesting thread, which I've put below my signature. Am I really to believe it's spending all it's time in the ClassLoader? That feels weird? I jstacked a bunch and that's definitely where it's sitting.

One other clue. At one point I tried copying "/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home/lib/missioncontrol/Java Mission Control.app" to my /Applications directory, and running it from there. It gave me an error message, and ever since then even running ./jmc from the terminal doesn't work. Not sure if those events are related...

Where do you get the information from that "the pure JRE" is "actually free"? Whatever you mean by "free", it is surely not correct if you refer to hacking the Oracle Server JRE, which comes with a binary code license. If you mean you are allowed to redistribute the JRE, see -8-readme-2095710.html

In order to validate, you should check the file config/jvm.options and the environment variables ES_CLASSPATH, ES_JVM_OPTIONS, and ES_JAVA_OPTS of your Elasticsearch installation for proper values, and examine the Java process command line of running processes for dubious parameters.

Also make sure to verify the Java installation on the computers for proper configuration. In case of doubt you should ask your sysadmin and/or policy/compliance/legal department for help, they are able to explain and understand the Java installations and the license agreements.

I agree with @jprante. Elasticsearch needs a JRE that looks like the OpenJDK. As in one that implements all the stuff it implements. So Oracle JRE, is fine from a technical perspective. The OpenJDK packages are fine too.

The trouble with the OpenJDK releases is that they are typically packaged by different folks in different distributions. We test against a wide range of distros and java versions so that little check mark next to OpenJDK is well earned. Zulu ought to work as well but it isn't on the list so it isn't officially supported. I believe some of our windows builds test against it.

Thanks Jrg. This is very helpful. My primary intent was to determine a way to list the capability that ES is using in Java. If we can reasonably establish that it not using any of the paid components, then we might be OK.

Zulu Mission Control is powerful open source Java performance management, monitoring, and profiling tool for Java Open JDK 8 & 11. Monitor Java applications live in production without impacting performance. Perform detailed analysis and troubleshooting using Flight Recorder logs from prior runs.

Flight Recorder is a very low-overhead way of collecting and storing performance and profiling data from Java runtimes during the execution of a Java application. Zulu Mission Control uses the information from JDKs/JVMs which incorporate the Flight Recorder technology to monitor live JVMs, as well as perform detailed analysis and historical playback of applications using previously generated data logs. Flight Recorder was open sourced by Oracle as part of the OpenJDK 11 project. Azul has backported Flight Recorder to support Java 8 and incorporated into its Zing, Zulu Enterprise, and Zulu Embedded offerings.

Commercial support for Zulu Mission Control is included at no additional charge with all Zing and Zulu Enterprise subscriptions. For additional information regarding Zulu Mission Control and to download a free copy of the software, visit -mission-control. To learn more about Zulu Enterprise, the supported OpenJDK for the Enterprise tag_hash_105contact us at Pebble IT to discuss your needs

If your Docker host runs behind a firewall, you could use a SSH tunnel to connect to port 9090 of your Docker host. This time, you may need to set your RMI server host name to be localhost:


Java Mission Control (JMC) is a monitoring and performance tool offered by Oracle as a commercial feature of JDK 7 and 8. A key feature of JMC is Java Flight Recorder (JFR) that can be used to record event history for performance diagnosis and tuning. JMC is free to use for development.

New Relic is a hosted solution for application monitoring. To enable New Relic for your Java application, you need to have a New Relic account and install New Relic Java agent with your application. Here are the key steps to set it up. For more details, see the New Relic Documentation.

In this blog post, I have described how to configure VisualVM, JMC, New Relic, and Java remote debugging to monitor and profile your Java applications that runs inside Docker containers. I hope you find this information helpful!

JDK Flight Recorder, the profiler you can use in production, continuously.Flight Recorder has been available before in the JDK, e.g. it shipped as part of the JDK 8,but to use it, it demanded a to set specific commercial VM flags to unlockFlightRecorder, this is not anymore necessary with Java 11.

At some point BEA/Appeal engineers needed insight in their JVM, in production, logging was not an optionas it had too much overhead, so they designed an event based system to work reliably in production.

The output guides the user to the next useful commands, in particular JFR.dump.Also, this commands tells you that a recording by default is limited to 250Mb.jcmd provides the help command that describes document for each command options.

The settings option refers to a configuration of the FlightRecorder,the JDK ships with two : default and profile. A configuration is an XML file, withevent elements that describe how JFR in the JVM will handle events, if theyare enabled, their threshold, if stacktraces are recorded, etc. And there is also acontrol element that is used by JDK Mission Control.

With the profile settings, the dumped file takes around 35mb for a 5min duration. And it willget access to additional events like the OldObjectSample stacktraces, or TLS eventslike TLS handshakes, X509 validation, Classloading events, etc.

What we saw before is how to start a recording and how to configure this specific recording.But there is another class of options that modifies aspects of the JFR internals.As a reminder those affects all recording in some way.

The repositorypath is where JFR dumps regularly slices or chunks of jfr events, they havemaximum size of maxchunksize. These files behave like a log rolling appender.By default, these chunks are stored in the temporary directory and in a subfolder with a timestamp.

Now to exploit the recording, we have a tool named jfr that ships with the JDK.On Linux the alternative jdk management may not be aware of jfr, which meansyou may need to use the full path to this executable.

RecordingFile api is a bit awkward to work with, more specifically parsing each eventrequires looking at the event descriptor (via getEventType(), or getFields()), and interrogatethe event as fields presence may evolve with each JDK revision. The javadoc advises defensiveprogramming style when reading a JFR file :

In addition to these recording parameter, it can be useful to set a few JFR wide options, i.e. that affects allrecordings, e.g. -XX:FlightRecorderOptions=stackdepth=96, which augments the size of the captured stack,be advised, that the bigger the number the higher the impact.

The only thing to do is to set the recording parameter dumponexit=true (on each recording).The record will be stored in the configured filename otherwise JFR will create a file similarto this the working directory of the process hotspot-pid-6-id-1-2020_05_03_12_54_14.jfr.Later on I discussed withErik Gahlin and he told me that the filename attributeaccepts a path to an existing folder, so that dumps on exit are dumped in this folder.

In an event sourcing system, the query part of the system is what empowers the view,JDK Mission Control uses these events to present several consolidated views tailoredto diagnose several part of the JVM runtime, and more if using custom events.

In order to remediate that, we noticed this code is called once the application is ready.So in order to avoid the contention the code was changed to pre-connect to redis during theapplication startup before the application is considered ready. And it worked, thisspecific issue disappeared.

The issue identified in the first recording showed some contention on redis, this is now gone.There is however in this second iteration multiple other issues when flying the mouse pointerover the yellow and red events.

All the stacktraces above have one thing in common, a contention on a lock.As thread were blocked, and new request appeared, this had the effects of increase thequeuing, and made tomcat creates new http nio worked threads until the maximum is reached(200 by default). I applied the same trick: i.e before readiness, exercise code paths thatare lazy initialized. And it worked too. Most contention disappeared afterward. 152ee80cbc

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