The Java Tutorials are practical guides for programmers who want to use the Java programming language to create applications. They include hundreds of complete, working examples, and dozens of lessons. Groups of related lessons are organized into "trails".

Java programs are frequently asked in the interview. These programs can be asked from control statements, array, string, oops etc. Java basic programs like fibonacci series, prime numbers, factorial numbers and palindrome numbers are frequently asked in the interviews and exams. All these programs are given with the maximum examples and output. If you are new to Java programming, we will recommend you to read our Java tutorial first. Let's see the list of Java programs.

Java Ee Tutorial Examples Download


I too couldn't see the tutorial files in the update tool. The download link given by shurik2533 are the tutorial files for JavaEE5, not JavaEE6. Working on what John put I downloaded the files from the svn repository using:

I've been ask to build a multi-threaded java application using the java.util.concurrent library. I'm not familiar with this library, but have a good understanding of problems with multi-threaded code.

Covers the basics (immutable data structures) and all relevant technologies - from Threads over the (Java 6, java.util.concurrent) Executor framework, and Futures/Callables, to the (coming Java 7) fork/join framework.

The addition of the Stream was one of the major features added to Java 8. This in-depth tutorial is an introduction to the many functionalities supported by streams, with a focus on simple, practical examples.

This java tutorial would help you learn Java like a pro. I have shared 1000+ tutorials on various topics of Java, including core java and advanced Java concepts along with several Java programming examples to help you understand better.

All the tutorials are provided in a easy to follow systematic manner. It is for everyone, whether you are a college student looking for learning Java programming for free, or a company employee looking for a particular code snippet while building an application in Java, this Java tutorial would definitely be useful for you. Happy learning!

Hello Chaitanya,

I am pretty sure that over a period of time you will upload more concepts and tutorials for different technologies, but at the same time I would suggest or better request you to add a frame where you or anybody can post different questions related to particular concept and a person can try writing a code for it. Like a list of programs or something similar to exercises given in Kathy Serra , which on solving can make person better understand the concepts and have hands on programming experience.

While we believe that this content benefits our community, we have not yet thoroughly reviewed it. If you have any suggestions for improvements, please let us know by clicking the report an issue button at the bottom of the tutorial.

In similar way, we can create generic interfaces in java. We can also have multiple type parameters as in Map interface. Again we can provide parameterized value to a parameterized type also, for example new HashMap(); is valid.

Java Generic Type Naming convention helps us understanding code easily and having a naming convention is one of the best practices of Java programming language. So generics also comes with its own naming conventions. Usually, type parameter names are single, uppercase letters to make it easily distinguishable from java variables. The most commonly used type parameter names are:

Notice the isEqual method signature showing syntax to use generics type in methods. Also, notice how to use these methods in our java program. We can specify type while calling these methods or we can invoke them like a normal method. Java compiler is smart enough to determine the type of variable to be used, this facility is called type inference.

Suppose we want to add Integers to a list of integers in a method, we can keep the argument type as List but it will be tied up with Integers whereas List and List can also hold integers, so we can use a lower bound wildcard to achieve this. We use generics wildcard (?) with super keyword and lower bound class to achieve this. We can pass lower bound or any supertype of lower bound as an argument, in this case, java compiler allows to add lower bound object types to the list.

Generics in Java was added to provide type-checking at compile time and it has no use at run time, so java compiler uses type erasure feature to remove all the generics type checking code in byte code and insert type-casting if necessary. Type erasure ensures that no new classes are created for parameterized types; consequently, generics incur no runtime overhead. For example, if we have a generic class like below;

It assumes that you have read the Introduction to gRPC and are familiarwith protocolbuffers. Notethat the example in this tutorial uses theproto3 version of the protocolbuffers language: you can find out more in the proto3 languageguide and Javagenerated codeguide.

The example code for our tutorial is ingrpc/grpc-java/examples/src/main/java/io/grpc/examples/routeguide.To download the example, clone the latest release in grpc-java repository byrunning the following command:

The .proto file starts with a package declaration, which helps to preventnaming conflicts between different projects. In Java, the package name is usedas the Java package unless you have explicitly specified a java_package, as wehave here. Even if you do provide a java_package, you should still define anormal package as well to avoid name collisions in the Protocol Buffers namespace as well as in non-Java languages.

This section provides a reasonable amount of detail on every user-facing aspect of the MapReduce framework. This should help users implement, configure and tune their jobs in a fine-grained manner. However, please note that the javadoc for each class/interface remains the most comprehensive documentation available; this is only meant to be a tutorial.

The child-task inherits the environment of the parent MRAppMaster. The user can specify additional options to the child-jvm via the mapreduce.{map|reduce}.java.opts and configuration parameter in the Job such as non-standard paths for the run-time linker to search shared libraries via -Djava.library.path= etc. If the mapreduce.{map|reduce}.java.opts parameters contains the symbol @taskid@ it is interpolated with value of taskid of the MapReduce task.

Here is an example with multiple arguments and substitutions, showing jvm GC logging, and start of a passwordless JVM JMX agent so that it can connect with jconsole and the likes to watch child memory, threads and get thread dumps. It also sets the maximum heap-size of the map and reduce child jvm to 512MB & 1024MB respectively. It also adds an additional path to the java.library.path of the child-jvm.

Note: mapreduce.{map|reduce}.java.opts are used only for configuring the launched child tasks from MRAppMaster. Configuring the memory options for daemons is documented in Configuring the Environment of the Hadoop Daemons.

The DistributedCache can also be used to distribute both jars and native libraries for use in the map and/or reduce tasks. The child-jvm always has its current working directory added to the java.library.path and LD_LIBRARY_PATH. And hence the cached libraries can be loaded via System.loadLibrary or System.load. More details on how to load shared libraries through distributed cache are documented at Native Libraries.

In earlier examples, the Supplier function passed to thenApply() callback would return a simple value but in this case, it is returning a CompletableFuture. Therefore, the final result in the above case is a nested CompletableFuture.

The remainder of this tutorial expands upon some of the key differences between Java and Scala,with further explanations. If you only want a quick reference between the two, readScala for Java Developers, it comeswith many snippets which you can try out in your chosen Scala setup:

Once compiled, a Scala program can be run using the scala command.Its usage is very similar to the java command used to run Javaprograms, and accepts the same options. The above example can beexecuted using the following command, which produces the expectedoutput:

We will now examine how such trees are represented and manipulated inScala through a small calculator program. The aim of this program isto manipulate very simple arithmetic expressions composed of sums,integer constants and variables. Two examples of such expressions are1+2 and (x+x)+(7+y).

The last characteristic of Scala we will explore in this tutorial isgenericity. Java programmers should be well aware of the problemsposed by the lack of genericity in their language, a shortcoming whichis addressed in Java 1.5.

This document gave a quick overview of the Scala language andpresented some basic examples. The interested reader can go on, for example, byreading the Tour of Scala, whichcontains more explanations and examples, and consult the Scala Language Specification when needed.

At Java Software, we have several guidelines that might make our documentation comments different than those of third party developers. Our documentation comments define the official Java Platform API Specification. To this end, our target audience is those who write Java compatibility tests, or conform or re-implement the Java platform, in addition to developers. We spend time and effort focused on specifying boundary conditions, argument ranges and corner cases rather than defining common programming terms, writing conceptual overviews, and including examples for developers.

What separates API specifications from a programming guide are examples, definitions of common programming terms, certain conceptual overviews (such as metaphors), and descriptions of implementation bugs and workarounds. There is no dispute that these contribute to a developer's understanding and help a developer write reliable applications more quickly. However, because these do not contain API "assertions", they are not necessary in an API specification. You can include any or all of this information in documentation comments (and can include custom tags, handled by a custom doclet, to facilitate it). At Java Software, we consciously do not include this level of documentation in doc comments, and instead include either links to this information (links to the Java Tutorial and list of changes) or include this information in the same documentation download bundle as the API spec -- the JDK documentation bundle includes the API specs as well as demos, examples, and programming guides. 2351a5e196

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