It appeared that he has only Eclipse and no additional tools for compiling java code (like javac) are required. This is because Eclipse comes bundled with its own compiler (check this for more details).

By itself I find this feature quite nice, and I believe there were good reasons for that. But I would like all our company developers to use same compiler to generate java bytecode (.class files). And to run this in same JVMs. Just for sake of having as unified environment as possible and eliminating additional environment-specific issues. I have no problem with specifying JRE in Eclipse.

Java Compiler

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But I failed to find how to change default Java compiler to javac. On the other hand, my primary IDE IntelliJ IDEA allows do that (choose between javac, jikes or eclipse compilers). So I just wanted to know if same is possible in Eclipse or not.

What do you want to have? If you want to have the classes created by Sun compiler, you can build them using Ant. Eclipse uses its own compiler because Sun's compiler is not designed to be used in auto-compiled environment.

An incremental Java compiler. Implemented as an Eclipse builder, it is based on technology evolved from VisualAge for Java compiler. In particular, it allows to run and debug code which still contains unresolved errors.

While I've also looked for this, the only solution I found was to use Maven. With maven-compiler-plugin you can specify the compiler to use, and eclipse will delegate to it. I hope a similar trick can be done for Ant-based projects.

which lead me to see that this might me related to junit test compilation failing. It turns out I had an older/mismatching of the vintage engine and the jupiter engine which are likely to have different java versions relating in the error above. Changing them to be the same ${version.junit} removed the error.

In my case, I was using Spring Framework 6.0.0 and JDK 11 as the same time. This is not supported according to spring framework wiki. After I degraded the spring framework version to 5.3.24, it solved.

When I attempt to build my application, I get syntax errors which seem as if Gradle is attempting to build the application with a Java version previous to 1.7. This is perfectly valid java 1.7+ syntax.

I am in a Java class in my college right now, and we have to be able to compile java programs via the terminal. I would like to keep using my Ubuntu installation for it though. whenever I try to compile something on Ubuntu, nobody can read the program. Says something about it not being able to read the program. I have installed the "openjdk-7-jdk" program, which might be the issue. Any help is appreciated, thanks! On a side note, I would like to mention that I need to compile my programs on OS X Lion or Windows 7 in order to run them correctly...

On my end, i can compile it just fine until release 10.1 with the introduction of the DefaultDataContext which seem to be the cause of my compilation error in addition to a huge penalty in compilation time when using Eclipse compiler.

I think I managed to have this running.

My current settings allowed me to have several JetBrains Idea projects (not JetBrains Idea modules) that depend on each others, and to have the compiler plugin work.

Then, when I run Orekit tests, it is maven that builds the library, but it does not run the tests, JetBrains Idea runs them. Not selecting Skip Tests just means the tests would be run twice, once by maven and once by the IDE.

In order to compile and run my application, I just did step 3 again with my application pom.xml. Note that delegating the build to maven is project-specific, so I did it only for Orekit (i.e. the intermediate level, between Hipparchus and my application), for the other projects, I just let Jetbrains Idea do the compilation using its embedded maven tools.

Came across an app on the App Store called Pico, a Java compiler for iOS that is intended as a learning tool. Having been interested in programming languages for many years and recently having returned to school where I am studying Java, among other things, this piqued my interest so I downloaded it to give it a test drive. I did not expect it to be accessible, but so far it seems to work beautifully with VoiceOver! It's free so I highly recommend giving it a shot if you are interested in this kind of thing. Maybe we can have a little Java coding club here at the forums :)

This will produce a Compile Time Error that method methB() not found in class A, although Object Reference "ob" contains an object of class B which consists of method methB(). Reason for this is that Java Compiler checks for the method in Class A (the reference type) not in Class B (the actual object type). So, I want to know whats the reason behind this. Why does Java Compiler looks for the method in Class A why not in Class B(the actual object type)?

Your example is in some way a special case. In a non trivial program you can typically not determine the class of the object a certain reference points to better than "it is of the type the reference was declared for or a subtype of it".

The whole concept of polymorphism is based on the fact that the concrete class is only known at runtime but not at compile time. This of course means that the compiler must ensure that the methods that are called on a reference will be available on the referenced object at runtime. The only methods for which this holds true are the methods of the class for which the variable was declared (including all inherited methods from the super classes).

As @David said in his comment the reason behind this is that typing is done statically by the programmer in java. If java had type inference the typing would be done by the compiler (but still statically) and your example would be absolutely valid. But it could be invalidated by another line doing this ob = new A().

The point is, that method calls are resolved at compile time and compiler cannot know what concrete class instance will be inside variable during compilation. That is why you can only call method that exist in class that is defined as type of given variable. And if said method is virtual, then the runtime will pick correct overload when the program runs. This is basis for late binding in OOP languages.

See the method ob.methC(); ? This method is neither in Class A or Class B. If Java compiler would have allowed this it would have cause an Error. As the saying goes it is better to take care of your self than to fall ill and eat medicines. Java was designed to be simple and not allow error that we know have high probability of occurring(One of the reason why Exceptions were introduced from very beginning).

Also whole concept of polymorphism is based on the fact that the concrete class is only known at runtime but not at compile time. So for safety java compilers are designed that way. Though you can decide just to declare your method in superClass(like making it abstract) and then implement it in the sub class.

My favorite analogy for polymorphism is to use teachers. This will provide more clarity rather than the abstract MethodA() and MethodB(). Say you have a Teacher and a Math teacher. The latter is a more specific version and represents an IS-A relationsihp. A Math Teacher IS a teacher, so it can do anything a teacher can do, but the opposite is not true. Not all teachers can teach math. If I have a teacher reference,

It would not be safe to assume the teacher knows math, it could be a lanuage or science teacher. We do know that all teachers have the Teach() method, so this is safe to call. The reference defines the interface or contract. This separation of interface from the implementation is a very powerful OOP principal. For this reason it is often encouraged to decouple your implementation entirely. I don't need to know what kind of teacher the reference holds, because I know it can teach regardless.

This can continue even further as you get more specific, you can have a Calculus teacher which IS a math teacher. Both math teacher and calculus teacher have the method DoEquation() and Teach(), but only the calculus teacher can call DoAdvancedEqation().

The first and most important priority of a compiler is to be correct. If the class files produced by the Java compiler do not function in the way specified by the Java Language Specification then it would not be a Java compiler.

The second priority of a compiler has historically been to be fast and resource efficient. In the 90s, CPU and RAM were far more scarce resources. If a language couldn't be compiled efficiently then it would be impractical to use. 3

First to note is the personification of the compiler as an entity. When it says "I cannot find a variable" it subtly, but importantly, primes the user to think about the compiler as an entity unto itself. Its small stuff like that gives our monkey brains the hooks it needs to anthropomorphize.

With many compilers you get a location like program.x:43:22 that you have to decipher. Where is that file? Which one is the line? Which is the column? Okay, let me scan through my code. You also often get a pretty-printed version of the problematic code, but it looks nothing like the code you wrote. You again need to do a mental transformation to find it. So a lot of time is lost:

And don't forget that hint! It's a pretty basic analysis8, but being able to suggest functions that the user might have meant is big. Even if we disregard the exact contents of the hint, that there is a dedicated place to give hints and for users to look for hints is great.

It is kind of shocking how much better things get when you focus on the user. I mean, on some level, it is not shocking at all though. Most terminal tools came into existence well before our industry really started focusing on making apps and websites feel great for their users. We all collectively realized that a hard to use app or website is bad for business, but the same lessons have not really percolated down to tools like compilers and build tools yet. Hopefully I have demonstrated that we can do better! 152ee80cbc

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