Now imagine someone now rotates you 90 degrees on the roundabout so that you are now facing East. You are being rotated around the Y axis. This axis is different because we can't detect it biologically. We know we are angled by a certain amount but we don't know the direction in relation to the planet's magnetic North pole.Instead we need to use a external tool... a magnetic compass. This allows us to ascertain which direction we are facing. The same is true with our phone.

The phone also has an electronic compass which behaves like a normal compass - its "virtual needle" points to magnetic north. Android merges the information from these two sensors so that whenever a SensorEvent of TYPE_ORIENTATION is generated the values[3] array has

values[0]: Azimuth - (the compass bearing east of magnetic north)

values[1]: Pitch, rotation around x-axis (is the phone leaning forward or back)

values[2]: Roll, rotation around y-axis (is the phone leaning over on its left or right side)

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So I think (ie I don't know) the reason Android gives the azimuth (compass bearing) rather than the reading of the third accelerometer is that the compass bearing is just more useful. I'm not sure why they deprecated this type of sensor as now it seems you need to register a listener with the system for SensorEvents of type TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD. The event's value[] array needs to bepassed into SensorManger.getRotationMatrix(..) method to get a rotation matrix (see below) which is then passed into the SensorManager.getOrientation(..) method. Does anyone know why the Android team deprecated Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION? Is it an efficiency thing? That is what is implied in one of the comments to a similar question but you still need to register a different type of listener in the development/samples/Compass/src/com/example/android/compass/ example.

I was having this issue so I mapped out what happens in different directions.If the device is mounted in landscape fashion, eg in a car mount the 'degrees' from the compass seem to run from 0-275 (going clockwise) above 269 ( between west and north) it counts backwards from -90 to 0, then forwards from 0 to 269. 270 becomes -90

Normally, the compass' needle points toward the world spawn point. The compass points to spawn when viewed in any way, including as a dropped item, in a player's hand, in an inventory or the crafting table, or in an item frame. The direction the needle points to is relative to the player who is viewing it. When a compass in an item frame is rotated, the needle turns accordingly.

The compass can be used on a lodestone, after which it is named lodestone compass by default and points to that lodestone as long as the compass is in the same dimension as the lodestone, but if the compass is taken to a different dimension, it spins randomly, as a normal compass would in the Nether or the End. If the lodestone is destroyed, it also spins randomly, even if the lodestone is replaced afterward. However, if a lodestone compass is placed in storage, the lodestone can be broken and replaced without the compass losing the attunement, as long as the compass remains in storage while the lodestone is missing.

Much like clocks, the code responsible for moving the needle is also present with the "setup" code, however it is omitted here as it is not pertinent to the actual drawing of the sprite. Also like clocks, an oversight in how the compass sprite is set to be loaded prevents texture packs from overriding the compass's base sprite.

Every language is created by programmers who design and optimize it to solve the problems that they've worked on in their careers. (A language can't be optimized for everything, not least because there's a tradeoff between simplicity and syntactic sugar.) Java is a wonderful language that was created by experienced programmers solving a variety of problems. Today, however, it is being designed by programmers who do little else than work on Java itself. This is telling by the emphasis on "pattern matching" and particularly Record Patterns. Most of the examples demonstrating their utility are bits of compilers! Eg _good_are_record_patterns_in_java_an_example/ And while it happens that I write a lot of code that makes liberal use of instanceof (against the general grain of OOP), even I am balking at Record Patterns. What is even the point of "reducing" this:

An Enum in Java is a special data type that encompasses a set of predefined constants. When setting a variable of that Enum type, you have to use one of the constants that you define for it. A great example is the compass:

Hi Mike

This is late reply but I am looking for someone that can build a special compass for me.

The compass must be white, no marks, a round circle on the outside and a car drawn

at a given angle, that is placed over the circle. The angle is the real angle between the cell and the car

so when the compass points north the car will signal the direction of the car

Can you develop this?


When making a compass, it is important that the iron ingots and the redstone dust are placed in the exact pattern as the image below. In the first row, there should be 1 iron ingot placed in the middle box. In the second row, there should be 1 iron ingot placed in the first box, 1 redstone dust in the second box, and 1 iron ingot in the third box. In the third row, there should be 1 iron ingot placed in the middle box. This is the Minecraft crafting recipe for a compass.

Press the A and D keys to rotate the map. The text will update to display the map's rotation value. If the map is not pointed north, the compass will display the current heading. Click the compass to set the map's heading to north.

Hello, nice and easy to implement your code. I have the same need as YSN. I need the compass to point to a specific coordinate. NOT to the north. Maybe we cant call it a compass, but I need an arrow pointing to a specific coordinate. Is there a way to achieve that?

hello mam prachi here

In compass andriod application how we major the height and actual real postion .suppose i m in building 1st floor and my frd 8 th foor so how compass major the height? plz mam help

Getting my first compass inside a native Android app right was a bit of an odyssey. The orientation sensor I knew is deprecated quite a while. And the suggested method of using SensorManager.getOrientation got me a very jumpy and unsteady compass needle.

This type of smoothing numerical values may work well with pixel values but does fail with angles. Whenever the compass was close to pointing north I got this really odd behavior of a spinning and jumping needle.

Does anyone know how to check the compass Heading to see if (for example) it changes by more than +/- 5 degrees from a chosen Heading ? I mean lets say you want to walk along a heading of 332 degrees and the heading changes to 328 (because you were not walking straight. So I want to listen for events where the heading differs by more than 5 degrees from a chosen value.

Using Xamarin forms, how to determine if your compass is, or needs to be, calibrated? Yes, you can do compass calls to start and stop monitoring, but unless you know beforehand where North is, and see that the compass is not pointed to it... you do not know if you need to manually tilt and rotate the phone, to calibrate the compass. Is there any call to anything, to determine if compass is, or needs to be, calibrated?

Generally, mobile phone compasses are automatically calibrated. Usually we use Xamarin.Essentials: Compass to monitor the device's magnetic north heading. I check the source code of Xamarin.Essentials: Compass, and there is no method to calibrate the compass.

In iOS, calibrating is done at the OS level , you could guide the user to jump to the settings page to calibrate the compass. There is a CLLocationManager API and use locationManagerShouldDisplayHeadingCalibration(_:) to display the calibration alert. 

Xamarin.Essentials: Compass has completed this function, you don't need to do additional operations if you use Xamarin.Essentials in your project, refer to

In Android, in rare instances, you maybe see inconsistent results because the sensors need to be calibrated, which involves moving your device in a figure-8 motion. The best way of doing this is to open Google Maps, tap on the dot for your location, and select Calibrate compass.

Found this.... -us/answers/questions/456756/onsensorchanged-method-is-not-getting-called.html. Took some work to get it working. But in retrospect, not sure if your code example is useful. I want to find out if the accuracy is not high, when the app starts, and then notify the user to calibrate the compass. The method OnAccuracyChanged is not called at this point. How do I get it to be called (not sure where to get the method parameters from)? Thanks.

You had previously said "Generally, mobile phone compasses are automatically calibrated." On my Samsung S21+, it is not always calibrated, and I can tell this when I start my app, and north is not pointed to where it should be. Not sure is this is related to this problem.

Yes, I did get the calls to work. but at times, I could tell that the compass was not calibrated (even though the return message said that it was using high accuracy), and then, I did do the manual calibration.

No, it is not getting information that tells me if the compass is calibrated, it is getting information from the Magnetometer... "Magnetometers are for orientation sensing, not for position sensing".

Set up: first you need to print out a copy of the Sun Compass/Clock for your latitude and date. Use the 'Display' menu options to set the latitude and date displayed. A Sun Compass/Clock can of course be used for any date (see the sections linked to above), but by specifying a date you get an accurate gnomon locator plus a time correction estimate (see below) for free. Next you need to add a gnomon (a 'stick' that will cast a shadow across your Sun Compass/Clock). Your gnomon should be perfectly vertical and long enough to cast a shadow that will cross the sun line (4) at all times of the day. Next you need to hold your Sun Compass/Clock perfectly level and in a place where the sun will fall on it for the duration of what you are using it for. To use it as a clock, orientate it to true north. To use it as a compass, orientate it so that the current sun time matches the time on the Sun Compass/Clock. ff782bc1db

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