We're developing a data heavy modular web application stack with java but have little expert knowledge concerning tests. What we currently do is using JUnit to run a mixture of unit tests and functional tests. I described the problem in more detail here.

Now we decided to set up standards early on, on how to test our modules and applications so we'll need to read up on the principles and best practices of testing in general and in the java spring environment in particular.

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It would be nice if the examples in the book are directly applicable to our application stack. We're using spring, JPA(hibernate), JSF, spring security. For testing so far we're using the basic Junit and some powermock. So JBOSS, Seam or Java Enterprise books are not so usefull.

Take a look at the resources under this answer. I highly recommend the first three books, the first two directly address your "levels" questions. The first is more focused on specific tools, while the second is more conceptual.

Hate to give you a snippet of an answer (as you've said you want a solid guide) but I can't really recomment any books. Best practices should involve TDD though. It's much bandied about but it aids regression and eases the mind when those ad-hoc quick requirement changes come in (when you know you've a solid codebase).

Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:Dra,

 I would recommend learning Java EE (now Jakarta EE) in pieces. In particular Servlets, EJBs and JSF. All of those topics have books.


 Or if you want to learn the topics on a higher level (not the exam level), J2EE Essentials or Java EE 7: The Big Picture might be good choices

Hello everybody, today is the world of online courses. Everyone is talking about learning from online training, Youtube, free courses on Coursera and other websites, which is great as online courses to help you to learn faster, but, I believe books should still be an important part of your learning, as they provide the most in-depth knowledge and often written by authority on the subject matter.

These Java books are my personal favorites, and whenever I get some time, I prefer to read them to refresh my knowledge. Though I have read many of them already (I have read Effective Java at least four times so far), I always want to learn something new and my quest for great books never ends.

Having said that, not all books are equally suitable for all programmers. For beginners, Head First Java is still the best book to get started, and for the advanced Java developer, Effective Java is a nice book to start with.

Effective Java is one of the top Java books in my record and one of the most enjoyable. I have high regard for Joshua Bloch, the author, for his contribution to the Java collection framework and Java Concurrency package.

There are a couple of new books available in Java, which cover JDK 1.7. To find out latest book on Java performance like Java Performance, The Definitive Guide by Scott Oaks, which is certainly worth checking out before buying this book.

Many would agree that this is one of the best Java books, with a strength being that is points to intelligent examples. This is one of the complete books in Java and can be used as a reference as well.

This was my list of top Java programming books. I have read all the books, some of them I am still reading and a couple of them, like Effective Java and the Head-First series, I have read a couple of times. Many programmers ask me which books they should start with and which Java book they should read now. I hope you found some good books in this collection. Happy reading!

Java is an object-oriented programming language designed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems in 1991. It is used to design light and fast applications that serve a variety of purposes. According to the TIOBE Index, Java is among the top three programming languages. No matter where you are on your developer journey, there are tons of resources out there to help you improve your Java knowledge. Here is a list of the best Java books for both beginners and experienced developers.

Thinking in Java is considered as one of the most complete Java books containing everything from the fundamentals to advanced topics. The latest edition covers several topics of Java 8 features in detail. It serves as an excellent resource for intermediate and advanced developers serious about object-oriented programming.

And Java, as one of the leading programming languages, has many to choose from. That prompted our research into the world's best Java books. We considered the price, length, and expertise of the author. Read on to find Java books that work for your style of learning.

Here, we assembled a list of 11 excellent Java books to advance your learning in Java. Those looking to learn at their own pace may also want to consider on-demand video services. We evaluated Java courses as well. Below, we discuss only Java books as learning resources.

As a reminder, we looked for the depth of the coverage, recent updates, and cost. Our considerations included Java books from many publishers, but you will see several names appear more than once. We respect these publishers for their subject matter expertise and unique insights.

A must-have book for every Java programmer and Java aspirant, Effective Java makes up for an excellent complementary read with other Java books or learning material. The book offers 78 best practices to follow for making the code better. Effective Java divides all the mentioned best practices into 11 distinct sections, such as Concurrency, Generics, and Methods, to make it easier for the reader to grasp it all. The book offers something to Java programmers of any skill level. Effective Java is written by Joshua Bloch, who is also the author of many key Java classes and APIs, including java.lang and Java Collection framework. The context of the latest edition of the book built around Java 7, 8, and 9.

A good hold on the OOP and design patterns is essential for writing immaculate Java applications. Head First Design Patterns is one of the leading books to build that particular understanding of the Java programming language. Head First Design Patterns provides answers to several commonly asked questions about Java, including why Composition is better than Inheritance and how to change the runtime behavior of a class without stirring the already tried and tested code.

The latest edition of Head First Design Patterns is updated for Java 8. Unlike other books that rely on a text-based approach, Head First Design Patterns flaunts a visually rich format that makes learning faster and more efficient.

Hi can anyone please help after just running the update from java I am unable to log into my book live it takes email and the password OK but then just spins a java symbol and a box comes up with unsigned application and gives me the to option to run but java just keeps spinning round I have reinstalled java about half a dozen times now but still have no access

I am very perplexed at the rates for catching enchanted books. I have a Luck of the Sea III Lure III fishing rod and I have caught over 54 stacks of cod without a single enchanted book. The wiki says that it is a 1.9% chance but those maths just ain't mathing. Thoughts? Version 1.20.4 pure vanilla.

In 2019, after ODRC instituted new policies that made it harder for prisoners to receive used books, multiple organizations told media outlets that donating books had gotten harder. In response, the agency carved out an exception for nonprofit organizations that send books to prisons for free.

For example, Sarah Hainstock, who was in the Ohio Reformatory for Women from 2019 to 2021, said she uses Amazon to send books to friends who are still incarcerated. Some of those materials get through, with varying degrees of difficulty. But in a 2021 lawsuit, the correction department claimed it had a right to reject a white supremacist book because it was shipped from Amazon, which was not an approved vendor.

After a spate of negative media coverage about donated books being rejected when the rules about vendors changed, department officials promised to create an exception for nonprofit groups. But Smith said that the policy clarification, published in June 2019, only covers materials donated to the prison in general, not to a specific person.

So, which books should a beginner get? Theoretically, no book should beneeded given the wealth of resources online. However, most of uslike to have something to read if just to avoid looking at thescreen all the time. For beginners, the followingbooks might initially be best: A fast-intro book such as Java in a Nutshell (which is also inexpensive). A gentle-intro book - take your pick from below. Fast-intro books:Java in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition by David Flanagan (O'Reilly Pub.)

 This book is a handy reference that contains a (rather terse)overview of the language, tools and API's. Initially, a beginner willfind it difficult to read, but it's probably the onlybook you will continue to use even after becoming a Java expert.Core Java 2, Volume 1by C.Horstmann and G.Cornell (Prentice-Hall).This book, a introduction to Java for programmers, starts fromscratch, has plenty of examples and comparisons with other languages.Volume 2 has advanced material. Object-Oriented Software Development Using Java: Principles,Patterns and Frameworks by X.Jia (Addison-Wesley).After introducing Java, the book also covers design patternsand frameworks. Java with Object-Oriented Programming by P.Wang(Thomson). Covers much of Java, requires some programming background. Object-Oriented Programming Featuring Graphical Applicationsin Java by M.Laszlo (Addison-Wesley). Covers objects,design patterns and frameworks. Understanding Object-Oriented Programming with Javaby T.Budd (Addison-Wesley). Just Java by P. van der Linden (Prentice-Hall).Covers a wide variety of topics from XML to Beans. A raretopic, regular expressions, is also covered using Java Grep. Java By Example by J.R.Jackson and A.L.McClellan(Prentice Hall).  Java Programming Advanced Topics by J.Wigglesworth andP.Lumby (Thomson). Broad introduction with examples for programmers.Also covers some advanced topics such as beans. Developing Java Software by R.Winder and G.Roberts.Software engineering perspective. Unique in that it goes throughthe gory details of a few substantial applications.  Prelude to Patterns in Computer Science Using Javaby E.C.Epp (Franklin-Beedle). This book is hard to categorize:it covers some introductory Java and yet is not really aimedat intro courses. Probably best suited for a third programmingcourse in a sequence where the first two are not in Java.Introduces design patterns. Java: How to Program by H.Deitel and P.Deitel(Prentice-Hall). Covers both introductory and advanced material. Java from the Beginning by J.Skansholm (Addison-Wesley).Covers both intro material, GUI's and streams/networking. First-course books: Java: An Introduction to Computer Science and Programming(3rd Ed) by W.Savitch (Prentice-Hall).A popular first-course book that, at 900 pages, covers a lot ofmaterial for a first-course.The approach is traditional: objects are covered later, followedeven later by GUI's. Object-Oriented Problem Solving: Java, Java, Javaby R.Morelli (Prentice-Hall).Apart from covering first-course material, there are also chapterson second-course material. The book takes an "objects-first"approach, starting early with objects as well as GUI's. Java: An Object-Oriented Approach by D.Arnowand G.Weiss (Addison-Wesley). This book takes the objects-firstapproach but separates GUI programming as optional supplementalmaterial in each chapter. Objects First with Java: A Practical Introduction UsingBlueJ by D.Barnes and M.Kolling (Prentice-Hall).As the title indicates, the book is for a first-course that takesan objects-first approach. The book is also tied to the BlueJ development environment. Object-Oriented Application Development Using Javaby E.R.Doke, J.W.Satzinger and S.R.Williams (Thomson Learning).Takes an objects-first approach. Java: A Framework for Programming and Problem Solvingby K.Lambert and M.Osborne (Brooks/Cole). This book takes a more-or-less objects-first approach but postponesGUI's until covering some elementary Java. A balance betweenGUI-first and GUI-later. Java Programming, 2nd Edition by J.Farrell (Thomson).Objects-first, GUI-first approach. Many examples in tutorial style. The Object of Java: Introduction to Programming UsingSoftware Engineering Principles by D.Riley (Addison-Wesley).A good example of the direct objects-first, GUI-first approach.Starts immediately with a graphical, call-methods-in-objects approach.Follows up with a second-course book (see below). An Introduction to Programming and Object-Oriented DesignUsing Java by J.Nino and F.A.Hosch (Wiley).Objects-first approach. Introduction to Java and Software Design byN.Dale, C.Weems and M.Headington (Jones and Bartlett).Objects-first, GUI-first. A Java version of their popularC++ text. Object-Oriented Programming with Java by B.J.Holmesand D.T.Joyce (Jones and Bartlett). An objects-first, GUI-first approach using their custom AVI classes. Java by Dissection by I.Pohl and C.McDowell(Addison-Wesley).  Introduction to Programming Using Javaby D.Arnow, S.Dexter and G.Weiss (Addison-Wesley).An objects-early approach, with supplemental GUI material. Second-course books: Data Structures and Other Objects Using Javaby M.Main (Addison-Wesley). Solid coverage of APCS-AB material.This is the text we use at GW for our second course. The Object of Data Abstraction and Structures Using Javaby D.Riley (Addison-Wesley).Standard second-course material following his first-course textthat is objects-first, GUI-first. Advanced books: Core Java 2, Volume 2by C.Horstmann and G.Cornell (Prentice-Hall).Volume 2 covers threads, networking, JDBC, beans and security. Advanced Java: Internet Applications by A.Gittleman (Scott Jones).Covers a broad range of advanced topics from JDBC, servletsand JSP to Java2D and beans. Advanced Java: Development for Enterprise Applicationsby C.Berg (Prentice-Hall). Emphasises server-side stuff: beans,servlets, RMI. Java Design Patterns: A Tutorial by J.W.Cooper(Addison-Wesley). Concise introduction to design patterns in Java. Patterns in Java, Vols. 1 and 2 by M.Grand(Wiley). Catalogue of design patterns with UML. Core Swing Advanced Programming by K.Topley(Prentice-Hall). What the title says it is. Practical Java: Programming Language Guideby P.Haggar. Tips for advanced programmers. HardCore Java by R.Simmons (O'Reilly Pub.).Useful and esoteris odds and ends.Note: The advanced books listed above do not even scratch thesurface of what is available. There is, for example, an entire seriesof books on Java by O'Reilly Publishing that cover various specialtopics such as threads, concurrent programming, servlets and the like. AP Computer Science books: J.Lewis, W.Loftus, C.Cocking, S.Horwitz.Java Software Solutions for AP Computer Science.  S.Horwitz. Addison-Wesley's Review for the AP Computer ScienceExam in Java (Addison-Wesley).  M.Litvin and G.Litvin.Java Methods and Java Methods (AB). M.Litvin. Be Prepared for the AP Computer Science Exam in Java. T.West and C.Stephenson. Java for AP Computer Science(Holt Software Associates).  Links to reviews on Java books: JavaShelf, a websitedevoted to Java books.  Java book list and reviews by Marty Hall, authorof Core Java Servlets and JSP. A richlyannotated list of books on Java by Elliotte Harold (himself anauthor of several Java books). 0852c4b9a8

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