We plan to introduce Swing components for our future applets, which require Sun's Java Development Kit J2SE v1.2 SDK or higher to compile applet source codes. If you use IE for Windows, you should download and install Sun's Java plug-in, which is provided in the runtime environment (J2SE JRE) software package.

VietIME, or Vietnamese Input Method Editor, is a Java application that uses the input method framework in the Java 2 platform (1.3 or higher) to enable the collaboration between text editing components and input methods in entering Vietnamese text with any Java runtime environment. Text editing components that use the input method framework run on any Java application environment and support any text input methods available on that Java application environment without modifying or recompiling the text editing component.

Java 2 Runtime Environment Se V1.4.2 03 Free Download

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To make the Vietnamese IME available to Java applications and applets, its jar file, VietIME.jar, should be copied into the extensions directory of a Java 2 runtime environment. For J2SE v1.4.2, this would be C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2\lib\ext directory on Windows, /usr/java/j2re1.4.2/lib/ext on Solaris and Linux, or /Library/Java/Extensions on Mac OS X.

The PATH environmentvariable enables Linux to find executable files, such as javac, java, andjavadoc, from any current directory. To display the current value of your PATH, type the following at a shell prompt:

If you plan to develop and run applications that use different runtimeenvironments, including other versions that you have installed separately,you must set the CLASSPATH (and PATH) explicitly for each application. If you plan to run multiple applicationssimultaneously and use different runtime environments, be sure that each applicationis run in its own shell.

On double-byte character set (DBCS) systems, if you want to switch theinput method, you should use java.util.prefs.Preferences class instead of IBMJAVA_INPUTMETHOD_SWITCHKEY and IBMJAVA_INPUTMETHOD_SWITCHKEY_MODIFIERS environment variables. See Sun's Input Method Framework Specification in detail.

Mozilla 1.4 and later are compiled with gcc 3.x. So a gcc3.x compatible version of the Java plugin must be used. From v1.4.2onwards, IBM SDK for Linux is being shipped with an additional gcc3 compiledplug-in library (libjavaplugin_ojigcc3.so), to makethe plug-in compatible with the later updates of Mozilla browser.

The XSLT4J 2.6 processor allows you to choose between the original XSLTInterpretive processor or the new XSLT Compiling processor. The Interpretiveprocessor is designed for tooling and debugging environments and supportsthe XSLT extension functions that are not supported by the XSLT Compilingprocessor. The XSLT Compiling processor is designed for high performance runtimeenvironments; it generates a transformation engine, or translet, from an XSL stylesheet. This approach separates the interpretationof stylesheet instructions from their runtime application to XML data. 0852c4b9a8

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