Chandra Bhagavan

Other names- Soma

Affiliation- Deva, Graha, Navagraha

Abode- Chandraloka

Planet- Moon

Mantra- Om Chandramasē Namaha

Weapon- Rope

Day- Monday, Hindi- Somvaar, Sanskrit- Induvaasaram

Color- Pale white[1]

Mount- Chariot pulled by an Antelope

Gender- Male

Chandrasya Parichayah

Parents- Atri (father), Anusuya (mother)

Consort- Rohini (1 of 27 Nakshatra Revathi and other 23 daughters (including Rohini) of Prajapathi Daksh, Tara (illegitimate)

Children- Budha and Chandravanshis

Kailasanathar Temple, Thingalur

The Chandiranaar Temple is a Hindu temple in the village of Thingalur, 33 kilometres from Kumbakonam on the Kumbakonam - Thiruvayyar road. The presiding deity is Soma. However, the main idol in the temple is that of "Kailasanathar" or Shiva. The temple is considered one of the nine Navagraha temples in Tamil Nadu.