Jared Weinstein


Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Boston University

 Contact Info

email: jsweinst@bu.edu

phone:  617-353-4560

office hours:  Mondays 2:30 - 3:30 pm in CDS 543

About Me

I am Professor and Director of Graduate Admissions at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Boston University.  A Long Island native, I received my AB from Harvard University  and then completed my doctorate at the University of California, Berkeley.   Prior to joining the BU faculty in 2011, I held postdoctoral positions at UCLA and the Institute for Advanced Study.  My research specialties are Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry.

Here is my CV.

Posing with some math toys

"Global" representation of the essential singularity of sin(1/z)

Still from my Fields Institute presentation on p-adic geometry