
Please read the Call below. If you have any questions, click our email link above.
Instructions for submitting your letter are at the bottom of this page

Call for Love Letters

Artists Collette Broeders and Ed Janzen are currently developing work for an upcoming performance and are looking for ‘Letters of Love’ in the form of images.  These images will be used in a drawing performance and upcoming exhibition.  All accepted participants will receive a digital publication containing a catalogue of submissions and any additional images and/or documentation provided by the artists.

The letters must be HAND-WRITTEN and can include:  letters, notes, cards with notes, note cards, post cards and note cards from flowers received.  We will accept these as photocopy images or photo images of original hand-written letters and/or notes.

Submissions must provide contact information including name and email.  Participants may choose to submit anonymously by checking  ‘anonymous’ in the form and name will not appear publicly.  Image files must be submitted as a JPEG/JPG, PNG, or PDF formats.  The image file size should be no larger than 5MB.  Letters of Love will be accepted until June 7, 2024.  Physical letters will not be accepted.  Images of Letters of Love may be sent to using ‘Letters of Love’ in email Subject. Instructions on how to submit are included at the bottom of this page. We will first ask you to sign a Release form.

There is no fee to submit and participation is free.  The submission is open to participants over 18 years of age. Images submitted will not be returned.  Participants are encouraged to submit as many images as they like.  All participants are considered deemed to have declared that their images have no commercial value.  The artists will not accept content that is harmful such as racism, fanaticism, sexual content, belittlement or otherwise offensive subject matter.

A digital publication (catalogue) and physical book will postdate the project.

All announcements related to the event will be made on our official websites and social media platforms. We eagerly await your contributions with your images. Please do not hesitate to contact us using the email link at the top of this page if you have any questions.

To submit your letter, please read and follow the steps below

Step 1

Click here to fill in and sign the Release Form

Blue markers will guide you through the form. After it is filled in and signed, click the blue "click to sign" button at the bottom of the page. You will be asked to enter your email address. Enter and click the button.

You will be sent an email requesting to confirm your email address. 

After you confirm you will be emailed a copy of your signed release form.

Step 2

Scan or take a photo of the letter. 

Attach the photo(s) to an email using the Subject "Letters of Love". You may submit as many letters as you wish. Send to

Thank you for participating!