Diana then travels across Mount Olympus, first visiting Donna Troy and encourages her reintegration. Next Diana goes to Zola and Zeke, where Hera joins them and they discuss the isolation and the child. After leaving Zola, Diana travels to Hephaestus, where they tour his vaults and she reflects that she adopted the Wonder Woman suit as a girl and now she is a woman and changes into a new suit, armoured and covering her body. Her first expedition is to defuse a bomb set by a teenager, getting closer the hooded villain maces Diana but as she holds him up he escapes and disappears into the river, calling her the God of War, much to Diana's confusion.[60]

Having learnt of Wonder Woman's inability to return to Themyscira, Doctor Veronica Cale, a wealthy and powerful woman, set into motion a plan to use Wonder Woman to find Themyscira. Years earlier, Cale's daughter Izzy had her soul stolen by the gods Phobos and Deimos. They told Veronica that they would only return her daughter to her if she helped them find Wonder Woman, and got the location of Themyscira from her. Seeing no other option, Cale had formed a team called Godwatch, dedicated to locating Diana and Themyscira.

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After establishing the Amazon Embassy on Earth, Diana transferred back to Washington D.C. and there met her new neighbor, a girl named Emma who Diana learned suffered from memory problems, related to the death of her parents in an incident with a drunken driver. Bonding with the girl, Diana went with her to buy some furniture for his new apartment: while there, Wonder Woman saved a mother and his young son from certain death, as the woman was driving her car into a truck. Diana discovered that the woman was suffering from some sort of hallucination, thinking she was going together with his son to buy some ice cream.

Two women in Marston's life shaped the character. Marston lived in a polyamerous relationship with: his wife, Elizabeth, and a former student, Olive Byrne. Perhaps most influential was the discrimination Marston's wife faced when she was barred from attending Harvard Law School with him because she was a woman. These societal injustices found their way into Marston's character. Wonder Woman's powers would be nullified if she were ever restrained by a man, according to "Aphrodite's Law."

Marston frequently returns to the themes mentioned above in his Wonder Woman stories. In fact, virtually all "Moulton" Wonder Woman stories included a full-length Wonder Woman in an oversized bondage panel . A scene remarkably similar to the "baby party" involving Wonder Woman's frequent supporting cast, the girls of Beeta Lamda [sic] sorority Holliday College, showed up in Sensation Comics 4 (April 1942). Remarkably, his research assistant on that study, Olive Byrne, was also the woman who, as Olive Richard, conducted the seminal interview published in Family Circle. In fact, Olive "Dotsie" Richard moved in with Marston and his wife Elizabeth Holloway Marston. William Marston fathered two children each by each woman, and the extended family lived together harmoniously! Apparently Olive bore a physical resemblance to Marston's Wonder Woman, right down to the heavy silver Indian bracelets worn on each of her wrists.

After the meeting, Trevor's superior berated him for taking a woman into the war room. Morgan then introduced himself to Diana. She began to introduce herself as "Diana, Princess of Themyscira," but Trevor cut her off to maintain her secret identity, calling her "Diana Prince." Trevor then informed Morgan that he had managed to steal Doctor Poison's notebook.

By 1984, Diana had become a senior anthropologist at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C., specializing in the culture of ancient Mediterranean civilizations.[5] In the mix, she interfered at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History when a group of gunmen broke in to steal the famous Noble Diamond, thwarting them.[8] She would later prevent a mall robbery in Virginia on her way to work. Shortly afterward, she met and befriended a new co-worker, Barbara Ann Minerva who had just slipped on her way in, dropping and scattering all her papers, Diana assisted her in picking up the mess. She was an insecure woman who idolized and envied Diana for her beauty and confidence. In the mix, aspiring businessman Max Lord visited the Smithsonian in search of a mysterious Dreamstone which seemingly granted wishes upon contact with any user.

Diana is a very kind, loving, compassionate, and strong-willed person, who, while initially somewhat nave, has become all the wiser through her time in Man's World. An outspoken egalitarian, she fights for what she believes in and generally for the betterment of mankind through love and mutual understanding, as taught to her by her mother and fellow Amazons.[20] Growing up, Diana also proved herself headstrong and determined to do what she wanted, such as training in hand-to-hand combat under her aunt Antiope's tutelage despite her mother initially forbidding it. In this way she is quite stubborn; if she believes something is the right thing to do, then she will do it - as evidenced by her attempt to leave Themyscira without her mother's permission and insistence in attending Ludendorff's gala despite Steve telling her not to. Alongside her kindness and compassion, however, Diana was also a very nave idealist when she first arrived in "Man's World," blindly believing that all men were corrupted by Ares and that the World War I Central Powers would simply abandon their sinister ways if she killed him. This blind naivety also translated to explicit indignation whenever she was treated with disrespect due to her status as a woman, such as when she was ignored by members of the War Office. Alongside this, Diana also voiced her opinions rather bluntly upon her arrival, such as when she perceived Etta Candy's job as Steve Trevor's secretary to be akin to slavery (which earns Diana Etta's admiration). Despite her outspokenness and behavior in Man's World, however, Diana remained very caring and compassionate, as demonstrated by her initially rocky relationship with Charlie and willingness to step into No Man's Land to save the village of Veld while encouraging him with compassion to sing for them

While living in "Man's World" for a century following World War I tempered some of Diana's more blindly held beliefs, she still held true to her core values of kindness and compassion, and further grew into an exceptionally considerate, diplomatic, and empathetic woman. fully understanding the complexities of human nature. This can be seen when she silently emphasizes with Lois Lane after the death of Superman had been killed (recalling her own pain with Steve Trevor) smiling knowingly when Aquaman accidentally sat on the Lasso of Hestia and confessed his fears about their upcoming mission and how attractive he found her. With all of her experiences, Diana is also the most diplomatic member of the Justice League, as evidenced by her treatment of the Flash with compassion and patience, despite his tendency to somewhat annoy her and the other Justice Leaguers with his humorous attitude, and the kindness and support she showed to Cyborg while he continued to grapple with his powers.[21] Indeed, through her compassion and unbreakable spirit, Diana has given renewed hope to many of her teammates throughout the years. For example, she motivated and inspired the Wonder Men into looking past purely monetary interests, with Chief resolving to no longer be neutral in the war, Sameer finally admitting his passion for acting, and even the depressed Charlie struggling with PTSD finally beginning to sing again for the first time in years. Likewise, during the Justice League's battle against Steppenwolf's forces, Wonder Woman was able to inspire confidence in the inexperienced Flash and Cyborg, assuring them that they wouldn't need to fight the Apokoliptian invasion alone. Furthermore, she was the most understanding of Superman's confusion upon his resurrection and remained ambivalent about fighting the newly-resurrected Superman and even implored him not to force her to, showing him compassion and persistence while attempting to get him to remember who he is (even calling him by his birth name). In addition to her general willingness for empathy, however, Diana is also extremely friendly and can step back enjoy the smaller moments in life, as seen in her utter delight in experiencing ice cream and agreement with Superman (who, up until this point she had not spoken to much) about him not missing out on the positive results of their victory over Steppenwolf.

Diana and all of the Amazons are brave, fierce, loyal warriors who've vowed to defend humanity against war. Diana is courageous, selfless, and kind, not just "the most beautiful woman" anyone has ever seen. Steve is also brave and selfless, and his team of mercenaries is willing to fight because they believe in him and Diana. Etta is an encouraging, take-charge woman. The "good guys" are fighting evil and injustice and war. The cast is diverse and includes not only the obvious strong female characters (who are white, black, and brown skinned) but also two supporting men of color: a Middle Eastern man and a Native American man. There's also a female villain, in the form of Dr. Poison.

Wonder Woman is a noticeably tall and fair-skinned woman with straight waist-length black hair, blue eyes, and broad shoulders. She is ageless and attractive in appearance, sporting a slender and athletic frame with a well-toned yet muscular build.

After Hawkwoman was subdued by Robin, Wonder Woman attempted to lasso him. She was foiled by Rocket, who protected him with her force bubble, and later encased Wonder Woman in another bubble. Wonder Woman attempted to escape the bubble by punching it, but her kinetic energy only added to the force bubble's strength. Wonder Woman was trapped in the bubble, the last Leaguer to fall, and was still trapped when Vandal Savage and Klarion teleported away.[27] be457b7860

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