Some time ago my Chrome started to open PDFs in Google Docs viewer. I don't really know if I did something to force this behaviour, but I would like to view it as I was before (using Foxit Reader plugin).

To disable Chrome from automatically using the Google Reader, go to "chrome://plugins/". Then locate and disable the plugin called "Chrome PDF Viewer". When this was installed, it should have automatically disabled your previous reader, (mine happend to be Adobe Acrobat, but this should work anyway). Then find your Foxit Reader Plugin entry, and re-enable that. Should work as soon as you load a PDF. You might want to restart Chrome to make sure, but for me it worked simply with a new tab.

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If you are using Chrome as your browser, click on the Toolbar (wrench) in the upper-right corner, click "Tools," click "Extensions," and you should see the "Docs PDF/PowerPoint Viewer (by Google)" extension. If you do not find the "Extensions" in the menu, type chrome://chrome/extensions/ to the address bar.

To disable the viewer, simply click on the "Options" link. This will give you the option to check or uncheck the type of file you want Reader to handle (e.g., doc, docx, pdf, pps, tif, tiff). You can also type in domains (e.g., that you want exempted from the viewer tool.

Answer: No. The "View" button under Gmail file attachment uses Google Docs viewer. This is because the "View" button was specifically programmed by Google to use Google Docs viewer. (You can see how this would help promote Google Docs as a product). As of now there is no way to change this behavior. If it could be changed, it would be changed at the Gmail settings level which would say something like "Change default behavior of file attachment View button".

I can't say I've ever seen this, but then again I can't say I've ever tried Chrome on a system without Adobe [Acrobat] Reader installed already... what I can say is that my Chrome recently started opening PDFs with some new thing that seemed to be part of Chrome, though it was listed in the plugin list and could be disabled there, and that disabling both it and Adobe's plugin made Chrome do its "must download to download directory before opening" thing...

due to some unavoidable reasons I need to disable Google Chrome's "Chrome PDF Viewer" and enable the adob PDF viewer. I want to do this from and Code. I know it is not possible directly as it is related to change setting's on a client machine but I am ready to ask permission from user if s/he wants to disable the default viewer.

The reason behind this work is that all my PDFs created in iTextSharp are not functioning properly in Google Chrome due to Chrome's default reader. Not all user's can find and disable the plugin manually, hence I want it to be done by code. I need to know that how we can disable the default PDF viewer. AFter this my problem will be solved automatically. pls give me any suggestion about code

Aslong as your embedding the pdf in a html file the following might work for you....

Try changing the type of the embed to type="application/vnd.adobe.pdfxml", I know this isnt what your serving but when I tried it on a normal pdf the plugin didnt choke and showed the pdf using Adobes plugin without having to disable the default (Chromes) reader.

I had to test this on a version of the Adobe plugin that is a bit old as Im on dialup and couldnt be bothered downloading a 50 something meg file just for testing ;). So you should test it on the newest plugin.

Hope it works out for you.

Select the three dots in the upper-right corner of the PDF viewer, then choose Two page view. Select the Fit to page icon at the top to view both pages side by side.

While in chrome, open the developer tools. Find it under Menu > More Tools > Developer Tools. For shortcutsuse Cmd + Opt + I on a Mac or F12 on Windows.

I am working with a lawfirm who are requesting all URLs on PDFs be disabled. All browswers automatically create clickable links for URLs. So I came up with an idea to overide the URLs to a link that go nowhere. For example if a you do nothing to a URL on a pdf and view it on a Firefox, Firefox will recognize that it is a URL and automatically display it as a hyperlink. So, I create a link over the URL and add a NON clicakable link. It works for all browsers EXCEPT Google Chrome. Google chrome overides what I created and makes the URL clicakable. I have even tried replacing the URL with an images and Chrome still recognize them and adds a URL over the image. I'm shocked how good Chrome is with OCR.

So, we have tried that and it works sometimes. It works in acrobat 100% of the time, but broswers will sometimes still recognize it as a URL regardless if we add space in between the url link. For example attached is a page that has 2 URLs. The first URL ( ) has space in between. It is not clickable in Adobe Acrobat. The second one ( ) has not been altered or messed with. It is autoamatically clickable in Adobe Acrobat if your prefrences is set up to click on links. BUT!! when you open the PDF document in any browser, the first link is clickable, regardless if we added space in between. (Disclaimer: We added a few sapces in between the first link and then changed the point size to the space to 1 point so it makes it look like it wasn't altered. The client wants it to look the same without any obvious spaces in between). Also, another reason we don't like this method is the time it takes to do this. We had a document that had about 80 links. We are expected to have a quick turnaround with our documents and this is not feasable. Any other ideas you may have? There is gotta be a way to trick chrome that it is not a URL. I'm playing around with layers, but so far no luck.

Nowadays, Google Chrome is the go-to browser for any user working on Windows, Mac, or Linux. With advanced features and easy customizations, it is far ahead of any other web browser. With its support for many extensions, users can easily integrate add-on features. Google Chrome also offers a built-in PDF viewer that lets you access PDF files with ease.

But with this great built-in PDF viewer in Chrome, there exists a limitation. Once the user enables the Chrome PDF Viewer, it blocks the other PDF software present on your system. Therefore, enabling and disabling the Chrome PDF Viewer becomes a need for any user. This article will guide you through the overview of Chrome PDF Viewer and how to enable or disable it for easy access to your PDF files.

The Default Chrome PDF viewer option is enabled now.

Note: To disable the PDF Viewer option, you need to select any other PDF reader app except Google Chrome. The Chrome PDF Viewer will be disabled, but you can access the PDF files via your selected program.

Yes, you can open a PDF without designated PDF reading or editing software downloaded onto your device. In fact, not having a PDF reader downloaded may be one of the reasons why your PDFs are automatically opening in Chrome. Chrome has a built-in PDF viewer that will allow you to view your PDFs. If you want to perform other functions on your PDFs (like securing them, converting them, and editing them) without downloading software, you can use Acrobat online services.

There are three places that Kami can open your files from, your Chrome browser, Google Drive or OneDrive. If Kami is set as the default viewer, any PDF you open from these sources will open in Kami. However that might not be preferable, so here's how to swap that depending on your preference.

Cookies are used by website owners to run the online services, manage the websites, and track users for delivering targeted ads. If you are using the Chrome browser, you can manage cookies through Chrome settings. Read the article to learn how to get cookies in Chrome, how to clear cookies in Chrome, and how to enable or disable cookies in Chrome.

You can manage cookies through your browser settings. If you are using a Chrome browser, you could check cookies, clear cookies, and enable or disable them through Chrome browser settings. Chrome cookie manager can show how to see cookies in Chrome and where are they stored.

Most browsers enable their built-in pop-up blockers by default. The pop-up blockers of browsers keep you from annoying pop-ups or dangerous content from web pages. But they also block pop-ups that you may want to view. If you want to disable pop-up blocker on Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari, etc. you can check the detailed guides below.

Marcos: I don't want to disable Banking and payment protection, but I sure do want to disable green borders on every window that I open. There should be an option to disable green borders, it's super annoying.

Remove or disable any third party browser based Adware software that could be interfering with the successful launch of the ICA file. Restart the browser after removing these software and try again.

Most web browsers include built-in password management that prompts you to save passwords for sites that you visit. Pitt Password Manager (LastPass) is a much more secure method of storing passwords. After you install Pitt Password Manager, disable your browser's built-in password management feature to avoid confusion and enhance security.

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I HV BEEN TRYING TO FIX THIS FOR 2 DAYS. I knew it was Kaspersky blocking as it is only affecting chrome browser. But looking at the applications, no where said it blocked chrome. should have googled "Kaspersky blocking chrome" the first thing. Hahha. Thank you again!

In Chrome or any Chromium-based browser (Edge, Opera, and Brave), navigate to the Passwords page by entering chrome://password-manager/settings in the address bar, substituting chrome for your browser name (for example, brave://password-manager/settings). ff782bc1db

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