
Welcome to my website! I am a Visiting Assistant Professor at the Department of Applied Economics at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)

My research explores how macroeconomic events impact the lives of individuals. I seek to analyze how labor market outcomes of workers change due to macroeconomic shocks or structural transformations, in particular related to technological progress in the form of automation and information and communication technology. My research interests lie in Labor Economics, Macroeconomics, Applied Econometrics and Industrial Organization. 

Before joining UAB, I worked as Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at Aix-Marseille School of Economics.  I received my PhD from Trinity College Dublin. During the PhD and Postdoc, I have visited Columbia University, Carlos III Madrid and the DIW Berlin. I also worked  as a research intern in the Economics Department at the OECD.

Curriculum Vitae

Current Mail: jan-luca.hennig@univ-amu.fr

Twitter: @jlhennig