Social Media and podcasts

How New Media Shapes Us and Our World

Welcome to my Webpage! This website is dedicated to my CAPStone Research Project. My project is called Social Media and Podcasts: How New Media Shapes Us and Our World.

This webpage will contain all my research, blog posts, and information about my project. Click on the tabs on the top to browse my page. About Me and My Project is about my project and what my gist of my ideas are. My Original Caps Proposal is my very first proposal of what my caps project would be. My Action Plan includes my timeline and general idea of how my project will run it's course, as well as what I see my project becoming. Research and Primary Research is where all my research lives, which includes the interviews, polls, books, and articles I've consulted. My presentations include all the presentations I've done over the course of the program, from my IRT to my final presentation. And finally, my Blog contains my weekly or twice monthly blog posts about what I've been up to, and what stage my project is in.

Thank you for visiting my site and enjoy!