Janelle Glick

Coach and Mentor

Hello and welcome!

I am a compassionate and curious human being, wife, mother of four, teacher of women's studies and the Bible, and workshop leader and coach for compassionate living skills.  I am currently based in Meadville, PA, offering coaching sessions by online video conference and by telephone.  The intersection of my faith and coaching work is found in the principle of loving my neighbour as myself.

If you are seeking someone to  support you in finding peace and courage for the challenges that come with being human, I offer you my centered and compassionate listening.   As a coach,  I can help you find clarity for your personal  goals and growth in your relationships with others.  

For those of you in supportive roles or mentoring relationships with others, I offer mentorship coaching.   Using the workbook “A Personal Workbook for Enriching Your Life” by Sharon Loeschen (LCSW), you will learn about your inner resources, values, feelings, and defensive behaviors, as well as the use of choice and change to grow personally and in relationships with others. Throughout the sessions, we will reflect together on your homework, discuss points for your learning edges, and attend to how this learning is impacting your current helping relationships. Learning these skills will bring growth to you personally, and can be easily shared with those with whom you are mentoring and caring. 

You can choose to have your 50-minute sessions weekly, every other week, or as needed.   As a spiritual mentor,  I offer a supportive environment for discussions of faith and spiritual experience.  Though my own faith is formed in the Christian tradition,  I welcome discussion and care for people from other faiths as well. 

My passion is to contribute to the peace and wholeness of individuals and their communities.  If I can help in even a small way, don't hesitate to contact me using the  form below.




"Janelle is warm-hearted,  non-judgmental, supportive, and fully present.  In our focused times of coaching, I found the courage to uncover extremely painful parts of my experience, and to access the acceptance and healing I had searched for (unsuccessfully) for many months. Janelle is skilled in caring for the whole person, connecting soul and body and leading both to peace."   

- coaching client

"Janelle has been a faithful support to me during the most difficult season of my life.  Her calm assurance held me up.  What impacted me most was her constancy - her willingness to stay with me even after I decided I shouldn’t need support anymore.  She helped me breathe when I couldn’t get air in my lungs."

- coaching client

"I know people can change - right down to my bones, through every cell, in every fiber of my body - I know that people can change. It is just a question of when and in what context... 

"I want you to get excited about who you are, what you are, what you have, and what can still be for you. I want to inspire you to see that you can go far beyond where you are right now." 

Virginia Satir