Sabnzbd Post Processing Download

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SABnzbd can run a user-provided post-processing scripts. The scripts can be associated with a job entry when adding the job manually, via category or during downloading. Scripts can also be run as an end-of-queue event.A post-processing script will only run when the job has completed without errors.If you want to always run the script, you need to disable the option Post-Process Only Verified Jobs.

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I recently moved my setup to a new NAS and now post-processing is extremely slow. My SAB and Sonarr live on a windows 10 VM hosted on my QNAP NAS. The only difference between the old NAS and the new besides the new being much more capable is that the storage array is RAID 6 instead of RAID 5. Could the slower RAID 6 write speeds be the culprit?

I use the excellent docker sabnzbd container for the sabnzbd component of the dockerized HTPC suite, my collection of tools and services to automate and consume my home media collection.

There are many ways to incorporate mp4_automator into your tools - it can do post-processing on Sonarr, CouchPotato, etc. In my case, since sabnzbd downloads all my content, I just wanted to add it as a post-processing step to sabnzbd.

With this in mind, I submitted a pull request to, to include mp4_automator in the sabnzbd container. I modified the Dockerfile to include all the necessary dependencies (ffmpeg, etc), and to clone the latest version for use. However, this more than doubled the size of the image, and so quite rightly, my pull request was closed.

and copied /mp4_automator to /config/mp4_automator, which is mounted on a volume exposed from my docker host. Then from the docker host, I created autoProcess.ini as described in the README, and configured it as a post-processing script where appropriate.

I recommend the .nzb Backup Folder because sabnzbd doesn't have a hidden history and having remove from history enabled in Sonarr/Radarr is the best method. This allows you to see your past downloads and it is used for duplicate download detection/prevention. Default is empty, I picked history because it is easy. It'll end up in the /config folder for Docker, which isn't crazy... but this is literally compressed nzb files, so can end up pretty big. But the choice is yours what you prefer.

By setting entry category you can override / specify sabnzbd category per item. To set it you can use plugins like set, manipulate. pp stands for post processing, you can set a path to a script which sohould be called after sabnzbd downloaded the file. Further you can modify the Priority which is used for a file by sabnzbd with the priority parameter, the valid values can be found here.

1. We recommend SSD drives are for all download folders, both complete and incomplete. Use of slower drives such as NAS and HDD may increase processing times. 

2. Activate "Pause Downloading During Post-Processing". You can find this in Settings ->Switches in the Post Processing section. Once activated, SABnbd will download the files completely, then begin processing, instead of doing both at the same time. 

3.Deactivate DirectUnpack. This is found in Settings->Switches in the Queue section. 

4.Deactivate Unwanted Extensions and Encrypted Downloads. This is found in Settings->Switches in the Queue section.

A proper folder structure is also needed. You can either choose to define your own (in the post-processing options) or by simply adding a show to Sick Beard which will create a folder (Series name) with sub-folders (seasons).

Great article. I had Sickbeard/Sabnzdb set up previously on a windows home server, though bit the bullet and put this on my qnap 869. Everything works great, though I have one glitch: the post-processing script appears to be timing out in SABnzbdb and not completing successfully, ie I see:

Thanks, you guys are good, @hans I think I jumped in to quick when I posted last time, the following afternoon I checked again for the tips you gave me but when I looked at the directories everything was up and working !

I have tried both and with exactly the same issue, ConfigParser not found. I can manually run without issue however. Leads me to believe this is some kind of pathing/environment issue with how sabnzbd is launched.

I am not really sure where to start on comparing environment variables. When i manually run the script it functions, however when sabnzbd launches the script it exits prematurely. The error i see in sabnzbd is: 5376163bf9

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