
Japan and Nordic Architectural Studies _ Online

COVID19 has given us a chance to explore the possibility of remote design. We can enjoy expanding the virtual space to make the limit of the design much wider than ever. There might have been lots of events, experiences, memories or people you missed. But we always find a way to enjoy the problem, way to improve the situation and way to make something from nothing. That's how we design our lives, right?

JaNAS_Online is an online design program for Japanese and Nordic architectural students.

The program consists of 2 contents: Lecture and Design Project.

It is a 3-week program for Japanese students and a 2-week program for Nordic students. Nordic students will join from the second week of the program.

In this program we will use varied online tools to design and communicate.

We build the virtual Copenhagen and virtual Tokyo, and add your imagination to it.








Design Project

Design Project is a group work. Japanese students team up with Japanese students to design for Copenhagen, while Nordic students team up with nordic students to design for Tokyo. Design Project is supervised by 3 mentors. Through the project, participants will also learn to design as a team.

Design Projectはグループワークです。日本人学生は日本人学生どうしでグループを組みコペンハーゲンを対象にデザインします。北欧人学生は北欧人学生どうしでグループを組み、東京を対象にデザインします。Design Projectは3人のメンターから指導していただきます。Design Projectを通して、実務で必要不可欠な「仲間と協働で1つの案をつくること」の大切さや価値を北欧から学ぶことも大きな目標の1つです。


Every weekday we invite a special guest from either Denmark or Japan to give a lecture. They are architects, urban developer or university professors, making strong influences to the urban/architectural design scene. English lectures are translated into Japanese and Japanese lectures are translated into English.


Overall Schedule

July 31

Deadline for Japanese Application / 日本学生募集締め切り

August 1

Participants Announced / 参加者決定

August 3

Welcome Letter Sent to JP Students/ 日本学生説明資料配布

August 9

Deadline for Nordic Application / 北欧学生募集締め切り

August 10

Japanese Students Start / 日本人学生参加

Welcome Letter Sent to Nordic Students / 北欧学生説明資料配布

August 14

Nordic Students Start / 北欧学生参加

August 20

Mid-term Presentation / 中間発表

August 28

Final Presentation / 最終発表


Please read the detail of information about the application at the bottom of this page.

The deadline for the application is on Aug 9

Participation Fee: 1,500 DKK(Aug 14th−28th)



参加費: 35,000円 (8月10−28日)

host: GAUS program committee
Co-host: City Lab Tokyo


Design Project is a group design work. Japanese students team up with Japanese students to design for Copenhagen, while Nordic students team up with Nordic students to design for Tokyo. The mutual theme is "waterfront at the heart." Both project sites are located at the heart of the capital city with long histories, which urban developments are expected in the near future. Students will study the history of the development in the area, as well as how to adapt foreign perspectives to the local context. Design Project is supervised by 3 mentors: Manuel Tardits, Masahiro Katsume and Osamu Nishida. Through the project, participants will also learn to design as a team.

Design Projectはグループワークです。日本人学生は日本人学生どうしでグループを組みコペンハーゲンを対象にデザインします。北欧人学生は北欧人学生どうしでグループを組み、東京を対象にデザインします。共通のテーマは「中心を通る水辺空間」です。対象敷地はどちらも首都の長い歴史を持つ水辺空間であり、近い将来開発が予定されている敷地です。参加者は対象敷地の開発の歴史を学び、海外の視点をいかに現地のコンテクストに適応させるかを学びます。Design Projectは、勝目雅裕氏、マニュエル・タルディッツ氏、西田司氏の3人のメンターから指導していただきます。Design Projectを通して、実務で必要不可欠な「仲間と協働で1つの案をつくること」の大切さや価値を北欧から学ぶことも大きな目標の1つです。

Waterfront at the heart


Although there are 2 different target sites, they both are located in waterfront areas with urban development expected. What can you learn from 2 waterfronts? What does "waterfront" mean to your culture and your daily life, and what do you think the meaning of "waterfront" in Japan? Please export your culture and perspective and learn how to adapt them to the local context in an effective manner.


Exchange Design Work


Nordic Students will design for Tokyo and Japanese students will design for Copenhagen, as if your counterpart will design your side of the river while you design on the other side of the river. You can observe how Copenhagen is designed from Japanese perspective and get advices from the local people for your design.


Target site for Nordic participants

Gofukubashi (Kimono Bridge)

Gofuku bashi (Kimono Bridge) is located just 5 minutes away from Tokyo Station on foot. The area is a central business district with lots of tall office buildings. On the other hand, traditional and prestigious culture and shops, which have existed for more than 100 years, can also be found in the same area.

It is located in one of the south plots to Nihonbashi River, which is now covered by a highway. The river under the highway is a dark and unpleasant atmosphere that disconnects between south and north.

The buildings along the river are open to the streets and closed to the river. This also makes people away from the waterfront area.

How should Gofukbashi be changed to become a more human-centred space?


Dockøen (Dock Island)

Dock Islandは、首都コペンハーゲンの中心部を縦断するコペンハーゲンハーバーの北部に位置する。中央にはヘニング・ラーセン建築設計事務所が設計したコペンハーゲンオペラハウスが2005年に建てられているが、その南北には駐車場と広場が広がっている。


Dock Islandのすぐ南側には「Paper Island」があり、現在住宅と商業の複合的な地域が開発されている。隈研吾建築都市設計事務所が総合施設「ウォーターフロント・カルチャーセンター」を設計していることでも知られている。

重要な文化施設であるオペラハウスと、現在開発されているペーパーアイランドに隣接するDock Island南北の敷地は、今後どのような空間であるべきだろうか。

Gofukubashi in 1936

Ninonbashi River used to be an essential infrastructure that carries people and goods to inner cities from the harbour.

The function as an infrastructure remains today, but in 1963 it was changed from the canal to a highway. Ships were taken over by cars and the city became much faster.

After a half century since the inauguration, there is an ongoing plan to deconstruct the decrepit highway and make the underground road. It is expected that the atmosphere along the river will be completely changed and new urban scape should be designed.


かつてDock Islandを含むコペンハーゲンハーバー一体は、工場が立ち並び貨物船が行き交う工業地域だった。ハーバーには大量の汚水が流れ出しており、劣悪な住環境であった。



Future image of Gofukubashi

In response to the deconstruction of the highway, the building owners along the river is making the ground design for the whole area. Tokyo Tatemono, the owner of the project site, is also planning to renew Gofukubashi.

Design Project will research Nihonbashi area and think about the design idea of Gofukubashi. It is up to you if you agree with the existing plan and add some ideas to it, or disagree with it and propose alternative plan (or somewhere in between).


現在Dock Islandはあらたな開発計画が作成されている。南部は具体的なイメージが示されており、親水空間を拡張しつつ、カフェなどの施設を低層で入れる計画となっている。この計画に賛成し、更に価値を加算する提案を行うか、反対し、別の提案を行うか、その間を取るかは自由である。コペンハーゲンという街や社会を日本的な視点を持って読み解き、提案する。


Osamu Nishida

CEO at ondesign partners / Associate Professor at Tokyo University of Science

建築設計事務所「オンデザインパートナーズ」のCEO / 東京理科大学准教授

Manuel Tardits

Co-founder of Mikan Architects / Professor at Meiji University

建築設計事務所「みかんぐみ」共同設立者 / 明治大学教授

Masahiro Katsume

Associate Partner / Senior Project Manager at Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects



Design Project adopts the studio system, which each mentor has their own studio. Each studio consists of 3 or 4 groups. Each group consists of 3-6 people. Japanese students team up with Japanese students, while Nordic students team up with Nordic students.


Everyday we have one studio day. At the studio day you can discuss the design idea with your mentor.


You can watch the other studio's discussion so you can also get inspirations from the other groups and mentors than your studio.


At the presentation day you as a group will present the design idea to all the participants and mentors (possibly some lectures). The presentation is held in English.


We also prepare some socialising opportunities where you can communicate with anyone in this program.



Every weekday we invite a special guest from either Denmark or Japan. They are architects, urban developer or university professors, making strong influences to the urban/architectural design scene. English lectures are interpreted into Japanese and Japanese lectures are interpreted into English. The lecture contents will be updated in the calendar, as soon as the date and content are fixed.

(There is, of necessity, a possibility of change of the content, date or lecturer. The change will be informed as soon as it is decided)



All the participants can attend the lecture. It takes about 1.5 hours (60 minute presentation would consequently become 90 minutes due to the interpretation of the language). There will be a Q&A session after presentations.



David Sim

Creative Director at Gehl


Jan Christiansen

Associate Professor ar KADK / Project Consultant at Freja ejendomme

デンマーク王立芸術アカデミー建築学科准教授 / 国有のデベロッパー「フライヤ」にてプロジェクトコンサルタント

Jens Kvorning

Professor Emeritus at KADK


Kim Lenschow

Søren Pihlmann

Co-founders of lenschow & pihlmann


Kodai Tanokuchi

Architect at Kengo Kuma and Associates


Manuel Tardits

Co-founder of Mikan Architects / Professor at Meiji University

建築設計事務所「みかんぐみ」共同設立者 / 明治大学教授

Masaaki Tomiya

Tokyo Tatemono / Project Manager at City Lab Tokyo

東京建物株式会社 / シティラボ東京 プロジェクト・マネージャー

Masahiro Katsume

Associate Partner / Senior Project Manager at Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects


Osamu Nishida

CEO at ondesign partners / Associate Professor at Tokyo University of Science

建築設計事務所「オンデザインパートナーズ」のCEO / 東京理科大学准教授

Ole Storjohann

Project Manager at COBE


Coming soon...

Ryohei Koike

Architect at BIG London Office


Shin Aiba

Professor at Tokyo Metropolitan University


Takuto Sando

Motoo Chiba

Co-representatives of TSUBAME ARCHITECTS


Coming Soon...


Schedule is updated at all times. Please check constantly. Fixed study hours are normally from 10am-2pm (It is 5pm-9pm in Japan). Other than this period of time, You can discuss with your group mates how much and when you want to work.



At JaNAS_Online, we use several tools to design and communicate. Some of them are desktop applications and some are online applications.


Cluster is a desktop application. Please download. Cluster is the virtual social-networking-service that allows users to create and communicate at virtual spaces. You build 3D models in SketchUp or Rhinoceros and export them to cluster to create your own world. There will be an instruction of how to use it.


Slack is a desktop application (also an online application). Please download. Slack is a business communication platform where you can create different chat rooms (called channels) to depending on the topic or members.


Conceptboard is an online application. Please create your account. Conceptboard is an online pin-up board which you can collaborate with your group mates and write, draw and pin up whatever. There will be an instruction of how to use it.


SpatialChat is an online application. No need to download or create your account. SpatialChat is an online socialising space where you can drag your icon to anywhere to talk with people in the same space. The voice of the person close to your icon gets louder and the one away from your icon gets smaller.


You need to have either SketchUp or Rhinoceros to make 3D models, which are imported to Cluster.


You need to have either SketchUp or Rhinoceros to make 3D models, which are imported to Cluster.


Zoom is a desktop application. Please download. Vital communication tool for JaNAS_Online.


NOT necessary. Better to have Illustrator, Photoshop or Indesign.



①No. of participants: 40 (incl. Japanese and Nordic students)


②Participation Fee: 1,500 DKK(Aug 14th−28th)

*In Nordic countries most of the educational costs are covered by tax. Since this program is not conducted by Nordic authorities, educational costs are not covered by tax but payment from participants.

②参加費: 35,000円 (8月10−28日)

③Required to

  • be willing to communicate regardless of the language barrier.

  • have Google SketchUp or Rhinoceros (no matter how good you are)

*Recommended version (not necessary)

SketchUp... SketchUp2015 or later (Make or Pro)

Rhino... no recommendation

  • have the spec below


CPU:Intel Core i5-4590 / AMD FX 8350

※ Intel Celeron / Pentium is not supported regardless of the generation.

※ CPUs that don't support AVX is not supported

・Memory: 8GB or more

・Graphics:Intel HD Graphics 540 or more

・Storage free spaceat least 2GB


CPU:Intel Core i5 or more

・Memory:8GB or more

・Graphics:Intel HD Graphics 540 以上

・Storage free spaceat least 2GB


  • 言語の壁があったとしても積極的にコミュニケーションを取ろうとする人

  • Google SketchUpまたはRhinocerosを持っている人(上手い下手は問いません)

*推奨バージョン (必須ではありません)

SketchUp... SketchUp2015かそれ以降(MakeもしくはPro)

Rhino... 推奨バージョンなし

  • 以下のパソコンのスペックであること


CPU:Intel Core i5-4590 / AMD FX 8350 以上

※ Intel Celeron / Pentium は世代によらずサポートしておりません。

※ 拡張命令セット「AVX」に非対応のCPUはサポートしておりません。

メモリ:8GB 以上

グラフィックス:Intel HD Graphics 540 以上

ストレージ空き容量:最低 2GB 以上


CPU:Intel Core i5 以上

メモリ:8GB 以上

グラフィックス:Intel HD Graphics 540 以上

ストレージ空き容量:最低 2GB 以上

Materials for selection

If the number of applicants exceeds the maximum, we have to select the applicants based on their talents, motivations or potentials. You can send any materials which you think are useful for selection, such as portfolio or motivation letters (Just 1 or 2 pages are fine). We are NOT necessarily asking you to prove your 3D modelling skill or any particular skills in this material. It is more important for us to know who you are: what kind of design you create, how you want to improve the society with design, etc. It is not necessary to send the materials, but applicants without materials will be least prioritised when we conduct the selection.




⑤Deadline for application

August 9




We are planning and running JaNAS_Online.

Takumi Yano

Founder of JaDAS (Japan and Denmark Architectural Studies) / Founder of JAS (Japan Architectural Studies) / PhD student at Tokyo Metropolitan University 3rd year. Worked in Denmark From 2014 to 2017.

JaDAS (Japan and Denmark Architectural Studies)設立者 / JAS (Japan Architectural Studies)設立者/ 東京都立大学大学院博士課程3年。2014−2017年デンマークにて勤務し2018年から東京都立大学博士課程。

Miki Katayama

Co-organiser of JaNAS_Online. Master Architecture student at Meiji university (I-AUD) 2.5th year. Joined JaDAS 2017. JAS2018 and JAS2019 co-organiser. Worked in Denmark in 2020.
