James Leng

I'm James Leng, a math graduate student at UCLA. Before coming to UCLA, I was an undergraduate student at UC Berkeley from 2017-2020. 


email: jamesleng + "at" + math + "dot" + ucla + "dot" + edu

Office: MS 5351-1.  You can often find me in MS 6620.

(replace "at", "dot" with appropriate symbols).


I have been a teaching assistant for the following classes:


I'm working with Terence Tao.  I'm interested in arithmetic combinatorics, dynamical systems, and Fourier analysis, focusing mostly on the field Higher Order Fourier Analysis. My research is supported by an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Grant No. DGE-2034835. My papers are:


I have occasionally been mistaken (by the UC Berkeley architecture department, in fact) as James Leng, a lecturer of architecture at Berkeley.