
About Me

James Lang Portrait

My name is James Lang, and I'm a creative writer and photographer based in Corpus Christi, Texas. I'm originally from Dallas, Texas, but moved down here for school. I graduated in May, 2023, from Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi with a degree in English - Writing Studies. I've been a copywriting intern for MRM Agency and a photographer for the Island Waves Newspaper!

I've had one short story published, and four flash fiction pieces accepted for publication in two anthologies currently in the editing process. Most of my current work is short form but I'm working on several larger projects as well. Creative writing is my intended long term career path and unending passion.

I've also worked as a freelance photographer since high school, doing all sorts of work such as event photography, sports photography, product photography, and more. Recently, I enjoy it more as a hobby. I specifically enjoy film photography and I post most of my photos on Instagram.

This site will serve as several things. A hub for all things me; a portfolio of my writing and photography, a blog for my creative ventures and day to day adventures, and a resource for upcoming publication news.

Click around and get a sense of who I am through my work!

Navigation Advice


This is where you can find all the stuff related to my creative writing! Publications and excerpts.


This is where you can find all the stuff related to my photography! Collections of film and digital work.


This is where I post life updates, travel logs, work logs, etcetera. It's a catch all really.