James Stanfield
Copyright Mathematics Münster
I am a postdoctoral research associate at the University of Münster.
I did my PhD at The University of Queensland under the supervision of Ramiro Lafuente.
Email: james.stanfield...at...uni-muenster.de
Here is my CV.
My main research interests are in geometric analysis and complex geometry. In particular, the geometry of (not necessarily Kähler) Hermitian manifolds. I also enjoy the study of geometric structures/flows with symmetries.
Published articles
Hermitian manifolds with flat Gauduchon connections, with Ramiro Lafuente. Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (2024). ArXiv.
On the Gauduchon curvatures of Hermitian manifolds, with Kyle Broder. Int. J. Math. (2023). ArXiv.
Positive Hermitian Curvature Flow on special linear groups and perfect solitons. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. (2022). ArXiv.
Positive Hermitian Curvature Flow on nilpotent and almost-abelian complex Lie groups. Ann. Glob. Anal. Geom. (2021). ArXiv.
Vanishing theorems for Hodge numbers and the Calabi curvature operator, with Kyle Broder, Jan Nienhaus, Peter Petersen, and Matthias Wink, 2025. ArXiv.
The homogeneous generalized Ricci flow, with Elia Fusi and Ramiro Lafuente, 2024. ArXiv.
A general Schwarz lemma for Hermitian manifolds, with Kyle Broder, 2023. ArXiv.
Other writing
PhD Thesis: Curvature problems in Hermitian geometry.
Undergraduate Thesis (November, 2019): Geometric flows in Hermitian geometry
I have been a tutor (TA) for the following courses.
WiSe 24/25: Differentialgeometrie I, University of Münster
Semester 1 2023: MATH1051 Calculus and Linear Algebra I, The University of Queensland (UQ)
Semester 2 2022: MATH3404 Optimisation Theory (super tutor), UQ
Semester 1 2022: MATH221 Mathematics for Computer Science, The University of Wollongong
Semester 2, 2021: MATH3404 Optimisation Theory (super tutor), UQ
Semester 1, 2021: MATH3402 Functional Analysis, MATH2400 Mathematical Analysis (super tutor), UQ
Summer Semester, 2020/2021: STAT1201 Analysis of Scientific Data, First year learning centre (FYLC), UQ
Semester 2, 2020: MATH3405 Differential Geometry , MATH3404 Optimisation Theory, UQ
Semester 1, 2020: MATH3402 Functional Analysis, MATH2400 Mathematical Analysis (super tutor), UQ
Summer Semester, 2019/2020: MATH1052 Multivariate Calculus & Ordinary Differential Equations, UQ
Semester 2, 2019: MATH3404 Optimisation Theory, UQ
Semester 1, 2019: MATH1051 Calculus and Linear Algebra I, MATH1061 Discrete Mathematics, UQ
Summer Semester, 2018/2019: MATH1052 Multivariate Calculus & Ordinary Differential Equations, UQ
Semester 2, 2018: MATH1050 Mathematical Foundations,MATH1052 Multivariate Calculus & Ordinary Differential Equations, UQ
Semester 1, 2018: MATH1050 Mathematical Foundations, UQ
In Semester 2 2023, I co-organized the UQ analysis seminar with Zhewen Feng (UQ). The topic was the analytic aspects of the Calabi conjecture, and we followed the book "An Introduction to Extremal Kähler Metrics" by Gábor Székelyhidi.