James C. Spall

(JHU Applied Physics Laboratory)

(JHU Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics)


(JHU Engineering for Professionals)


(JHU Engineering for Professionals)

(JHU Engineering for Professionals)

James C. Spall holds five positions with Johns Hopkins University, as listed above. Dr. Spall’s technical and educational activities are focused on stochastic systems, statistical analysis, simulation methods, and computational algorithms in optimization and related areas. He has published extensively in the areas of control and statistics (including three books) and holds two U.S. patents for inventions in control systems. Among other appointments, he was the program chair for the 2007 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and was one of the inaugural senior editors for the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control and a contributing editor for the Current Index to Statistics. Dr. Spall has received numerous research and publications awards and is a Fellow of IEEE, a member of the American Statistical Association, and a fellow of the engineering honor society Tau Beta Pi. He won the JHU Engineering for Professionals Excellence in Teaching Award in 2006 and the Professor Joel Dean Award for Excellence in Teaching in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics in May 2017. 


The Johns Hopkins University

Applied Physics Laboratory

11100 Johns Hopkins Rd.

Laurel, MD 20723-6099


Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics

The Johns Hopkins University

Wyman Park Building

Baltimore, MD 21218


Email: James Spall

Phone: 443-778-4960