Welcome to my website.


I am a former graduate student at Temple University's College of Science and Technology Department of Mathematics.
I graduated from Rutgers University, New Brunswick with a B.S. in ECE. I taught at Clearview Regional High School for 9 years.
While at Clearview I earned my M.A. in Mathematics at Rowan University, Glassboro.
I earned my PhD at Temple University during the summer of 2022.

I enjoy learning, applying, and teaching mathematics.
I have published my work in collaboration with professors.
Please see my curriculum vitae for details of my research activities and work experience.

Here is the link to my ORCID site:

Here is the link to my LinkedIn:     www.linkedin.com/in/rosado-james-3239b2119

Here is the link to google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Au8fkHUAAAAJ&hl=en

Here is one of my blogs:


Email contact:

Me with my parent's dog :)


I appeared in Rowan Alumni Spotlight

Staring off into the mountains at Machu Picchu

Presenting my work at Rowan University

Presentation at MAA MathFest

Graduating from Rowan University with a MA in Mathematics

Successfully defended my dissertation

Daniel Szyld, Benjamin Seibold, Gillian Queisser, and Andreas Vlachos is on the screen

Presenting my dissertation work

Picture from 2016