Jakob Alfitian


I am a doctoral candidate and research associate at the Department of Corporate Development at the Faculty of Management, Economics, and Social Sciences of the University of Cologne.

My research lies at the nexus of management research and labor economics. In particular, I examine the causal effects of human resource management (HRM) practices on employee behavior. To this end, I conduct field experiments in collaboration with firms and analyze firm data using data science methods. A key area of interest in my research is absenteeism.

My overarching objective is to contribute to a paradigm shift toward evidence-based management, advocating for HRM practices that promote both employee well-being and organizational success.


peer-reviewed paper

When Bonuses Backfire: Evidence from the Workplace
(with Dirk Sliwka and Timo Vogelsang)
Management Science (2024)

Media Coverage:
[Harvard Business Manager]

[Harvard Business Review]


[The Economist]

working paper

The Hidden Costs of Dismissal: Behavioral Consequences of Impending Termination
(with Timo Vogelsang)
Revision requested at Journal of Labor Economics

Closing the Gender Gap in Salary Increases: Evidence from a Field Experiment on Promoting Pay Equity
(with Marvin Deversi and Dirk Sliwka)
Revision requested at Journal of Labor Economics

Media Coverage:
[IZA World of Labor]

Absenteeism and Firm Performance: Evidence from Retail
[working paper on request]

curriculum vitae

Please find my curriculum vitae here
