International eConference
Re-evaluating Jakob Friedrich Fries:
200th Anniversary of the Publication of
System der Metaphysik
*co-sponsored by the 2nd Numazu Congress of Philosophy
Philosophical activity in 19th century Germany represents a peak in the history of philosophy, which began with Thales in ancient Greece. However, the conventional image of 19th-century German philosophy should be reconsidered. To achieve this, it is necessary to illuminate a forgotten philosophical stream contemporaneous with so-called ‘German idealism’.
Jakob Friedrich Fries, a philosopher contemporaneous and in confrontation with Hegel is one of the most important figures in this context. One of Fries’ most important books is System der Metaphysik; this book is a bible for the philosophy of Fries and his followers, the so-called ‘Friesian School’. The Friesian school dominated the philosophical and scientific world of the 19th century. In addition, after the fall of the Friesian school, the Neo-Friesian school initiated by Leonard Nelson dominated the scientific world in the 20th century.
The year 2024 is the 200th anniversary of the publication of System der Metaphysik. This conference aims to reconsider Fries’ philosophy and the significance of Fries and the Friesian and Neo-Friesian thought in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries.
This conference will also attempt to reconstruct the picture of 19th-century German philosophy. In the 19th and 20th centuries, thinkers other than Kant, Fichte, Schelling, and Hegel—especially Fries—significantly influenced the history of philosophy, representing an alternative vision to Hegel’s.
From this viewpoint, this conference attempts to address the following themes but not restricted:
- Historical background of Jakob Friedrich Fries
- Friesian school and Neo-Friesian school
- Friesian philosophy and the history of philosophy
- Fries and philosophy of science
- Fries and philosophies of culture
- Fries and Japanese philosophy
- Fries and contemporary philosophy
August the 16th-17th, 2024
ZOOM Online
16th August 2024
15:45 (8:45) Opening Remarks
16:00 (9:00) Tadahiro Oota (National Institute of Technology, Numazu College):
“On Background of Fries’ Philosophy by Rudolf Otto:
Focusing on the Role of De Wette”
16:45 (9:45) Fumitaka Shimoyama (Kyoto University):
“Regression or Constitution?: A controversy on
the foundation of science among Hermann Cohen
and Fries, the Friesian School, the Neo-Friesian School”
17:30 (10:30) Pierluigi D'Agostino (Università di Parma):
“The Limit of Knowledge and the Structure of Will:
Fries's Solutions to Intelligible Fatalism”
18:15 (11:15) Pause
18:30 (11:30) Christian Bonnet (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne):
“Jakob Friedrich Fries: die andere kantische Schule in Jena”
17th August 2024
16:00 (9:00) Michele Vagnetti (Universität Paderborn):
“The Role of Psychology in the Thinking of Fries”
17:00 (10:00) Pause
17:15 (10:15) Kay Herrmann (Technische Universität Chemnitz):
“Die Metaphysik der inneren Natur und
das Körper-Geist-Verhältnis bei Jakob Friedrich Fries”
18:15 (11:15) Closing Remarks
18:30 (11:30) Online Dinner / Lunch
The event will be conducted in English and GermanThe event will be conducted in English and German
If you have any questions, please contact:
The registration form is available below:
Tadahiro OOTA (National Institute of Technology, Numazu College)
This conference is also promoted as the 2nd Numazu Congress of Philosophy.