Analysis & Probability Seminar at Chalmers / GU

The seminar is joint for the division of Analysis and Probability within the Department of Mathematics at Chalmers / GU. Its main themes include: Probability Theory, Mathematical Physics, Operator Algebras and Harmonic and Functional Analysis. The seminar is encouraged to be aimed at a broader audience, but some talks may be of a more specialised nature. The talks in the seminar are usually 60 minutes, including questions.

The seminar takes place on campus, with the possibility to attend online via Zoom on request (subject to technology working). Please contact an organizer if you wish to attend remotely.

Should you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to email one of the organizers Jakob Björnberg (jakobbj 'at', Gianmarco Brocchi (brocchi 'at' or Eduard Vilalta (vilalta 'at'

Coming seminars

2024-10-22 at 13:15, MVL14 

Emilie Elkiær (Oslo)


2024-11-20 at 13:15, MVL14 -- NOTE UNUSUAL DAY (Wednesday)

Fatma Ayça Cetinkaya (Mersin University, Turkey)


Previous seminars

2024-01-23 at 13:15, MVL14

Ulrik Enstad (Oslo)

Classifiability of C*-algebras associated with point sets

2024-01-30 at 13:15, MVL14

Pieter Spaas (Copenhagen)

Local Hilbert-Schmidt stability

2024-02-07 at 13:15, MVL15 -- NOTE UNUSUAL DAY & PLACE

Lashi Bandara (Deakin University, Melbourne)

Trace, Regularity, Fredholmness: the story of non-compact boundary for first-order elliptic operators

2024-02-13 at 13:15, MVL14

Johan Wästlund (Chalmers/GU)

Billiards, Checkers, and Quadratic Reciprocity

2024-02-20 at 13:15,  MVL14

Shrish Parmeshwar (Warwick, UK)

Global-in-time Vortex Configurations for the 2D Euler Equations 

2024-02-27 at 13:15,  MVL14

Eduard Vilalta (Chalmers/GU)

Nowhere scattered multiplier algebras

2024-03-05 at 13:15, MVL14

Are Austad (Syddansk Universitet, Odense)

Ideal intersection properties for group-graded Banach *-algebras

2024-03-12 at 13:15, MVL14

Peter Sjögren (Chalmers/GU)

Variation inequalities for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroup

2024-03-14 at 13:15, MVL14 -- NOTE UNUSUAL DAY (Thursday)

Erik Duse (KTH)

Generic ill-posedness of the energy-momentum equations in the vectorial calculus of variations

2024-03-20 at 13:15, MVL15 -- NOTE UNUSUAL DAY (Wednesday)

Tobias Weich (Paderborn)

Polyhedral bounds on the joint spectrum on higher rank locally symmetric spaces

2024-04-02 at 13:15, MVL14

Malin Palö Forsström (Chalmers/GU)

Poisson coverage processes

2024-04-10 at 13:15, MVL15 -- NOTE UNUSUAL DAY (Wednesday)

David Rule (Linköping)

Multilinear and Weighted Estimates for Oscillatory Integral Operators

2024-04-16 at 13:15, MVL14

Eric Ling (Copenhagen)

Rigidity aspects of Penrose's singularity theorem

2024-04-23 at 13:15, MVL14

Håkan Andreasson (Chalmers/GU)

Existence of a minimizer to the particle number-Casimir functional for the Einstein-Vlasov system

2024-04-30 at 13:15, MVL14 

Robin van Haastrecht (Chalmers/GU)

Limit formulas for the trace of the functional calculus of quantum channels for $SU(2)$

2024-05-07 at 13:15, MVL14 

Søren Fournais (Copenhagen)

On the ground state energy of the dilute Bose gas

2024-05-21 at 13:15, MVL14 

Hedong Hou (Laboratoire de Mathématiques d'Orsay, Université Paris-Saclay)

Well-posedness for parabolic Cauchy problems with distributional initial data

2024-05-28 at 13:15, MVL14 

Wojciech Szymanski (Syddansk Universitet)

Cuntz algebras and the Thompson groups

2024-05-28 at 15:15, MVL14 (EXTRA SEMINAR, UNUSUAL TIME)

Frank Thuijsman (Maastricht University)

Game Theory, from John von Neumann to Treatment of Cancer

2024-05-29 at 15:15, MVL14 (EXTRA SEMINAR, UNUSUAL TIME)

Alessandro Bravetti (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)

From Fisher to Fisher: using Fisher information to understand Fisher's Fundamental Theorem of Natural Selection

2024-06-11 at 13:15, MVL14 

Jorge Castillejos (UNAM, Cuernavaca)

2024-06-11 at 14:30, MVL14  (EXTRA SEMINAR, UNUSUAL TIME)

Mizanur Rahaman (ENS, Lyon)

Quantum Stein's Lemma and subalgebra entropies

2024-06-18 at 13:15, MVL14 

Leif Arkeryd (Chalmers/GU)

On Boltzmann type equations with discrete velocities