Analysis & Probability Seminar at Chalmers / GU
The seminar is joint for the division of Analysis and Probability within the Department of Mathematics at Chalmers / GU. Its main themes include: Probability Theory, Mathematical Physics, Operator Algebras and Harmonic and Functional Analysis.
Should you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to email one of the organizers Jakob Björnberg (jakobbj 'at', Simon Larson (larsons 'at' or Eduard Vilalta (vilalta 'at'
Instructions for invited speakers:
The seminar caters to a broad audience in analysis and probability. We thus urge speakers to make the first 10-15 minutes of the talk very introductory, aimed at first-year graduate students. The total time for the seminar is 50 minutes plus 10 minutes for questions.
Coming seminars
2025-03-11 at 13:15, MVL14
Fredrik Viklund (KTH) -- joint AP and KASS seminar
Free energy of planar Coulomb gases
Consider a logarithmic Coulomb gas constrained to a Jordan domain in the complex plane. How does the asymptotic expansion of the free energy depend on the geometry of the domain, as the number of particles tends to infinity? I will explain how this problem is related to the Grunsky operator -- a classical tool in complex analysis -- and how this in turn reveals a close connection to the Loewner energy and other interesting domain functionals. I will also discuss the analogous problem for a Jordan arc. This is based joint works with K. Courteaut (NYU) and K. Johansson (KTH).
2025-03-18 at 13:15, MVL14
David Jekel (Copenhagen)
Upgraded free independence relations for random unitaries
Voiculescu showed that independent Haar random unitaries $U_1^{(n)}$, $U_2^{(n)}$, \dots are almost surely asymptotically freely independent in the large-$n$ limit; thus, in particular, the normalized trace of any product $(U_{i_1}^{(n)})^{\pm 1} \dots (U_{i_k}^{(n)})^{\pm 1}$ of the $U_j^{(n)}$'s and their adjoints converges almost surely to zero unless the product reduces to the identity by cancellations, as a word in the free group. We show that the free independence relation passes from the $U_j^{(n)}$'s to other elements that commute with them. Namely, if $B_j^{(n)}$ is another random matrix such that $B_j^{(n)}$ and $U_j^{(n)}$ almost surely asymptotically commute as $n \to \infty$, then the elements $B_1^{(n)}$, $B_2^{(n)}$, \dots, are asymptotically freely independent. The proof is based on probabilistic/volume arguments akin to those in von Neumann's work on almost commuting matrices and Voiculescu's free entropy theory. We then describe how to formulate and generalize this result in the context of von Neumann algebras, using ultraproducts and free entropy theory. Our general result also recovers (important subcases) of the results of Houdayer and Ioana on approximate commutants in free products, and earlier results from my joint work with Hayes, Nelson, and Sinclair on maximal algebras with vanishing 1-bounded entropy in free products.
This is based on joint work with Srivatsav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli.
Prerequisites: Some knowledge of matrix algebras, operators on Hilbert space, and free groups
2025-03-25 at 13:15, MVL14
Sanaz Pooya (Potsdam)
2025-04-22 at 13:15, MVL14
Rostyslav Kozhan (Uppsala)
2025-04-29 at 13:15, MVL14
Kristin Courtney (SDU, Denmark)
2025-05-07 at 13:15, MVL14 -- note unusual day (Wednesday)
Lyudmila Turowska (Chalmers/GU)
2025-05-13 at 13:15, MVL14
Dragu Atanasiu (Borås)
The moment problem on compact sets of characters
Previous seminars
2024-01-23 at 13:15, MVL14
Ulrik Enstad (Oslo)
Classifiability of C*-algebras associated with point sets
2024-01-30 at 13:15, MVL14
Pieter Spaas (Copenhagen)
Local Hilbert-Schmidt stability
2024-02-07 at 13:15, MVL15 -- NOTE UNUSUAL DAY & PLACE
Lashi Bandara (Deakin University, Melbourne)
Trace, Regularity, Fredholmness: the story of non-compact boundary for first-order elliptic operators
2024-02-13 at 13:15, MVL14
Johan Wästlund (Chalmers/GU)
Billiards, Checkers, and Quadratic Reciprocity
2024-02-20 at 13:15, MVL14
Shrish Parmeshwar (Warwick, UK)
Global-in-time Vortex Configurations for the 2D Euler Equations
2024-02-27 at 13:15, MVL14
Eduard Vilalta (Chalmers/GU)
Nowhere scattered multiplier algebras
2024-03-05 at 13:15, MVL14
Are Austad (Syddansk Universitet, Odense)
Ideal intersection properties for group-graded Banach *-algebras
2024-03-12 at 13:15, MVL14
Peter Sjögren (Chalmers/GU)
Variation inequalities for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroup
2024-03-14 at 13:15, MVL14 -- NOTE UNUSUAL DAY (Thursday)
Erik Duse (KTH)
Generic ill-posedness of the energy-momentum equations in the vectorial calculus of variations
2024-03-20 at 13:15, MVL15 -- NOTE UNUSUAL DAY (Wednesday)
Tobias Weich (Paderborn)
Polyhedral bounds on the joint spectrum on higher rank locally symmetric spaces
2024-04-02 at 13:15, MVL14
Malin Palö Forsström (Chalmers/GU)
Poisson coverage processes
2024-04-10 at 13:15, MVL15 -- NOTE UNUSUAL DAY (Wednesday)
David Rule (Linköping)
Multilinear and Weighted Estimates for Oscillatory Integral Operators
2024-04-16 at 13:15, MVL14
Eric Ling (Copenhagen)
Rigidity aspects of Penrose's singularity theorem
2024-04-23 at 13:15, MVL14
Håkan Andreasson (Chalmers/GU)
Existence of a minimizer to the particle number-Casimir functional for the Einstein-Vlasov system
2024-04-30 at 13:15, MVL14
Robin van Haastrecht (Chalmers/GU)
Limit formulas for the trace of the functional calculus of quantum channels for $SU(2)$
2024-05-07 at 13:15, MVL14
Søren Fournais (Copenhagen)
On the ground state energy of the dilute Bose gas
2024-05-21 at 13:15, MVL14
Hedong Hou (Laboratoire de Mathématiques d'Orsay, Université Paris-Saclay)
Well-posedness for parabolic Cauchy problems with distributional initial data
2024-05-28 at 13:15, MVL14
Wojciech Szymanski (Syddansk Universitet)
Cuntz algebras and the Thompson groups
2024-05-28 at 15:15, MVL14 (EXTRA SEMINAR, UNUSUAL TIME)
Frank Thuijsman (Maastricht University)
Game Theory, from John von Neumann to Treatment of Cancer
2024-05-29 at 15:15, MVL14 (EXTRA SEMINAR, UNUSUAL TIME)
Alessandro Bravetti (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
From Fisher to Fisher: using Fisher information to understand Fisher's Fundamental Theorem of Natural Selection
2024-06-11 at 13:15, MVL14
Jorge Castillejos (UNAM, Cuernavaca)
2024-06-11 at 14:30, MVL14 (EXTRA SEMINAR, UNUSUAL TIME)
Mizanur Rahaman (ENS, Lyon)
Quantum Stein's Lemma and subalgebra entropies
2024-06-18 at 13:15, MVL14
Leif Arkeryd (Chalmers/GU)
On Boltzmann type equations with discrete velocities
2024-08-27 at 13:15, MVF23 (note unusual room)
Khalid Koufany (Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France)
A characterization of the $L^2$-range of the generalized spectral projections related to the Hodge-de Rham Laplacian
2024-09-10 at 13:15, MVL14
Hannes Thiel (Chalmers/GU)
Pure C*-algebras
2024-09-17 at 13:15, MVL14
Cécile Mailler (Bath, UK)
A two-table theorem for a disordered version of the Chinese restaurant process (CRP)
2024-09-19 at 13:15, MVL14 (extra seminar, unusual day)
Andreas Rosén (Chalmers / GU)
Coerciveness and Morrey inequalities for elliptic operators with natural boundary conditions via Weitzenböck identities
2024-09-24 at 13:15, MVL14
Jonathan Breuer (Hebrew University of Jerusalem / Mittag-Leffler)
Towards a Floquet Theory for Periodic Jacobi Matrices on Trees
2024-10-15 at 13:15, MVL14
Tomas Berggren (KTH)
Crystallization of the Aztec diamond
2024-10-22 at 13:15, MVL15 (note unusual room)
Emilie Elkiær (Oslo)
Symmetrized pseudofunction algebras from L^p-representations and amenability of locally compact groups
2024-11-05 at 13:15, MVL14
Alexander Müller-Hermes (Oslo)
Monogamy of entanglement in quantum theory and beyond
2024-11-07 at 13:15, MVL14 (extra seminar, unusual time)
Erik Broman (Chalmers/GU)
Phase transitions of semi-scale invariant Poissonian random fractals
2024-11-12 at 13:15, MVL14
Alistair Miller (SDU, Denmark)
Homology and K-theory for self-similar group actions
2024-11-19 at 13:15, MVL14
Terry Soo (UCL, UK)
Some variants of the Sinai factor theorem
2024-11-20 at 13:15, MVL15 -- NOTE UNUSUAL DAY (Wednesday) and room
Fatma Ayça Cetinkaya (Mersin University, Turkey)
NSBF Method for an Inverse Sturm--Liouville Problem
2024-11-26 at 13:15, MVL14
Mathias Palmstrøm (NTNU, Norway)
Rigidity of Lp-operator algebras associated with ample groupoids
2024-12-03 at 13:15, Euler (note unusual room)
Damian Osajda (Copenhagen)
Burnside groups and Kazhdan’s property (T)
2024-12-10 at 13:15, MVL14
Kaj Nyström (Uppsala)
Caloric Measure and Parabolic Uniform Rectifiability
2024-12-17 at 13:15, MVL14
Lorents Landgren (Chalmers/GU)
Identifying most reliable graphs
2024-12-20 at 10:00, MVL14
Lashi Bandara (Deakin University)
Geometric singularities and Hodge theory
2025-01-21 at 13:15, MVL14
Ulrik Thinggaard Hansen (Copenhagen)
Universality of the Large-Scale Geometry for Planar Critical Random-Cluster Models
2025-01-28 at 13:15, MVL14
Peter Sjögren (Chalmers/GU)
Variational inequalities for the Ornstein--Uhlenbeck semigroup in higher dimensions
2025-02-11 at 13:15, MVL14
Emilie Elkiær (Oslo)
Symmetrized pseudofunction algebras from L^p-representations and amenability of locally compact groups
2025-02-18 at 13:15, MVL14
Robin van Haastrecht (Chalmers/GU)
Wehrl-type inequalities for the holomorphic discrete series
2025-02-25 at 13:15, MVL14
Sascha Troscheit (Uppsala)
Fractal percolation, dimensions, connected components, and other recent progress
2025-03-04 at 13:15, MVL14
Mikhail Menshikov (Durham, UK)
Dynamics of finite and semi-infinite particle systems with exclusion interaction