in my case when I press Alt + 6 it shows logcat with no problem but when I click to dismiss it will disappear again and will not be pinned at the bottom so I pressed this little button on the bottom left of the screen then it worked. hope it will help somebody :)

If all of the above methods does not work then try the below mechanism. Sometimes, the android studio does not show logcat options because of the project you select is not an android project. If you want to debug an APK, create an empty android project then it will start showing the logcat option.

Logcat Android Studio

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I hope you have installed the required drivers for debugging android programs on your machine. If that is the case, when you run an application from android studio in an actual device, it will pop up a message asking to enable logcat. If you have disabled that option, then you can enable the logcat view from Window menu -> Show view -> Logcat. Next time when you run your application on actual device or in an emulator, you can see the logcat is active.

For the last two days the app I'm working on is showing up as [DEAD] in logcat and when I try to launch the app through the run button in Android Studio all seems fine, except the app never start and leaves no error message in Android Studio, except for [DEAD]. Any idea what this is?

From the left panel, expand "Android" and select "Logcat". Check if "Show logcat view if message priority is atleast:" is equal to "VERBOSE". If needed, select "VERBOSE" and apply.Now you can see your device events in LogCat.

Not a technical answer but you might want to check the search box for the logcat. If there is any character inputted, your logcat will be empty as it will be searching for that certain character or word, and then if its not present, your logcat log will be totally empty.

For me, the issue was that I had two emulators with the same name (I created it, deleted it, and then created it again with the same name). There were two emulator entries in the logcat dropdown and it was connected to the wrong one. All I had to do was switch to the other one. I prevented the problem permanently by renaming the emulator.

You are in "ALT 6" Tab, you see two tabs in there "ADB logs" and "Devices | logcat"

Devices | logcat really means that it consists of Devices AND logcat, split by a vertical border.

The vertical border can be moved and during an update it seems to have moved to 100% right.

This is on Android Studio 3.0.1 (stable) (I can't update it before finishing the current project)The issue occurred when I started Android studio in the morning to continue the work I left at night. I hope the devs will look into this. It was painstaking to try over 15 solutions from stackoverflow and still see no result. It's even irritating to reveal another solution for future victims of this issue.

When everything else didn't work, here's what I did. Since adb logcat worked nicely, I decided to rely on it. Running adb logcat -v color in the Android Studio's embedded terminal produced outputs similar to the normal logcat, and allowed code links to work too:

This may not be your issue, but I've found that when having multiple windows of Android Studio open, logcat is only directed to one of them, and not necessarily the one that's running an active application.

For example, Window 1 is where I'm developing a Tic-Tac-Toe app, and Window 2 is where I'm developing a weather app. If I run the weather app in debug mode, it's possible only Window 1 will be able to display logcat entries.

On the right side of tab "Devices logcat" there is the button "Show only Logcat from selected Process". Its not perfect, because everytime I run another process I need to push it again, but thats the only solution that works for me. So far...

In Android studio 0.8.0 you should enable ADB integration through Tools -> Android, before run your app. Then the log cat will work correctly. Notice that if you make ADB integration disabled while your app is running and again make it enable, then the log cat dosen't show anything unless you rebuild your project.

I checked the answer and only found my mistake accidentally while checking my logcat.Make sure the box on the right says "Show only selected application". Mine was showing "Firebase", so it showed me messages from Firebase.

For those who don't know, Android Studio Dolphin Canary 6 has introduced a new Logcat with features, such as better formatting, multiple logcat windows, and more. You can read about it in the changelog: -studio-dolphin-canary-6-now.html

The new formatter makes the logs look very clean. My only minor complaint here is that it's a bit cumbersome to change the width of the tag/package name columns. I would like to be able to change it from the logcat window itself (maybe have columns that you can drag to resize them, but I realize that this can be difficult to implement on a textbox)

Logging occasionally stops working (issue 229837322). One way to fix this is to temporarily view the logs for a different device (if you have more than one device connected), or kill adb. Unfortunately, the "Restart Logging" button isn't available in the new logcat.

The new filter textbox makes me feel less productive, and is the main reason I always select "Slightly Dissatisfied" every time Android Studio asks me what I think of the new logcat. Here are some of the issues I have with it:

With the old logcat, after I was done using the filter I would either press Ctrl-A and then Delete, or I would click the clear button on the textbox in order to get back to all the app's logs. Doing the same with the new logcat would cause me to also delete the package:mine filter.

When floating mode is selected (checked), the docking mode and pinned mode options disappear. simply uncheck the docking mode by right clicking on the logcat tab and click on floating mode and the logcat state will be back to docking mode.

Does anyone know if there a way to increase the size of the logcat history/buffer in Android Studio? I remember there was a way to do it in Eclipse and was hoping Android Studio had a similar setting.

In Android Electric Eel 2022.1.1 Patch 1 (with new logcat) any of older answers in here didn't worked for me... in settings -> Editor -> General -> Console I don't have "console cyclic buffer" option, instead I have "Console commands history size" which can take at most 1000 (bigger num after pressing Apply will be reduced to 1000) and thats not true, I do have more lines in output.. also setting idea.cycle.buffer.size to some high value, 0 or disabled didn't make any changes (yes, IDE was restarted few times)

I'm having a problem with my logcat since update 1.2 Beta for Android Studio. When I run my app it logs everything like it normally did, then I get at the point where my app crashes with the app saying: unfortunately, Game has stopped.

After a few seconds android closes that message. When that happens my logcat also gets fully cleared meaning that I barely get anytime to read the error. I did found some info about a buffer, but it seems that Android Studio doesn't have the option to increase it besides the fact that I doubt that being the problem.

My App was crashing and restarting. I also had some problems on reading the logcat to know what was happening. I then noticed that in the drop down menu, next to the Device dropdown it had something like "com.mypackage.myapp ('some number')" and when my app crashed there was another option that said "com.mypackage.myapp ('some number') [DEAD]". If you select the "Dead" option, it will show you the logcat of the previous instance.

Turns out there was a problem trying to connect to an emulator that had long since been disconnected, and it kept retrying. And every time it did, it reloaded everything causing logcat to refresh. So it wasn't REALLY scrolling, it just felt like it was because of how big the buffer is.

I recently installed Android Studio 3.1.3 on my laptop in order to start learning android/mobile development (I am still new to all of this). The LogCat option seems to be missing though (refer to images below)

Just in case anyone stumbles upon this as I did: If you are developing a react-native app, be sure that you import only the android folder of the project.If you import the whole project, then among other things, logcat is nowhere to be found!

Recently, the logcat on android studio has stopped showing anything at all. I don't mean a "Nothing To Show" message, it just won't show anything. I have tried restarting the logcat, clearing the cache, changing the filter settings, and using the command line with adb logcat. How should i fix this?

When I try to debug using android device in android studio Logcat shows nothing. But when I use emulator LogCat shows all the messages. How should view the Logcat messages when debugging on actual device?

A few hours later, after trying any method in Internet and not success, accidentally I found simple but strange solution that is Restart the phone. I restarted the phone while it was connecting to PC, and somehow the logcat showed all debug process in Logcat like normal.

My device is: Gsmart Classic, OS: Android OS, v5.1 (Lollipop). I met the problem when I updated the gradle build tool from '' to '' in Android Studio 2.0-preview. After trying all the solutions with no luck, I tried un applied all the instant run choices and re-apply it again. Then the logs show up.

I believe that the problem has various causes for different users. I experienced the same issue with logcat not displaying any information when my application crashed, and we all know how frustrating this can be.

The same thing started happening to me after I updated my Android Studio. After hours of frustration, I found out that clicking on the Filter dropdown menu on the right side of the logcat screen and clicking on No Filters, even if it's already set to No Filters, fixes the issue. I don't know if it will work in your case but you might as well give it a try if you haven't already. ff782bc1db

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