I was traveling to Kolkata by train and all of a sudden a group of people started yelling jai shri ram in unison out of the blue. I looked around and saw a Muslim man standing nearby. I shrugged it off as a coincidence. But next day the same thing, every time there was a Muslim person with visible signs of their religion, a group would yell this mantra with their fist in the air . I've never seen this happen before. What the hell is wrong with people? I'm not some sjw and I know that most Indians generally aren't sophisticated or educated enough to accept secularism, but is this not too much? I accept that our culture has always been stubborn and kinda regressive (by western standards at least) and I do not expect mutual tolerance and acceptance of differences from the average indian, but now it seems like all boundaries have been crossed. Has anyone had any similar experiences?

1. *Consistent Meditation Aid:* The repetitive nature of mantra chanting helps maintain focus during meditation, promoting a calm and centered state of mind.

2. *Stress Reduction:* The rhythmic sound of mantras can induce a meditative state, reducing stress and anxiety.

3. *Enhanced Concentration:* The auditory stimulus from the chanting box can assist in blocking external distractions, allowing for better concentration during meditation.

4. *Convenience:* Mantra boxes offer a portable and convenient way to incorporate meditation into various settings, promoting regular practice.

5. *Mindfulness:* The act of listening to and repeating mantras encourages mindfulness, helping individuals stay present in the moment.

6. *Sleep Aid:* Using a mantra box before bedtime can promote relaxation, potentially improving the quality of sleep.

7. *Spiritual Connection:* Mantra chanting is often associated with spiritual practices, providing a means for individuals to connect with their spiritual side and cultivate a sense of inner peace.

8. *Accessible for Beginners:* For those new to meditation, mantra chanting boxes offer a simple and accessible introduction to the practice.

Remember, the effectiveness of mantra chanting can vary from person to person, and it's important to choose a mantra that resonates with you personally.

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Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (IAST: Caitanya Mahprabhu; born Vishvambhar Mishra)[1] was a 15th-century Indian Hindu saint from Bengal who is considered to be the combined avatar of Radha and Krishna by his disciples and various scriptures.[2] Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's mode of worshipping Krishna with bhajan-kirtan and dance had a profound effect on Vaishnavism in Bengal. He was also the chief proponent of the Vedantic philosophy of Achintya Bheda Abheda Tattva. Mahaprabhu founded Gaudiya Vaishnavism (a.k.a. the Brahma-Madhva-Gaudiya Sampradaya). He expounded Bhakti yoga and popularized the chanting of the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra.[3] He composed the Shikshashtakam (eight devotional prayers).[4][5]

A number of stories also exist telling of Chaitanya's apparent attraction to the chanting and singing of Krishna's names from a very young age,[15] but largely this was perceived as being secondary to his interest in acquiring knowledge and studying Sanskrit. When travelling to Gaya to perform the rddha ceremony for his departed father, Chaitanya met his guru, the ascetic Ishvara Puri, from whom he received initiation with the Gopala Krishna mantra. This meeting was to mark a significant change in Chaitanya's outlook[16] and upon his return to Bengal the local Vaishnavas, headed by Advaita Acharya, were stunned at his external sudden 'change of heart' (from 'scholar' to 'devotee') and soon Chaitanya became the eminent leader of their Vaishnava group within Nadia.[citation needed]

After leaving Bengal and receiving entrance into the sannyasa order by Swami Kesava Bharati,[17] Chaitanya journeyed throughout the length and breadth of India for several years, chanting the divine names of Krishna constantly. At that time He travelled on foot covering a lot of places like Baranagar, Mahinagar, Atisara and, at last, Chhatrabhog. Chhatrabhog is the place where Goddess Ganga and Shiva met, then one hundred mouths of Ganga were visible from here. From the source of Vrindavana Dasa's Chaitanya Bhagavata, he bathed at Ambulinga Ghat of Chhatrabhog with intimate companions with great chorus-chanting (kirtan). After staying one night he set for Puri by boat with the help of Local Administrator Ram Chandra Khan. He spent the last 24 years of his life in Puri, Odisha,[18] the great temple city of Jagannath in the Radhakanta Math. The Gajapati king, Prataprudra Dev, regarded Chaitanya as Krishna's avatar and was an enthusiastic patron and devotee of Chaitanya's recitation (sankeertan) gatherings.[19] It was during these years that Chaitanya is believed by his followers to have sunk deep into various Divine-Love trances (samdhi) and performed pastimes of divine ecstasy (bhakti).[20]

In the Age of Kali, intelligent persons perform congregational chanting to worship the incarnation of Godhead who constantly sings the names of Ka. Although His complexion is not blackish, He is Ka Himself. He is accompanied by His associates, servants, weapons and confidential companions.

The Gayatri is a universal prayer enshrined in the Vedas. It is addressed to the Immanent and Transcendent Divine which has been given the name 'Savita,' meaning 'that from which all this is born.' The Gayatri may be considered as having three parts - (i) Adoration (ii) Meditation (iii) Prayer. First, the Divine is praised, then It is meditated upon in reverence and finally, an appeal is made to the Divine to awaken and strengthen the intellect, the discriminating faculty of man.

The Gayatri is considered as the essence of the Vedas. Veda means knowledge, and this prayer fosters and sharpens the knowledge-yielding faculty. As a matter of fact, the four core-declarations enshrined in the four Vedas are implied in this Gayatri mantra.

in 1943 and Sahitya Acharya (Master of History) from Calcutta Vidyapeet in 1943.

Even during his study period, Shree Maharajji revealed his divine state by conducting long sessions of devotional chanting, naam sankirtan called akhanda sankirtan (non-stop chanting) for days together. At times, they would even go on

Many have witnessed Shree Maharajji's continuous state of ecstatic divine chanting. Remaining deeply engrossed in the divine love of Radha Krishna, as though in a trance, he would reveal many states of bhav or devotional sentiments that would parallel and bring remini-scences

Meaning - the healing energy gets activated in the Manipura chakra by the chanting of this mantra. The mantra precisely prepares the solar plexus chakra to be able to handle the inflow of kundalini healing energy that gives the chakra its power.

This is not the first time when a student was reprimanded for chanting religious slogans in educational institution. In January, the Aligarh Muslim University suspended a student for chanting 'Allahu Akbar' near a flagpole with the tricolour on Republic Day outside the varsity campus.

Venky, a movie reviewer and IIT alumni, said it was "strongly condemnable" behavior by fans. "If you are chanting Jai Sri Ram to insult a player, you are not insulting the player but our God Ram as well," he said.

Sometimes you meet some people and you feel like talking to them. You get good vibes from them. Sometimes you meet people and you want to avoid them. Do you know why? The negative vibes around a person make them repulsive. Mantras turn around these negative, repulsive vibrations, into more positive and attractive vibrations. This is the advantage of mantra chanting.

Do you want to know why is it important to chant Om Namah Shivay and the benefits of this chanting mantra? Why is Om Namah Shivaya mantra chanting is considered one of the Most powerful chants? Know more about the significance of the Aum Namah Shivay chant.

Mantras bring you back to your source. Chanting or listening to mantras produce vibrations; positive, life uplifting energy, and are universal. Om Namah Shivaya is one of the most powerful mantras. Chanting this mantra builds the energy in your system and also clears the environment. People have been chanting this mantra for thousands of years.

Chanting Om Namah Shivaya helps us to master the five elements within us, leading the mind to silence. Silence leads to the experience of Shiva Tattva. In this way, everyone can access Shiva through this mantra. The chanting of this mantra unites the different koshas or layers of our being and elevates the qualities of Shiva within us. (There are 7 layers to our existence: ) It has the effect of quieting the mind and so is also a good way to prepare for meditation.

Our creation is that guru (Brahma-the force of creation); the duration of our lives is that guru (Vishnu-the force of preservation); our trials, tribulations, illnesses, calamities and the death of the body is that guru (devo Maheshwara-the force of destruction or transformation). There is a guru nearby (Guru Sakshat) and a guru that is beyond the beyond (param Brahma). I make my offering (tasmai) to the beautiful (shri) remover of my darkness, my ignorance; (Guru) it is to you I bow and lay down my life (namah).

Archanai is a special, personal, abbreviated puja done by our priests in which the name, birth star, and family lineage of a devotee are recited to invoke individual guidance and blessings. It also refers to chanting the names of the Deity, which is a central part of every puja. e24fc04721

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