Curriculum Vitae

Jaehyup Lee


Research Interests

International Publications

Sungpyo Kim, Jeonghyeok Do, Jaehyup Lee†, Munchurl Kim† 1

[Project page] [arXiv]

CVPR 2025, Accepted 

Woojin Lee*, Hyugjae Chang*, Jaeho Moon, Jaehyup Lee†, Munchurl Kim† 1

[Project page] [arXiv]

CVPR 2025, Accepted 

Jeonghyeok Do, Jaehyup Lee†, Munchurl Kim† 1

[Project page] [arXiv]

Under review.

Jaeho Moon*, Jeonghwan Yun*, Jaehyun Kim*, Jaehyup Lee†, Munchurl Kim† 1

[Project page] [arXiv]

Under review.

Jaehyup Lee, Hyun-ho Kim, Doochun Seo, and Munchurl Kim

In Proceedings of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters,  (GRSL), 2023,  DOI: 10.1109/LGRS.2023.3344804, IF: 5.343, JCR: 10.9%

Jaehyup Lee, Hyebin Cho, Doochun Seo, Hyun-ho Kim, Jaeheon Jeong, and Munchurl Kim

In Proceedings of the IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,  (TGRS), vol. 61, pp. 1-18, 2023, Art no. 5217118, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2023.3318980. IF: 8.2, JCR: 4.1%, 


Jaehyup Lee, Soomin Seo, Munchurl Kim

In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition  (CVPR), Oral Presentation, 2021. (Oral Paper Rate: 3%, Acceptance Rate: 23.6% 1660/7039)

[CVPR2021] [Supp] [GitHub] [Oral5mins] 

Soomin Seo, Jaeseok Choi, Jaehyup Lee,  Hyun-Ho Kim, Doochun Seo, Jaeheon Jeong, and Munchurl Kim

  in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 201199-201217, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3035802.

Yongwoo Kim, Jae-Seok Choi, Jaehyup Lee, Munchurl Kim

MultiMedia Modeling, 26th International Conference, MMM 2020, Daejeon, South Korea, January 5–8, 2020, Proceedings, Part II (pp.739-744)

Domestic Conferences

Jaehyup Lee,  Munchurl Kim

2019 the institute of electronics and information engineers Conference(ieie), 2019. 

Educational / Work History

"CNN-based PAN-Sharpening with Locally-Adaptive loss function" M.S. Thesis, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Research Project Experience

09.2018 – 12.2018    Deep Learning based Satellite Image Super-Resolution

funded by Institute for Information & Communications Technology Planning & Evaluation 

01.2019 – 12.2020    Deep Learning based Pan Sharpening

funded by Institute for Information & Communications Technology Planning & Evaluation

04.2020 – 09.2021      Deep Learning based SAR Object Detection

funded by Agency for Defense Development(ADD)

01.2021 – Present      Deep Learning based Single Image Colorization

funded by Institute for Information & Communications Technology Planning & Evaluation

01.2021 – Present      GAN-based Fully Automatic SAR-to-EO Translation

funded by Institute for Korea Aerospace Research Institute

Teaching Experience
